The BBC’s coverage of the disruption of access to Heathrow Airport today by a bunch of narcissistic thugs from the ludicrous #BlackLivesMatter group has been cloying. Read this. Across in the States, this advocacy group has encouraged people to kill Police Officers. Maybe that gives the BBC some sort of perverse thrill from the idea that such thuggery based around race could take a grip in the UK? In a civilised world, ALL Lives matter, but when it comes to grievance mongering on behalf of a section of black activists here in the UK who are perpetually offended the BBC is in a league of its own.


From first thing yesterday, the UK media in general, and the BBC in particular, were out to sanitise the frenzied knifing rampage by a Somalian immigrant in central London. It appears the MET have unforeseen powers of psychiatric evaluation, and the BBC instantly grabbed and ran with the “mental illness” distraction. Then, it turns it the killer was “a Norwegian of Somali origin” … namely a Somalian who had gotten himself a Norwegian passport. Now we hear he was bullied at school. The next of kin must feel so comforted to see the craven BBC, and other media outlets, do everything possible to sanitise the killing spree in Russell Square.


Hi all! Just to let you know we hope to launch a Biased BBC Facebook page shortly. One of the issues lies around banner design. Are there any website design experts reading this that could help us freshen up this site? If you think you can help drop me a mail!


Well the BBC have been exultantly pushing this one today;

The High Court has told the NHS in England it can fund a drug that can prevent HIV – after health bosses argued it was not their responsibility. NHS England previously said councils should provide the pre-exposure prophylaxis (Prep) drug as they are in charge of preventative health. This stance was successfully challenged by the National Aids Trust (NAT).

The elephant in the BBC room is, of course, the reckless sexual behaviour by a section of gay men who use the NAT to lobby to ensure the taxpayer funds their dangerous lifestyle. The BBC always takes the side of gay adventurists and this is no different in my view.


I wonder why the BBC thinks it can influence the outcome of the US Presidential race? It wasn’t able to influence the outcome of the Brexit debate, despite best efforts. It’s currently doing a CNN style assault on Donald Trump. This may delight those in the upper echelons of the BBC but I doubt it will change the minds of any floating US voters. Whilst the BBC has discarded any notion of impartiality as regards Clinton vs Trump it still is arrogant enough to assume it matters. I have news for it. It doesn’t.