Well then, Diane James has quit as UKIP leader and the BBC are relishing the situation. Their delight is obvious and whilst I accept this is a wholly self-inflicted own goal from an imploding UKIP, just think back to how the BBC casually smooths over the chasms in Labour whilst desperately, oh so desperately, seeking to find any in the Conservative Party! UKIP has been a particular target for BBC hatred over recent years and they were always going to put the boot in when something like this happens.


A Biased BBC reader writes…

“A 98 per cent vote in favour of a referendum? That’s a landslide. Alas, for the BBC in its coverage of Hungary’s vote to decline the EU’s plan of handing them hundreds of Muslim migrants, the low turnout (43 per cent) “appeared to render it [the vote] invalid”.

Yes, like Brexit, the results have to be questioned. However, unlike the 48-52 per cent Brexit margin that was deemed too narrow to respect the will of the people, this time the narrative shifts to the “validity” of the vote as only 43 per cent of the Hungarian electorate voted. Apparently, this is short of the 50 per cent required to be “valid”.

Valid? We all know if the Brexit vote went the other way there would be no calls for a second referendum. We all know if Hungary voted 98 per cent on a turnout of 43 per cent to accept the migrants there would be no snide questions about the vote being valid.

How do we know?

Well, Katya Adler mentions in passing President Viktor Orban, who led a “prominent, expensive and relentless anti-EU and anti-migrant referendum campaign but failed to persuade most Hungarians to vote.” In fairness, she does point out that a higher percentage of Hungarians voted against EU migrant quotas than voted for EU membership 13 years ago.

A higher percentage of Hungarians voted against EU migrant quotas than voted for EU membership 13 years ago? Interesting.

I looked up that referendum and it was 84% pro on a 46% turn out. So surely a 46 per cent turnout means that the referendum result, and by dint Hungary’s membership of the EU, is also not valid as it didn’t pass the 50 per cent threshold?

As we know, the Beeb (and the EU) doesn’t work like that. As with this migrant vote and Brexit, when they make every attempt to undermine the outcome if the vote goes against them, when the outcome goes in their favour, questions of legitimacy and democracy are disregarded and the status quo agenda can be renewed.

Take a look at the BBC coverage of the 2003 vote.

“There has been widespread support both within the European Union and in countries due to join it, for Hungary’s overwhelming vote in favour of accession to the EU. Nearly 84% of those who took part in Saturday’s referendum backed the Hungarian political parties’ pro-Europe stand – but only 46% turned out to vote…

In the end, the only thing that mattered was that the Yes vote should be at least one-quarter of the electorate. That requirement was comfortably exceeded with the vote in favour at 38%….An overwhelming vote in favour was widely expected. With the result a foregone conclusion, the silent majority simply decided it was not worth their while to turn up and vote for – or against – accession.”


The BBC likes nothing better than any propagandist story that urges the UK to take more of the denizens of the Calais Jungle. Such reports are always given the kid gloves treatment as is the case with this one.

Calais camp: Unicef urges UK to transfer refugee children

At no point does the BBC ask why the UK would want to give “sanctuary” to those already afforded such by France. Nor does it deal with the almost certainty that once they get these “children” here, the rest of the family will then claim a right to be with them so exponentially increasing numbers.

To add their own twist to the emotional blackmail being deployed by Unicef, the BBC throw in Raheemullah’s story.


Andrew Neil is my favourite BBC political presenter. He is usually fair and even handed and he is one of the “talent” that deserves his salary. So that made last night’s BBC THIS WEEK opening item on the US Presidential race all the more disappointing. Neil invited the openly partisan “financial guru” Alvin Hall  to provide the commentary and the gist was that Trump is ..yawns — appealing to angry racists and “has no plan” for being President. A discreet veil was drawn across the deplorable Clinton track record. The BBC want Clinton to win just as they wanted us to vote to Remain in the EU, just like they wanted a hung Parliament in 2015. So far the people have denied them their will and I sincerely hope that in November the BBC will be confounded with the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the successful election of Donald Trump. Andrew Neil should be ashamed of himself for playing along with the “nudge nudge wink wink” race baiting that was broadcast last night.


They move so effortlessly from Labour into the BBC. 

Former Labour culture secretary James Purnell has been chosen as the BBC’s new director of radio in a ‘highly unusual’ appointment say Conservative MPs. Replacing the incumbent Helen Boaden, Purnell is set to be unveiled as the next radio chief on Friday.

So we can look forward to the already horrifically biased BBC radio deepening its bias under the gaze of the former Labour Culture Secretary.  This is why I believe the BBC is way beyond the point of any possible reform. It extorts cash from us and then uses these billions to deploy those with an OBVIOUS political bias to direct its output. Labour and the BBC….



The BBC is running stories sympathetic to transexuals on a virtually daily basis.

“When lifelong Republican Jennifer Williams arrived at the party’s National Convention in Cleveland this summer, she felt nervous. Although she was excited to be an honorary delegate for New Jersey, she was worried about how others would respond to her.

She had attended many political events before this, including both of President George W Bush’s inaugurations, but this was to be her first party convention – and one of the first political gatherings she would attend as Jennifer.

As the sole transgender delegate at the event, so far as she could tell, she knew there was a possibility some would not welcome her with open arms.

“I was wary of my surroundings” she says.  “But I did allow myself extra time to find a less crowded bathroom whenever I could and always made sure to confidently smile and chat.”

This elevation of these poor mentally conflicted people is now a daily part of the BBC agenda.