Delingpole on good form here…

“The BBC has nothing whatsoever to do with the free market. Nor – I’d wager – do most of those 148 BBC stars channeling their earnings through private companies to avoid tax. With the possible exceptions of Jeremy Clarkson (and frankly even he’s a bit politically suspect what with his rampant brown-nosing of the Cameron set) and Andrew Neil, small-government, free-market, low-tax types just don’t get a look-in at the Beeb.

“Why isn’t the government doing more to solve this problem?” On any given subject, this is the BBC’s default position. Indeed, one of the reasons our state sector is now so bloated (and ruinously expensive) is because for decades our national broadcaster, with its compulsory licence fee and quasi-monopolistic stranglehold over television and radio, has been propagandising on its behalf. Of all the organisations that have contributed to Britain’s economic and political decline, there is probably none that has done quite so much insidious and long-term damage as the BBC.

If – as its stars’ tax arrangements suggest – the BBC is now tentatively embracing the free market then I applaud its good sense. Perhaps we can now do our bit to helping it in this direction by scrapping the licence fee.”


You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at the irony;

“A presenter on the BBC consumer affairs show Rogue Traders has been jailed for 12 weeks for benefit fraud totalling more than £24,000. Dan Penteado, 40, from Bournemouth, admitted eight offences of dishonestly or knowingly claiming housing and council tax benefits.”


I’m currently writing an essay on the impact that Muslim immigration and birth rates are having on UK demographics. Surfing across the web, I came across a site that seeks to “debunk” the “myth” that Europe is being Islamified. Can you guess where it is? Yes – the BBC magazine, Allah’s little helper. Do give what they have to say a read. I think the sort of mindset that can produce this dhimmified nonsense is the reason so much of their current affairs coverage is warped out of all shape.


The BBC sees immigration as an unequivocal and unmitigated good thing and a Biased BBC reader picks up on an item on Today @ 7,52am

 “The Today Prog was at it again his morning.  This time the bias was that old favourite – pro immigration. I couldn’t believe one contributor said that immigration was a good thing because it brought in people of working age to support our pensions. Do we really need more workers when we have 3 million unemployed ? What about the fact that most are low-skilled ? What about their elderly and younger relatives ? And the demand they bring on resources – NHS: education: etc.. and they themselves will bring later as they reach old age. ? It was stated that the birth-rate in the UK is much higher than that in Germany and elsewhere without mentioning that this was due to the high number of births in the ethnic minorities. None of these negative points were mentioned by the pc presenter.  (Surprise ?) As to the destruction of  our traditional civil society  and  English culture – well they never ever mention that, do they?”


I see the BBC was covering the issue of a German Court banning circumcision on Today this morning. It seems Angela Merkel is unhappy with this decision and the entire item was slated in terms of how Jewish people feel about it and the relationship between the German State and Jews. Towards the end of the item, the BBC added that Muslims were also opposed to the idea and were “united” with Jews in seeking to overturn this decision. It strikes me that perhaps the BBC could have added that Germany has some 4 MILLION Muslims and 120,000 Jews. I suspect the concerns Merkel holds are more driven by the views of the 4 million than the 120,000. A little context always helps.


The Today programme can always be relied on to enrage those of us who demand impartial reporting. A Biased BBC reader was listening on Monday 16th July and what he heard provoked this response;

“Firstly there was a piece from a WPC who has conducted a survey into allegedly low morale of women police officers for the ‘Independent Police Commission’. Then an interview with the Commission’s Chairman, Lord Stephens. Not a mention of the fact that this ‘Commission’ is in fact a Labour Party front. Any innocent listener would have assumed it was a pukka Government enquiry.

Secondly, a discussion between two dudes at the Hyde Park Concert on how unreasonable it was for the organisers to have switched off Paul McCartney and Bruce Springsteen when they went over time. No recognition of the fact that a lot of people live around Hyde Park.  Also, using a clip from Boris condemning the switch off when the Mayor had nothing to do with it, it was a requirement of the licensing authority which was the City of Westminster. Such ignorance by Today researchers”


Here’s YET another report of an alleged instance of child grooming by “men”;

 “Ten men have been arrested by police on suspicion of committing serious sexual offences following raids across the Bradford district. The arrests were made as part of an ongoing investigation by West Yorkshire Police, which is believed to be linked to sexual grooming. The men, who were arrested when police swooped on Wednesday, have been released on bail pending further inquiries. The investigation is thought to relate to alleged offences against a 14-year-old Keighley girl.”

The BBC seems to have overlooked this one. I wonder why?


You could not have turned on the BBC yesterday morning without hearing Elton John pushing his new book on Aids. I like Elton John, I enjoy his music and he has led an interesting life. However the BBC fawned over his every word on one of their favourite themes – the homosexual lifestyle. No challenges were issued. Instead we heard Elton talk about his wish to become a father again. We also heard him talk about the intolerance people show towards Aids victims and if you tuned into Thought for the Day today Ann Atkins was on trying to draw ananlogies between Elton and Christ. Only on the BBC.


Well, the BBC has some interesting coverage of SNP plans to legislate for “gay marriage” in Scotland. I was entertained by the way the BBC breathlessly informs us about the “rainbow” coalition that supports Salmond and co on this one. Yes, those folks at Amnesty, The Pagan Society, the Unison – ALL support the idea that gay people should have “the right” to a religious based marriage ceremony.  It tells us that “some”  some big religious groups are against the idea of redefining marriage – I’m wondering which religious groups favour abolishing marriage? The BBC also skirts round the essential issue of what happens from a legal perspective if this law is introduced and then a Church refuses to facilitate a gay couple wanting a Church service. I wonder why? The BBC relentlessly shills for the abolition of marriage and its replacement by this new radical arrangement, designed to appease Stonewall and other extreme activists.