Had to laugh at the punchline from this!

“BBC’s coverage of the OWS protests is now 24 hour….and very friendly and amenable it all sounds:
‘Up All Night went to St Paul’s Cathedral in London meets the anti-capitalists protestors. ‘
The BBC happy to provide a platform for the protestors to have a free, unopposed rant….though they will only ‘resist peaceably’….passive resistance like Ghandi or Martin Luther King according to the BBC presenter.  Some light relief from someone who shall remain nameless…. 

BBC: ‘Who am I speaking to?’
Protestor: ‘You are speaking to me, I’m an entity commonly known as Dom….I don’t have a name…coz that’s part of why I’m here…we’re being enslaved and put into a prison without bars by the legal and monetary systems…society is controlling people by fear…not consent.’


It’s all in the angle taken. Biased BBC contributor Alan observes:

“When Gaddafi’s convoy was hit by NATO aircraft all news reports took similar line… was a military convoy trying to escape the NTC troops…even the BBC reported this:
Nato aircraft on Thursday morning struck two pro-Gaddafi military vehicles in the vicinity of Sirte, a spokesman said. “At approximately 08:30 local time (GMT+2) today, Nato aircraft struck two pro-Gaddafi forces military vehicles which were part of a larger group manoeuvring in the vicinity of Sirte,” Nato spokesman Colonel Roland Lavoie said in a statement.
The UK’s Ministry of Defence said …”It was targeted on the basis that this was the last of the pro-Gaddafi forces fleeing Sirte,” .’

Reuters reported this:–nato
Air strike hit 11 vehicles in Gaddafi convoy -NATO
21 Oct 2011 12:55
Source: reuters // Reuters
‘NATO aircraft struck 11 pro-Gaddafi military vehicles that were part of a larger group of approximately 75 vehicles manoeuvring near Sirte, the NATO statement said.
“These armed vehicles were leaving Sirte at high speed and were attempting to force their way around the outskirts of the city,” the statement said.
“The vehicles were carrying a substantial amount of weapons and ammunition posing a significant threat to the local civilian population. The convoy was engaged by a NATO aircraft to reduce the threat.” ‘

or the Telegraph’s reporter on the ground with the NTC in Sirte:

Why then did 5Live continually broadcast the words of Rear Admiral Chris Parry who stated that ‘
NATO has some questions to answer, the convoy wasn’t threatening anybody and ostensibly this was an attack on civilians.’
18:00 5Live News: 21 Oct
Why did the BBC 5Live push a line that this might have been a war crime against civilians when itself had earlier reported this was a military convoy? A fine disregard for the facts in the pursuit of an exciting storyline or one that continues their own narrative…. ie all war is bad and the Western Forces are essentially war criminals killing people for oil contracts.

Is it responsible journalism to report anything anyone says regardless of what the facts are…wouldn’t a little cross checking before the story is headlined be in order? Only a couple of days ago the BBC were castigating the Americans for not co-ordinating information reporting between different intelligence agencies. How is it that the world’s ‘finest’ news broadcaster is unable to ensure up to date information is passed to all its own news teams and co-ordinate and sustain a single line of reporting on a story?

The answer might be of course that it does air whatever it wants to whether or not it is true either to get an ‘exciting’ new slant on a story or to push its own anti-war narrative.”


Nice to see that austerity has not quite reached the shores of the BBC;

“BBC fatcats have splashed out thousands of pounds of licence-payers’ cash on nearly 100 leaving parties at exclusive restaurants and bars. 

Staff, including many top executives, spent £70,000 on alcohol and lavish parties despite a pledge to cut more than 20 per cent off the corporation’s entire budget. 

The figure includes £20,403 on staff leaving parties at top London venues. 

On top of that, executives blew £48,000 last year on beer, wine and spirits at award ceremonies, parties and power lunches, which amounts to a weekly alcohol bill of nearly £1,000.  Information released by the BBC shows that on one occasion, £581 was spent on a party for only 17 people at the swanky Paradise gastro-pub in Notting Hill, London.  

BBC bosses also sanctioned £600 on a leaving do at The Clarendon in Holland Park and another £600 at Iskele, an exclusive Turkish restaurant in central London. Another £595 was spent on a night out at the Stinging Nettle pub near TV Centre in London’s White City and executives splashed out £550 at LVPO, a fashionable cocktail bar in Soho.”

Cheers and doubles all round – here’s to the unique style of funding!


