Well then, EU-phoria rules at the BBC this morning as they celebrate the “decisive” victory by their poster garcon Hollande in France last evening. Hard to know where to start but Evan Davis was in Paris and seemed almost giddy with excitement as the new red France era dawns. Did you hear him?

The funniest moment for me was when they wheeled on Peter Mandelson who was  suggesting that the UK should now join the Eurozone (Well, Peter does have to work so hard  for his generous pension provision from Brussels, you know) and that the markets would not over-react to Comrade Hollande’s victory. The BBC then reported, stony-faced, that the Euro has fallen to a three and a half year low against the British Pound. Vive le difference!

Another key line the BBC have been parroting is that Hollande represents hope for Europe and a new policy of “growth”. When they try to analyse this “growth” strategy it comes down to more State spending – the reason WHY we have a crisis in the Eurozone in the first instance but since the BBC is fervently pro the EU it glosses over this crucial fact as if it were a detail, instead of a massive elephant in the room!

A final cracking moment came in an interview with a French financial executive. Davis jokily introduced the item by asking her if she and her colleagues were thinking of moving to London as a consequence of Hollande’s tax plans. She responded that they had already all moved to London and she was the last one in Paris! Not what our Evan was looking for!


Biased BBC’s Alan observes;


‘Have I Got News For You’ loads the dice by having Jeremy Clarkson host the show…..easy meat for Hislop and Merton when Murdoch has just been villified by people with no vested interests what so ever.

Clarkson as well as being a columnist for the Murdoch (Boo Hiss) Sun is also one of the notorious ‘Chipping Norton Set’ renowned for eating babies and hunting down members of the public for sport whilst riding Rebecca Wade’s horses that she stole from the Met Police’s Community Riding Facility for Disadvantaged Toerags. (In a way that’s not a joke…..Cue one unemployed family with a son who is a ‘slow learner’. The council pays them £300/month to spend on anything they like that will ‘improve’ the boy’s life……they own 5, count ’em, five, horses.)

The programme admittedly was v. funny and Clarkson the butt of the jokes regarding his closeness to all things Murdoch…..he took it all very well….even Merton’s poe-faced disapproval of his association with Murdoch & Co.

Fourteen minutes in we get a reference the anti-aircraft rockets place on a block of flats in London and to Brian Whelan, once a  journalist himself and now a Yahoo editor and concerned citizen. Whelan says he is opposed to the missiles as they make his home a target for terrorists.

However he was the one that immediately tweeted their location to the world and is milking the situation for every penny with appearances on most of the media including the Sunday Times….and is selling the rights to the photos…if you want some contact:
Brian Whelan ‏ @brianwhelanhack
Photoset: Missiles appear on the roof. Email for publication/syndication rights ©
He is now being evicted from his flat for breaching his lease agreement but it’s OK, a Hooman rights lawyer has seen his dilemma and come to his rescue…..and his sister has defended his honour after Jeremy Clarkson called him a ‘Twat’. Whelan is now pretty obsessed with ‘exposing’ the EDL and all things Right Wing. Expect to hear more from him on the BBC who no doubt will be in touch.

I think it is a fair comment that this week’s HIGNFY was a ‘Murdoch Special’ and set up to allow as much comment as possible….Hislop is no friend of News International and nor is Merton…..Nancy Dell’Olio is  a Sun columnist (fashion) but hardly speaks a known version of English and Clarkson is a genial orangutan who is not going to take too much umbrage or defend Murdoch overly much.  If only Murdoch had a sister like Brian Whelan’s who would leap to his defence in a flurry of outraged blog he might have a coherent and strong defence


A B-BBC reader observes;

London Mayor:


Boris wins ‘by tight margin’

(51.5% vs 48.5%)

French President:


Hollande has won ‘a clear victory’

(51.7% vs 48.3%)

An impartial observer might note that the percentages are practically identical. But for the BBC? when a socialist loses, it’s ‘tight’; when a socialist wins, it’s ‘clear’. Ho hum.


Biased BBC’s Alan notes that out of the mouths of babes and Guardian journalists comes this:

‘….the Mail, improbably, goes on to claim that if Labour succeeds in driving Murdoch out of business, “the public would be left with a barren media world dominated by the state-subsidised BBC and the Guardian.” I’m tempted to say: “I wish.” But I wouldn’t want that to happen either.’

No…Of course not.

The Guardian’s Michael White oozing praise for Tom Watson and revealing his deepest, innermost wish….a world in which only the Guardian and the BBC provide us with the News.


“When Gordon Brown announced his war against Murdoch he could never have dreamed he would be so successful…but when you have the world’s most powerful news organisation on your side along with a craven Tory PM ready to hand them the head of Rupert Murdoch to save his own I guess it might have always been a forgone conclusion.”


Excellent article by Robin Shepherd here! He exposes some more visceral anti-Israel bias from the State Broadcaster.

“It was another one of those do-I-laugh-or-do-I-cry moments as I came across the latest piece of flagrant anti-Israeli propagandaon the BBC‘s website.

It started off badly enough with the headline — UN “appalled“ by Israel treatment of hunger strikers. Sorry, that’s just not a story. The UN is always “appalled“ by something to do with the Jewish state, and that’s because its members are overwhelmingly in thrall to an obsessive anti-Zionist bigotry which appears to know no bounds.

So, it was clear from the outset that this was going to be something of a gratuitous hatchet job. Then again this is the BBC, so no surprises there. But even I have to admit to having been surprised about just how gratuitous it was going to be. Here are the first two paragraphs from Yolande Knell’s story:

“A UN expert has said he is appalled by the “continuing human rights violations in Israeli prisons”, as Palestinian inmates continue a mass hunger strike.

“Special Rapporteur Robert [sic] Falk said Israel had to treat hunger strikers in line with international standards.“

Do visit The Commentator and read the whole article, excellent work, from Robin.