A Biased BBC reader was listening to the PM yesterday and has this to say..
“Towards the end of the PM programme we were promised they were going to talk about the census figures, which they admitted showed the biggest ever population increase (although still obviously a gross under count, no mention of the 1.4 million forms that weren’t returned). I guess the BBC thought they’d done their bit to show how unbiased they were with the bare facts, because then we are told, predictably, the unusual propaganda, this was caused firstly by us ‘living longer’, secondly by our higher birthrate (no mention of the groups causing the higher than European average of course) and only lastly by immigration.
We were then read comments by three listeners, the first,the only anti immigration, was read in a silly slightly petulant voice, the second was rather interesting in that it was from some liberal hair shirter who was attempting to put the *moral* argument for Open Borders which nobody with an ounce of pragmatism in their bones can support, even the majority who take a soft hearted approach. The last was a second generation immigrant who took the totally fallacious line of presenting a synopsis of her mothers life as an example of the (rare?) ‘model citizen’ immigrant and then demanded that we shouldn’t have it in for immigrants, falsely conflating personal dislike of immigrants with dislike of mass immigration and concerns about overpopulation.”
The demographics in the Census are explosive and the BBC has done everything to sanitise them and to make us feel warm and content that it will all work out well. It won’t, they are wrong but there will be no debate on it.