Crikey, the site is buzzing and the Open Threads fill up before I have even a chance to look! Here’s another fresh one for you. I notice BBC are STILL droning on about Obama the Great and the nasty Tea Party….. at moment like this the BIAS just oozes out of them, any pretence of impartiality cast to the wind. Can you imagine how they will behave if Miliband gets into Downing Street?


The BBC has been to the fore in providing a platform to those such as the Milibands and Boris Johnson who advocate the neo-Marxist nonsense of “a living wage”. Boris was on Today this morning waffling about it and Miliband got plenty of coverage too. These Statists all line up bully business into buying out more so they can feel all good inside. Now then, my beef with the BBC on this is that it does not provide the same platform to those people who oppose this “Living Wage” oxymoron on the basis it will be the death of many UK businesses. From a Conservative point of view people may wonder at Johnson’s embrace of this example of latter day Marxism but then again, perhaps that is why the BBC tolerate Boris?


Notice the BBC are crusading for what THEY claim are “Stateless” children who come to the UK perfectly legally but then “fall through the cracks”. Gosh, they cannot even claim welfare or housing benefit. Strikes me that the BBC and those advocacy “charities” it links to in this article are playing a bit fast and loose with the facts here.I suggest that many of the alleged “Stateless” should not BE here in the first place and the BBC might do better to investigate how they got here and WHY they travel THOUSANDS of miles to reside in our country? Is the weather that so attracts them? Might they be just one more example of the Welfare Tourism that Labour bequeathed us?


Anyone else out there catch Andrew Marr’s “Start the Week” this morning? It was an appalling left-wing fest featuring former Irish President and UNophile Supremo Mary Robinson and Michael Ignatieff. We had the usual BBC endorsed mix of climate change advocacy, a bit of US bashing, a generous soupcon of Israeli bashing (Well, with Mary Robinson in the house what else do you expect?) and, of course, “human rights” evangelising. Oh, and mustn’t forget Ignatieff telling us how MUCH we need the State Broadcaster!!! What amused me was Marr’s obvious admiration for quite contrary Mary as she – and “the Elders” (Gotta love that ) travel round the world spreading their gospel of human rights and climate change..first class of course those BIG planes. Not even a hint of irony….




Anyone catch Andrew Marr’s “Obama; what happened to Hope?” elegy for President Narcissus on BBC2. Loved the casual demonisation of the Tea Party.  Had to laugh at Marr’s references to “the old magic” ……I can only hope that if Romney wins, grief councillors will be on hand for the distraught BBC.


Given the latest news, one wonder if the BBC will accept it has presided over a culture of sexual abuse?

Sexual misconduct complaints lodged with the BBC’s investigations unit now amount to allegations against almost 30 staff and presenters at the corporation, it was revealed today. The total of 29 past and present workers is more than triple the figure given by BBC director-general George Entwistle in evidence to MPs two weeks ago, when nine people were under investigation. The BBC said the number of complaints ‘will fluctuate both up and down as new allegations are made and investigated’. It is not yet known whether any complaints are linked to Jimmy Savile.


BBC radio DJ Liz Kershaw has been named as the woman alleged to have made threatening phone calls to a male colleague who committed suicide last month. Detectives last week launched an inquiry to help the coroner discover why Russell Joslin, 50, suffocated himself.  His family claim he was driven to his death after BBC bosses failed to take seriously allegations that he had been offended by a female colleague five years ago.