So, did the BBC cover up sex crimes allegedly carried out by Sir Jimmy Savile?

The BBC shelved a Newsnight investigation into allegations that Sir Jimmy Savile sexually abused a teenage girl in his dressing room at Television Centre, it has emerged. The woman claimed that the presenter molested her when she was 14 or 15 after inviting her to recordings of Clunk Click, his 1970s BBC family show.

Newsnight tracked down several other women who claimed that Savile used his role on the programme to groom and abuse teenage girls. Reporters on the current affairs programme were also told of claims that two other celebrities, both still alive, sexually abused girls at Television Centre in the 1970s. The BBC had hoped to broadcast the Newsnight report in December, two months after Savile’s death, but bosses ordered that the investigation be dropped. Instead, the corporation screened two tribute programmes celebrating Savile’s lengthy BBC career as presenter of Jim’ll Fix It and Top of the Pops, and also as a Radio 1 DJ.

How’s about THAT then?


A Biased BBC reader brings this to our attention…

“Take a listen to this: especially at 4.00 mins in.  Lyse Douchet says that Ahmadinejad is “quite uncontroversial…quite Messianic…” as if that’s quite OK.  Does she realise the apocalyptic views behind his “being Messianic”? (Hint – he wants to wipe the country where another Messiah hailed from “off the face” of the Earth) Just imagine if the Archbishop of Canterbury were PM and did the same thing?


I’ve received several emails from Biased BBC readers concerning this story – the BBC reporting of the sexual grooming of young white girls by men of “Pakistani origin” (aka Muslim)in Rochdale  It almost seems as if the BBC is determined to sanitise the link between Islam and predatory sexual activity. Everyone and everything is to blame, it seems, apart from that which propels these deviants – namely their faith system.


Should a serving British Prime Minister lower himself to the tack that is the Letterman show? I don’t really think so but obviously Cameron, that PR “expert”, thought otherwise. The BBC has been convulsing itself that the PM was ……gasp…. unable to identify the composer of Rule Britannia. Oh my, the shame of it. Further, just in case you needed a little extra prompting, scroll down the sub-heading “Not very popular” so you get the full thrust of BBC sentiment.