I was on BBC London a few days ago to “debate” the story concerning Oxford City Council seeking to potentially erase “Mr, Mrs and Miss” (which could offends transgenders of gay people, allegedly) and replace it with Mx. Failing that, this Council might follow Brighton Council and simply add “Mx” as the gender identifier for those who aren’t happy with Mr, Mrs, Miss. I tried to point out this sort of navel gazing is one reason why Labour are unelectable as a Government, and secondly that this sort of neo-Marxism alteration of gender is abhorrent and an assault on the family unit. Well, it went down like a lead balloon. I had a transgender person on the debate and whilst he/she was fine, I was subjected to constant interruption and hostility by the interviewer, Eddie Nestor, whereas he/she was given the soft soap treatment. Strikes me that the BBC instantly sympathises with the tiny minority of people with sexual identity problems and rather than accept they have a form of mental illness, it wants the rest of us to change our ways and “Mx” it up.


islam-640x480Breibart here echoes something I tweeted earlier today.

“The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) – a public broadcaster funded by a “TV licence” fee forced on UK television owners – has declared that resistance to Shariah law is “Islamophobic”. According to a news clip, BBC online coverage, and the comments of its reporter Catrin Nye, a man called “Paul” approached a BBC film crew while recording an interview with Islam campaigner Ruqaiya Haris. Ms. Haris, a Muslim activist and student at the School of Oriental and African Studies, is told by Paul, “There’s no Sharia law here”. Her and Ms. Nye’s reactions to the statement made freely in a public place are nothing short of hysterical.

In essence, the BBC thinks it “Islamophobic” to oppose Sharia Law in the UK and will tarnish the reputation of anyone who dares say otherwise. It’s another reason why the BBC is such a danger. It shills for a dark ages ideology.


Two stories, both linked to Brexit. Guess which one the BBC leads with and which one the BBC completely ignores?

UK to avoid recession and world economy to ‘stabilise’ as Brexit shock passes

Ethnic minorities face ‘entrenched’ racial inequality – watchdog

Naturally, the later race baiting from the Orwellian “Equalities and Human Rights Commission” makes the media running, with the claim from this quango that Britain’s Black and Ethnic Minorities have suffered terrible “hate crime” post Brexit. Strikes me that the BBC relishes the idea that Britain’s white working class community is deeply racist and will use any excuse to persecute ethnic minorities. The truth is we are far too tolerant in respect of unelected unrepresentative quangos out to sow race hatred. The BBC just cannot accept that we voted to BREXIT because we thought it best for the Nation and so they choose to exaggerate unwelcome economic news to talk our economy down and, as in this case, hype race baiting by professional grievance mongers.


The BBC can’t help it, they are still weeping post Brexit tears and continue to seize on everything and anything to do the UK economy down. UK inflation rose by 0.1% yesterday and the BBC were all over it, explaining the ominous portents.

Rising fuel prices helped to push the UK’s inflation rate higher last month, according to official figures. The annual inflation rate as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose to 0.6% in July from 0.5% in June, the Office for National Statistics said.


I’m guessing BBC’s Mark Easton must be feeling low this morning with the news that vile Islamist Anjem Choudary is behind bars. Remember how Easton lionised Choudary last year?

Following a lengthy report on BBC News at Ten about Choudary’s ‘radicalising force’, Mark Easton appeared to question whether there were similarities between Britain’s most famous extremist and two of history’s greatest civil rights campaigners. Referring to Theresa May’s pledge to clamp down on extremism, the journalist said Gandhi and Mandela had been seen as extremists and that those stances ‘are sometimes needed to challenge very establish values’.

Effortlessly proselytising for radical Islam from the safe distance of a license tax funded Cappuccino.


Busy morning for the comrades on the TODAY programme on BBC Radio 4. Even before 7am we were treated to a sneering assault on Donald Trump’s speech on protecting the US from radical Islamists, we were afforded mockery of the idea that Boris Johnson is “running the country” with Theresa May on holiday, and finally those reliable stooges at the Resolution Foundation were brought on to dampen the idea that limitless cheap european immigration might suppress wages. No matter how you cut it, each day on the Today programme is the same. It’s one prolonged license tax funded sneer at anything and everyone outside their little narrow Islington tent.


You can almost hear BBC hearts a beating at the prospect of a “Gotcha moment” when they reported this news this morning.

An imam and his assistant were shot dead as they walked along a street in the New York borough of Queens. The men were approached from behind by a man who shot them both in the head, a police spokesman said. Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, moved to the city from Bangladesh two years ago, US media reported. Some mosque-goers said they believed it was a hate crime but police said there was as yet no evidence that the men were targeted because of their faith.

I would have thought ALL murder was by definition “hate crime” but that’s not the point. You just KNOW that all those at the BBC were desperate that this would be a cut and dried case of Islamophobia leading to the death of these two men. Then, the NYPD released this image of a man said to have .. coughs … “a medium complexion”..

