One year on from the manipulated photographs of the drowned Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, opened up the gates of Europe to unlimited muslim immigration, the luvvies are out agitating for the UK to allow in 400 more “refugee children” from the Calais Jungle. The BBC reports;

Celebrities including Juliet Stevenson and Vanessa Redgrave, religious leaders and local politicians will gather outside the Home Office later to urge ministers to immediately bring over hundreds of children stranded in the sprawling migrant camp. There are 800 unaccompanied children among some 7,000 refugees living in the camp, according to the campaign group Citizens UK.

The BBC provided these luvvies with an elevated platform from which they can lecture the rest of us. Naturally no tough questions are ever asked of them and the cringing virtue signalling goes unchallenged. Last year the BBC played a central role in helping bring about Islamifying Europe by pushing the Kurdi story for all it was worth so that millions came in and a year on they are still at it. France is a first world country – no one in the so-called Calais Jungle has any right to asylum in the UK. But the BBC will do all it can to continue to undermine this, and us.



The BBC eventually decided to (albeit briefly) report on this story this morning.

The British public want to ban Muslim women from wearing the Islamic veil or burqa by an overwhelming margin of more than two-to-one, a poll has found. Research by YouGov found a huge proportion of the public had no qualms about telling women what to wear, with 57 per cent in favour of a ban and just 25 per cent against.

As someone who has been on the BBC debating this issue, I can assure you the BBC holds dear to supporting the right of Muslims to wear their political garb where and when they want. If you reflect the views of the majority of British people on this issue, as I do, the BBC will bully and set you you up for a fall. The sneering BBC liberal intelligentsia can think of nothing more liberating for a woman to be dressed as a shroud. Aren’t they revolting?


I’m on Talk Radio tomorrow morning just after 9am chatting to Paul Ross about this item.

People who only watch BBC shows on catchup will be legally required to have a TV licence from 1 September, when new legislation to close the so-called “iPlayer loophole” comes into force. Though the vast majority of households own a TV licence, those without one who only watch catch-up content and not live broadcasts were technically exempt from paying the £145 a year charge. The government had promised to close the loophole, which already costs the BBCabout £150m a year and is likely to increase, during negotiations last summer that also saw the corporation agree to shoulder the £750m burden of free licence fees for the over-75s.

Wonder what your thoughts are? I can understand why the BBC want to close the loophole on a commercial basis and that seems fair to me. But the actual License Tax is the problem. It MAY or MAY NOT be seen as good value but it is not a choice. What say you?


BBC in positively gushing mode this morning. Why?

About 6,500 migrants have been rescued off Libya, the Italian coastguard says, in one of the biggest operations of its kind to date. Some 40 co-ordinated rescue missions took place about 20km (12 miles) off the Libyan town of Sabratha, it added. Video footage shows migrants, said to be from Eritrea and Somalia, cheering and some swimming to rescue vessels, while others carried babies aboard.

How delightful and also how considerate of the BBC not to bother pointing out that Somalis and Eritreans have been busy adding NOTHING to European economies since those boats started coming. Apart from casual stabbings etc.


I suppose it is just way too tempting for the BBC. They INSTANTLY pile on this report, with all kinds of race hustlers on the 10 news  -including some very chip on their shoulder Notting Hill “Carnival” types queuing up to inform us that Black and Etnic Minoritiess are …the most discriminated people ever in the history of the universe.

Prime Minister Theresa May has ordered a review into how ethnic minorities and white working class people are treated by public services such as the NHS, schools, police and the courts. The audit is aimed at highlighting racial and socio-economic disparities and showing how outcomes differ due to background, class, gender and income. The prime minister said the findings would “shine a light on injustices”. A recent report found racial inequality remained “entrenched” in Britain.

I was hoping May would order an inquiry to find out why so much crime in London is committed by Black people but thus far, nothing.


A B-BBC reader notes…

“Following on from your latest post I decided to check out the Newsround website. Clicking on the ‘most popular’ section I found every one of the top 5 articles relates to Muslims. Every single one. This is worrying. Either children are taking a very active interest in all things Muslim or the bbc are manipulating the ‘most read’ section to suit their agenda.

Scary stuff either way.”
