Guest post here from a B-BBC reader..

“The BBC – and the whole MSM – can’t help but create a total paradox when it comes to the representation of Islam.

When an Islamic terrorist attacks, the line is quickly wheeled out that jihadists do not represent the clear majority of Muslims. This may well be true but there are plenty of surveys that a small (but significant) number of Muslims do support or sympathise with such attacks.
So, the BBC finds it abhorrent that the plebs in the street should assume that the actions of a minority represent the total (at least when it comes to protected social groups). It is funny then we read “Berlin lorry attack: Muslim community holds vigil for victims”.
See, so this group must represent the majority of Muslims then?
Well, the Beeb does a nice bit of “kitman” of lying by omission. The “Muslim community” in this case is…you guessed it, the Ahmadiyya community.
Ahmadiyya are, of course, relatively progressive within the spectrum of Islam and seem to be some of the most engaged and respectful. Yet they only represent an estimated one per cent of the entire Muslim community. In fairness, the BBC has historically pointed out that Ahmadiyya Muslims called for peace after Nice, launched Remembrance Day poppy appeals and have been persecuted by Sunni and Shia branches for being blasphemers.
Even so, while a clear minority the BBC choses not to mention that most of the Muslim community, including the mainstream branches, despise them. Perhaps they can look at what they wrote in 2010 about their struggles for more info.
So Jihadists are not representative yet the other extreme one per cent IS representative of the other 99 per cent? A sect started 1889? Jesus WAS crucified AND rose again? Mohammed was not the final messanger of Allah but we can look at Mirza Ghulam Ahmad instead? The vast majority of Muslims believe this to be heresy but that doesn’t matter, the Ahmadiyya represents Islam.
It is lazy and insincere for the BBC to exclude the context, history and explanation of the Ahmadiyya and portray them as the mainstream just because that one per cent fits their ideal (and largely untrue) image of Islam. Just the other 99 per cent to convince…”


Well then, I am just back from a 10 day break in Miami and the media contrast could not be greater. Over there, I watched FOX News and shared in the sense of National excitement as President Elect Trump prepares to make America great again. The misery gut sore losers at CNN, ABC, MSNBC etc are all too busy having a temper tantrum and blaming the Russians for the catastrophic Clinton loss, not worth watching. Meanwhile Fox backed the winner and Fox is winning. Compare that to the UK. The BBC opposed Brexit and continues to do everything to push any arrangement that is NOT Brexit. Disturbingly, I think this suits Theresa May and her “transitional Brexit” sell out. The BBC drains the life out of Brexit, May acts as the undertaker, and the people are denied. The power of the BBC is so dangerous and this is best seen from afar.


A B-BBC reader writes…
“We all recall the BBC and the rest of the MSM ghoulish exploitation of the murder of Jo Cox to further their own political agenda. The conflation with Brexit, hate crime and white supremacism to tar millions of people as racist bigots was just too appealing to ignore at the expense of the poor woman’s ghastly murder.
So when I heard that a man had been arrested trying to stab people on a train in London, whilst shouting “he wanted to kill Muslims”, I expected a similar narrative to emerge. However, it hasn’t been forthcoming. The news was carried on BBC London’s Bulletin last night – with no mention of the M word – while the BBC website article is tucked way, way, way down.
This was strange as surely it was a blatant example of Islamaphobic hate crime (and probably the closest you could get to a real one). Yet the BBC report is sterile and straight.
“A 38-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm and remains in police custody. Train services were temporarily stopped on the line. Police said they were not treating the attack as terrorism, but as a hate crime.”
But hate crime is all the rage at the moment? It must be yet another indication of the post-Brexit backlash against minorities?
“Shellby Curry, 24, from Forest Hill, said she saw a man “waving what looked to be a knife in his hand” near the station and screaming words like “Muslims… kill them all”. She described the attacker as a black man with short hair, who she thought appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s.”
The attacker was black.

Continue reading


Well, it FINALLY happened. That ancient tyrant, Fidel Castro, finally died. And HAVEN’T the comrades at the BBC gone into mourning for their fallen hero? All that is missing is the solemn music on the hour and the mandatory black armbands. I thought this was the quote of the day but of course you would never see it on the BBC…

“When I die, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like Fidel Castro, not screaming in terror, like his victims.”

Instead they turn their fire on President Elect Trump because HE said this;
