I have to admit I am listening less and less to the BBC for the simple reason it is simply an echo chamber for sore loser Remainers. In the past few days it has been assiduously pumping out the anti-Brexit doom and gloom from the pro Remain OBR and IFS. It managed to shovel THREE Remain MPs on Question Time last night – and as for the South London audience…!!!  It has amplified the outrageous pro Remain demands of Tony Blair and John Major and at every turn seeks to subvert the will of those 17.4m who voted to Leave. Each day is the same. It resents that the majority who voted did not do what it wanted and like a wounded animal it is increasingly dangerous!


I’m going to be on holidays from Monday 28th Nov returning Thursday 8th December and that means no blogging! However, I have set up all the necessary Open Threads which I know you all engage with very well. I would like to also invite those of you who want to open up on a particular issue to put together a short post on it and send it to the site contact email and I will ensure these get published for you. All you need do is advise if you want attribution or not and hey bingo, you’re in print and helping to keep the site rocking and rolling whilst I …erm…sunbathe!

How and Why I ditched the BBC TV Licence…

Biased BBC reader and writer David Sedgwick has an interesting post here that I commend to you. Give it a read and say hello to him please!


“Well I finally did it, after months – nay years of prevarication – I’ve finally gone and dumped the BBC. And it feels good, very, very good. I can only describe the feeling as that of when, after years of giving second, third and fourth chances, you finally rid yourself of that toxic girl/boyfriend.”



The site received this email and I am sure the author would like me to share. He is The typos and grammar are not mine, btw 🙂

“So now that it has been established beyond a shadow of a doubt that Thomas Mair was ‘politically’ motivated, and the full details of her horrendous murder made clear. Along with his refusal to give evidence.

Are you going to apologise for your and your ‘audiences’ grostesque comments back when it happened?

Ive rarely seen people so despicable and so willing to try and justify and cover up their prejudices.

Its clear on some level you are deeply ashamed of yourself, elst you wouldnt be justifying it, but that you dont have the moral courage to admit it.

However awhile along when the history of this era is assesed your website and the record of your bigotry will be accounted for.

Shame on you, you utterly revolt me.”


A Biased BBC reader writes..
“I like the BBC’s attempts to brainwash our children; it is a fun as it is fascist. All their ideological indoctrination is fantastically exposed in this video about re-educating children over the “sexist” Cinderella. 
After receiving a beginner’s guide to political correctness, patriarchy and sexism, the kids are tasked with rewriting Cinderella. The end result? Well, it is pretty much the same story of servitude and relying on a man to rescue her but they: 
·         Rename “Cinderella” as “Cindy”;
·         Remove the Fairy Godmother (not sure if that counts as vile sexist, matriarch that she is);
·         Change a glass slipper to a trainer;
·         She doesn’t marry the prince but goes exploring the world instead.
Perhaps this next generation is not beyond saving…”


A Biased BBC reader writes…

“We hear that Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has withdrawn a bill that pardons men convicted of sex with underage girls if they have married them.  There were lots of protests across Turkey which, in fairness, has been one of the more progressive Muslim-dominated societies (they even banned the burqa, which I guess makes them Islamaphobes).

As per usual, the BBC skips around and deliberately ignores the Islam angle, suggesting instead this is some weird quirk of Turkish culture. They even soften the horror by using sinister terms such as “statutory rape” rather than “rape” to imply that these children are all somehow consensual (imagine if they used that term with Jimmy Savile) in the process and “taking child brides”, making it sound almost romantic. “I married a 12-year old girl; she just really gets me on an emotional level…”

You will notice that the article has no mention of the history and rationale for this abhorrent practice of child rape and marriage. Where does it come from and why? The Beeb, of course, won’t tell us because it exposes the truth about the founder of Islam. To ironically misquote a popular acronym, WWMD? 

Muhammed married his child bride Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage/raped her when she was nine. And he is meant to be the perfect human. This is the reason behind the proposed legislation – and many like it – but the BBC ignores that, mainly because it is probably just bigoted hate-speech (aka the truth).. 

I am glad to see al-Beeb is now expanding and fine-tuning its knowledge of lies and misinformation under sharia. We are used to their Taqiyya (the blatant lies) and now are seeing them learn the more refined aspects, such as Kitman techniques (lying by omission) as well as Tawriya (intentionally creating a false impression)”

As the Qur’an says to believe in the Gospel, perhaps John 8.44 is worth quoting: “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”


A Biased BBC reader writes;

“The truth. The BBC seems to hate it. Look at this story about “An extremist in the family”, which will pull on the heartstrings of those feeling sorry for the poor, delicate radical wannabe Islamic terrorists out there waging war, raping, torturing and butchering for fun.
We hear from Nicola Benyahia, painting her son who has gone off to Syria to be pure and angelic, all with a blasé, matter of fact approach to dumping your life and going off to fight for IS. As if to normalise the most deplorable of acts and point fingers at everyone else. Trawling through the puff piece, we here that:
“Nicola had been caught up in the so-called “Trojan Horse” allegations in Birmingham schools whereby it was alleged there had been attempts by some Muslim governors and teachers to impose an austere Islamic ethos on students….Nicola was a governor at one of the schools in the spotlight and says she stuck it out, despite her concerns, because she had wanted a progressive Muslim female voice to be heard.”
That’s interesting. Perhaps I will do what I am sure the BBC hack did; a quick Google search for “Nicola Benyahia”…
According to the BBC, back in 2014 “the board of trustees at the centre of the alleged “Trojan Horse” Muslim takeover plot has resigned”.
“Park View Educational Trust chairman Tahir Alam said the decision had been made in the interests of the children.The trust has been in the spotlight since allegations emerged about hardline Muslims trying to extend their influence in schools. It ran Park View Academy, Nansen Primary and Golden Hillock schools in Birmingham…A statement from the trust said three new members, mutually agreed with the Department for Education, would be appointed to replace Mr Alam, Dave Hughes and Nicola Benyahia.”
Right, so the BBC is misreporting its own bloody stories. Let’s go back to today’s story: “Nicola was a governor at one of the schools in the spotlight and says she stuck it out, despite her concerns, because she had wanted a progressive Muslim female voice to be heard.”
Caught up? Stuck it out? Her concerns?
No, no and no! The BBC said she resigned and blamed the whole Trojan Horse scandal on someone else. Now, she is some “progressive Muslim female voice”. What? Now we have this woman, who has resigned after the school in which she was a governor of was caught up in a plan to radicalise children, two years later opining about how it could be possible that her own child was radicalise without a jot of irony, consistency or honesty.
Obviously her “progressive Muslim female voice” didn’t carry much sway with either the school or with her own son.

Whatever. Let’s just blame the PREVENT programme instead…’