There is NOTHING like Israel daring to defend itself against Hamastan terror to show visceral BBC bias. Take THIS report on the murder of three people killed as rockets were randomly fired from Gaza struck into in the Israeli  town of Kiryat Malachi was hit.

It marks the first Israeli fatalities since Israel killed Hamas’ (sic) military chief in Gaza on Wednesday. Eleven Palestinians – mainly militants (sic) but also children (hint)- have been killed in the ensuing Israeli operation. Since then, more than 130 rockets have been fired into Israel, police say. (Not believe that stat BBC?)

Note the nauseating failure to call Hamas what they are – Jihad terrorists. Note the implication that the Jews want to kill children. No mention of the fact that Hamas use women and children as cover. No explanation of WHY Hamas have brought this upon themselves. The BBC equate the legitimate and forensic defensive actions of the IDF with the wicked random terrorism of Hamas.


Excellent piece by Melanie Phillips well worth a read if you have not already seen it….

“The BBC has expended considerable effort, not to mention a very large amount of licence fee-payers’ money, upon suppressing evidence of its biased reporting.

In 2004, prompted by persistent concerns about anti-Israel bias, a report was written by broadcasting executive Malcolm Balen on the BBC’s Middle East coverage. The BBC has spent more than a third of a million pounds resisting legal efforts to force it to publish this report, which remains secret to this day.

In a report published in 2007, the BBC claimed that the previous year it had held a ‘high level seminar’ on climate change attended by ‘some of the best scientific experts’. As a result, said this report, the BBC had

‘come to the view that the weight of evidence no longer justifies equal space being given to the opponents of the consensus [on anthropogenic climate change]’.

A member of the public, Tony Newbery, mounted a five year attempt under Freedom of Information law to force the BBC to divulge the names of the ‘scientific experts’ who had persuaded it into this astounding abandonment of objectivity in reporting on the issue of climate change.

The BBC spent thousands of pounds blocking Mr Newbery’s action, which finally failed last Friday, implacably refusing to make those names publicly available. Now we know why.

For an enterprising blogger, Maurizio Morabito, has uncovered the list of these 28 names through searching an internet cache on the website of the International Broadcasting Trust, which helped set up the seminar with the BBC.  This list shows that in fact only a tiny number of these secret participants were actually current scientists – and most or all of those were climate change alarmists, including the director of the Tyndall Centre which was at the eye of the infamous ‘Climategate’ email storm. The rest of them were activists or journalists.

So the BBC censored its journalism on climate change on the basis of a seminar of climate change partisans, zealots and assorted distinctly unauthoritative others, whom it wholly misleadingly described as some of the ‘best scientific experts’.  It then spent thousands of pounds of public money trying to conceal this fact on the spurious grounds — as with the Balen report – that journalistic processes had to remain private…”


I was just looking at the BBC News portal and for some odd reason they seem to have missed this story….

The number of people unemployed dropped to the lowest figure recorded for more than a year, it has been revealed. The jobless total dropped by 49,000 in the quarter to September to 2.51million – the lowest figure since the summer of 2011.  According to figures from the Office of National Statistics, the number of people in work increased by 100,000 in the latest quarter to just under 30 million  – a rise of more than half a million over the past year.

I know. It’s not a real story when UK unemployment drops and 500,000 people find new jobs. Over to Ed Balls for more details….


The arrogance is stunning. The BBC Trust cannot be trusted!

Failed director general George Entwistle’s ‘obscene’ £450,000 pay-off was signed off by a BBC Trust boss as she watched Strictly Come Dancing, it has been revealed.

Lord Patten telephoned his deputy Diana Coyle during the hit show on Saturday evening and they agreed that Entwistle should get double what he was entitled to if he did the ‘honourable’ thing and quit. After the £1.3m deal was done, which also included a £877,000 pension pot, Ms Coyle went back to watching dancers like Denise Van Outen, Fern Britton, Kimberley Walsh, Michael Vaughan and Louis Smith, the BBC Trust confirmed to MailOnline.

Why has Patten not been sacked!!


Worth a read from one of the last true Conservatives, Lord Tebbit;

“The resignation of George Entwistle should not be the end of the clean-up at the BBC. There has been more than one man involved in this affair.

It was bad enough for those of us who believe in the concept of public service broadcasting and who over the years have greatly admired much of the BBC’s output of music, drama, humour and factual scientific programmes to see how the Eurocentric Left-of-centre Guardianstas established and entrenched their monoply over its political and current affairs output.

Then, as Thatcher dominated the political scene and to the fury of those Guardianistas won not only the Falklands War to liberate the islanders from the fascist junta but three general elections, their lofty disdain for conservatives began to turn into something much nastier. It became a visceral loathing and determination to see off not only Thatcher and her friends, but to exact a revenge upon both them and her.”