I’ll admit I have very little sympathy for those prelates at St.Paul’s who chose to welcome the anarcho-communist rabble whilst sending the police away but who NOW think Swampy and co need to clear off. However I recommend you give THIS BBC interview a whirl. It is perfectly clear where John Humphyrs sympathies lie. I just love the way that the protestors against reality “General Assembly” line is lapped up by the BBC, suggesting that these layabouts against capitalism are in some way democrats. By way of a refreshing contrast, try this by Cranmer. 


“Power without responsibility – the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages”.  Why Baldwin could have been talking about the State Broadcaster. Or the SNP.

Post World War Two the remnants of burnt out Europe were allowed to build up their socialist Nirvana (Now RIP) because the United States bore the heavy lifting of funding the DEFENCE of it’s borders. The modern European Nanny State was able to prosper because it got away without having to attend to the primary function of any real State namely securing the defence of its citizens. The Great Satan did that for them – and was loudly condemned for doing so. Fast forward to the SNP conference this weekend being trailed on the BBC for several days this week and in particular the way the BBC has treated Salmond’s Plan B – namely the UK can pay for the defence of Scotland, whilst the SNP can take care of all internal issues care of that lovely Barnett formula. Not ONCE has any BBC interviewer thought it appropriate to ask Mr Salmond on what basis he thinks it right and proper that Scotland should not be paying for the defence of Scotland? Salmond’s economic delusions north of the border get a free pass from the BBC.


This item was brought to my attention by Biased BBC reader Lawrence; The BBC stands accused of overstaffing as protestors pull out of Dale Farm;

While the number of activists dwindled, the BBC still had six satellite crews, a handful of local correspondents and a team of documentary makers on the six acre site. They even had their own caravan within the compound to provide accommodation and refreshment for the 30 or so staff working on the story. 

Yesterday Don Foster, Liberal Democrats culture spokesman, said: “That is ludicrous over staffing and hardly good way to get public sympathy for the 20 per cent budget cuts facing the BBC.” 

The BBC’s renting of the caravan even led to some light ribbing from their rivals at ITV, who boasted they were making do with a tent. Damon Green, the ITV News Correspondent, tweeted: “We have a tent, the BBC have a caravan at DaleFarm. Delivering Quality First“.

Yes, but the REASON the BBC felt inclined to have so MANY people there is that it was clearly on the side of the law-breakers, those “travellers” determined to remain static.


I’m not a fan of Rangers but they seem prepared to tackle the BBC …

“Rangers owner Craig Whyte has said he will take legal action over a BBC documentary which carried allegations of criminality in his past dealings. The documentary heard from a government agency that he controlled a company despite being banned as a director.
The programme, Rangers: The Inside Story, was shown on Thursday night. A spokesman for Mr Whyte said he “strenuously refutes” the “unfounded and defamatory allegations” allegations aired in the programme. In a statement, the spokesman said: “Craig Whyte strenuously refutes these unfounded and defamatory allegations and has instructed his lawyers, Carter Ruck, to commence immediate legal proceedings against the BBC. Any repetition of these false accusations will also be met with legal action.”

In response, a spokesman for BBC Scotland said: “We stand by the investigation which was produced according to our rigorous editorial standards on fairness, accuracy and impartiality.”

You have to laugh…..


Today provided a forum for complete nutter Danny Glover to expound his odd views, this morning. (8.23am)

Actor Danny Glover has co-produced a documentary about the black power struggle of the 60s and 70s in the United States. Nicola Stanbridge speaks to him about the parallels he sees with the current protest movement.

Is this the same Mr Glover who concluded the earthquake in Haiti was a “response” for “what we did at the climate summit in Copenhagen.”? Is this the same Mr Glover who accused President Bush of being a “racist”? Is this the same Mr Glover who now calls the #Occupy rabble “warriors”? Yes indeed, and he was given free rein to claim that there is a direct comparison between those who supported Martin Luther King Jnr and those who defecate on Police cars in Lower Manhattan. Only the BBC would allow this moonbat the space and time to indulge his febrile imaginations WITHOUT a dissenting voice being available to contest his claims.


It’s been a tricky time for the eco-wacko global warming cultists what with Mother Earth not doing what they demand, but I see that the BBC has managed to find a way to fight back with the exultant headline “Global Warming – “Confirmed”. I see our good friend on Biased BBC Richard Black is behind this advocacy on behalf of the Berkeley Earth Project. Lest you doubt the veracity, read this from Richard, right up there in the third sentence in case you missed it;

The project received funds from sources that back organisations lobbying against action on climate change.

Global Warming – proven. LOL – poor old Richard, desperate to sustain the cult and his BBC masters keen to provide him with a pulpit.