Excellent satire here!

BBC Children in Need raised a record £46.6m after the show unexpectedly featured actual children. Details surrounding this year’s charity event were unclear following the BBC’s ongoing coverage of the ‘child’ migrant crisis. Viewers were unsure if the BBC’s definition of children still meant ‘children, children’ or if it had been updated to mean 6ft tall 30-somethings who smoke roll-ups.

This is via The Codpiece, a friend of Biased BBC. Give their Facebook page a like please as an encouragement.


With apologies to the Ramones for the title of this piece, I wanted to draw your attention to more FAKE NEWS put out by the BBC today. First this….

Donald Trump has nominated his close conservative ally Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general. How interesting, let’s see what the BBC tells us about him…

Mr Sessions, a former prosecutor, was turned down for a federal judgeship in 1986 because of alleged racist remarks. Conservative Republican Mike Pompeo has been nominated as CIA director and retired Lt-Gen Michael Flynn has been appointed national security adviser.

And what else does the BBC throw into the mix?

Mr Trump’s latest picks were praised on Twitter by David Duke, former leader of the white supremacist KKK group.

Listen, BBC, your cringeworthy race-baiting doesn’t work anymore. For the past year you have thrown endless mud at President Elect Trump and it didn’t work. He still won. And what YOU have to do is stop the pathetic bleating and KKK references and all the rest of your childish attempts to smear the man who will shortly occupy the White House.


A Biased BBC reader contributes..

“Children see ‘worrying’ amount of hate speech online, squeals the BBC. Our children are being bombarded with online putrid anger directed at people based on their gender, religion, disability, sexuality and gender identity.
The only trouble is that, according to the stats, they ain’t! Ofcom says that 62 per cent of children have, er, never seen hate speech online thus totally discrediting the Beeb’s agenda. This is impressive, considering all the trolls and hatemongers out there. In fact, factoring in the 27 per cent that “sometimes” see hate speech and the four per cent who don’t know, just seven per cent of children regularly see hate speech and 93 per cent don’t.
Total and shameless bias and misreporting to push the victim narrative. The Beeb can’t even bring itself to report the facts; most children polled have NEVER seen hate speech online as it flies in the face of their fairytale of an evil, hate-filled, facsist Britain.
Also, notice the hate speech question: “In the past year, have you seen anything hateful on the internet that has been directed at a particular group of people, based on, for instance, their gender, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity?”
These kids can’t be reading the BBC regularly as otherwise their answer would have been a resounding “yes” at the volume of hate speech against people based on gender (men), religion (non-Muslims), disability (anyone not disabled), sexuality (heterosexual) or gender identity (so-called “cisgender”)?” Combine all of the identities and you have the most wicked, wretched and warped sub-human scum on the planet…the average white man.”


The BBC milked this story for all it has been worth as part of its nauseating “The Government doesn’t know what to do about Brexit”…..and then this arrived later in the day

Downing Street has “wholeheartedly” rejected comments in a memorandum leaked to the press describing cabinet “divisions” over Brexit.

The document, compiled by consultancy firm Deloitte and obtained by the Times newspaper, says Whitehall is working on 500 Brexit-related projects and could need 30,000 extra staff. But the prime minister’s spokeswoman said the work had been “unsolicited”. And Deloitte said there had been no “access” to Number 10 for the report. No “input from any other government departments” had been received, the company added.

And then I should remind you of this...

David Sproul, Deloitte’s UK chief executive, is in favour of the UK remaining part of the European Union, while the rest of the Big Four keep their cards close to their chest

Deloitte – one more embittered Remain organisation being used by the BBC in pursuance of its Remain agenda.

Will they EVER stop weeping?


A Biased BBC reader writes…

“The News at Ten carried a rather gratuitous and grizzly feature last night where Ian Pannell prances around with the drug cartels, ghoulishly watching people inject heroin and dishevelled child drug mules, to show what an amazing journalist he is. The images of squalor, desperation, jacking up and overdosing were framed against Donald Trump’s “build a wall” policy.  

We know that, for the BBC, exposure to facts and genuine information does not matter anymore. If you can stomach the vulgarity and exploitation of the report – and if only the BBC could look beyond its bias and rhetoric – then facts and genuine information would suggest that improved border security – like a wall – is vital to stop the spread a heroin plague sweeping America, leaving countless people dead in its wake. 

Shame then that the BBC has spent the last 18 months stating that “build a wall” policy is vile and racist, born from hate speech and intolerance.  I wonder what would have happened if they ran this report when Trump announced the policy…”


Seen this delight? The BBC hates the fact that this country is STILL at least a nominally Christian country and it is out to use our TV license tax to do something about it.

 The BBC will reportedly increase its coverage of more religions and could broadcast Muslim Friday prayers after critics moaned coverage is biased towards Christianity.

Lord Hall of Birkenhead, head of the taxpayer-funded corporation, is reportedly inviting religious leaders to join discussions about multi-faith coverage.

Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain said the BBC could cover Friday prayers from a mosque, cover Eid, or children attending Koranic lessons.

The controversial move is in response to criticism the taxpayer-funded corporation delivered a disproportionate amount of programming on Christianity compared with other religions.

Can we expect the Friday Call to prayer to boom out of our Radio care of the BBC? How long before we have Hijab clad BBC presenters providing the ‘news” it spews out?