If you visit the BBC Home news portal, it’s just one anti-Trump story after another. The hysteria from the BBC is a joy to behold. They cannot bring themselves to accept that all he is doing s enacting the will of those who ELECTED him. So instead they use every possible angle to undermine him. What a bunch of deplorables they are.


The BBC coverage of Brexit is dire. They still can’t handle the fact we voted OUT  and so they desperately hang on to any lifeline to keep their EU hopes alive. Take the way they cover this story…

Leaders of the devolved governments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are to press for a greater role in Brexit negotiations when they hold talks with Theresa May in Cardiff. The Scottish and Welsh governments have produced plans that would allow them to keep full access to the single market. However, they say they have not seen any signs that the UK government is taking their proposals seriously.

Gosh – and WHY might that be, BBC?

Do you think it is because the UK voted to LEAVE the Single Market, the Customs Union and indeed every other facet of the EU. The delusionalists in Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast may wish reality to be different but it isn’t. Yet the BBC does all it can to keep these delusional regional tinpot third rate politicians happy by bigging up their ludicrous agenda.


Further to Alan’s post below, the BBC are in full on “Muslim victimhood” mongering mode. This morning, the utterly DIRE Today programme, was out to try and link together several stories.

First of all, they had Trump “rowing” back on his “Muslim Ban.”  In fact neither has happened. The detail in the legislation brought forward by the President makes it clear that this is a temporary travel restriction on people from seven specific countries. It does not apply to DOZENS of other Muslim countries. But the BBC is hellbent to see Islamophobia everywhere. Secondly, they went on to talk about the Petition to Ban the US President from the US. This bit driven on-line hissy fit is pathetic but the BBC treat it as if it had credence. And then, as the coup de grace, the BBC announces the murders in the Quebec mosque – a “terrorist” attack. The sly insinuation is that Trump is stoking up SUCH hatred against Muslims that some nutters have taken it upon themselves to kill Muslims. However, it is emerging that at least one of the two suspects is…Moroccan. There are reports of them shouting “Allahu Akhbar” as they conducted the attack. There is a clear possibility that this is internecine Muslim killing, but that is contra to the BBC narrative.

The best laugh of there morning was the BBC reporting breathlessly on the need to crack down on “fake news” when they are a prime purveyor of such.

No shame, no balance and beyond salvation. Axe the license tax,