A Biased BBC reader was listening to the PM yesterday and has this to say..

“Towards the end of the PM programme we were promised they were going to talk about the census figures, which they admitted showed the biggest ever population increase (although still obviously a gross under count, no mention of the 1.4 million forms that weren’t returned). I guess the BBC thought they’d done their bit to show how unbiased they were with the bare facts, because then we are told, predictably, the unusual propaganda, this was caused firstly by us ‘living longer’,  secondly by our higher birthrate (no mention of the groups causing the higher than European average of course) and only lastly by immigration.

We were then read comments by three listeners, the first,the only anti immigration, was read in a silly slightly petulant voice, the second was rather interesting in that it was from some liberal hair shirter who was attempting to put the *moral* argument for Open Borders which nobody with an ounce of pragmatism in their bones can support, even the majority who take a soft hearted approach. The last was a second generation  immigrant who took the totally fallacious line of  presenting a synopsis of her mothers life as an example of the (rare?) ‘model citizen’ immigrant and then demanded that we shouldn’t have it in for  immigrants, falsely conflating personal dislike of immigrants with dislike of mass immigration and concerns about overpopulation.”

The demographics in the Census are explosive and the BBC has done everything to sanitise them and to make us feel warm and content that it will all work out well. It won’t, they are wrong but there will be no debate on it.


Oh joy. The Olympic Torch arrives in London and guess what, yes, someone tries to grab it whilst shouting Allahu Akhbar. Compare the BBC’s coverage here with this here. Almost as if they wanted to underplay the event…surely not.

By the way, I see Owen Jones is on Any Questions. He’s a guy you rarely see on the BBC….


Wonder what you think of the BBC’s coverage of the Ldn games? Where? Oh, just trying for consistency…

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev sent a letter to the Director of the BBC’s Bureau in Israel, Paul Danahar on Thursday after the BBC Sport page failed to identify Israel’s capital city as Jerusalem. Until Wednesday afternoon, the page offering information about the Palestinian Olympic team referred to its capital as ‘East Jerusalem’, but the equivalent page for Israel made no mention of a capital city at all. In the letter, Regev commented that he is “dismayed by the BBC’s decision to discriminate against Israel”.

I’m not dismayed. I expect this vile bias against Israel from the Palestinian loving hordes in Al Beeb. But it sicken me.


The BBC seem very excited about the recent event in Syria that took the lives of  three of Boy Bashar’s inner circle. The BBC is presenting this as a “bomb” attack but it was a human bomb attack – the preferred mechanism of the Jihadi. You may accuse me of being overly sensitive but the BBC seem to almost “admire” this grotesque act of terror. It is being plainlyy portrayed by them as moving Syria “to the endgame”.  Isn’t this encouraging further such events?

Then there is the question of what lies at the end of  the endgame. Just as in other instances of the “Arab Spring” the conflict is being presented by the BBC as being between the forces of oppression (Assad) and Liberation.  But WHO are the “liberators”? Does the fact they favour suicide bombers provide a clue and if so, why does the BBC seem so reluctant to probe deeper? I have no time for the thug Assad but the BBC has a duty to at least be honest about those seeking to remove him from power.


I was listening to the BBC report on yesterday in the Lords on Today. It was tucked away around 6.45am but what struck me was the incredible pro-Labour spin the report. Combined with the sneering tones of the presenter, there was little in this report to suggest balance. It’s all part of the pro-Miliband riff that the BBC is playing and it is 24/7.


Given the events in Bulgaria and BBC non coverage so far, I can just about bring myself to make you aware of this programme “Great British Islam” on BBC 1 tonight…

“As Ramadan approaches, this documentary tells the little-known story of three English gentlemen who embraced Islam at a time when to be a Muslim was to be seen to be a traitor to your country. Through personal journeys of still surviving relatives, the programme looks at their achievements and how their legacy lives on today”

It says a lot.


The jihad against smokers was only the beginning. Next came the assault on those who enjoy drinking alcohol.  Today we see that those who do not exercise are now  in the cross-hairs.

A lack of exercise is now causing as many deaths as smoking across the world, a study suggests. The report, published in the Lancet to coincide with the build-up to the Olympics, estimates that about a third of adults are not doing enough physical activity, causing 5.3m deaths a year. That equates to about one in 10 deaths from diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and breast and colon cancer. Researchers said the problem was now so bad it should be treated as a pandemic.

This is the sort of nonsense from the left wing Lancet that the BBC so enjoys repeating. Relax though, the State (and it’s broadcaster) will soon be working out how much exercise you must take. Not sure how they will apply this to the bloated chavs that so concern Owen Jones and the rest of the political left?