An enraged Biased BBC reader sent me this regarding the BBC Radio 4 Today programme this morning;

27/7/16 BBC Today programme. Discussing the murder of Father Jacques Hamel.

“John Humphries played back a recorded interview he did with a French philosopher who blamed Israel for creating the motivation for the cowardly murder. Humphries had editorial discretion on airing this pre-recorded interview and by his doing so reinforced the deliberate political correctness narrative of ‘terrorists are the victims’. Never once in 10 minutes of his broadcast did Humphries mention the word Islam let alone its teachings as a motivator of the murders. [Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”]

Humphries went onto challenge, in the same interview, a French government minister about the banning of face coverings in public places in France as being in part responsible for the terrorism.

The BBC yet again is putting our lives in danger with their left wing denial of terrorist cause and motivation.”

I agree with this entirely. The BBC are pushing the bizarre narrative that when Hollande “declared war on Islamic extremism” he has triggered Islamic extremism. Only the BBC could find this a logical conclusion but then again, and as I repeatedly point out, they really are Islam’s little helpers. Agree?


I suppose this item on the BBC was inevitable. From the TODAY schedule earlier..

“The right wing German party Alternatif fur Deutschland says the German Chancellor Angela Merkel is responsible for bringing terror to Germany through her open door refugee policy. But most other German politicians have stopped short of linking the recent attacks to the Middle East. Dr Peter Ammon is the German Ambassador to the UK.”

It’s really amazing to watch the European political establishment and the media, including the BBC of course, deny reality. We see the German Police twist in the wind as they think up all kinds of ludicrous excuses to cover the simple fact that Merkel’s Open Borders policy has been a catastrophic disaster that may engulf Germany into Germanistan.


Well then, last week saw the BBC sneer it’s way through the GOP conference in Cleveland. The Comrades were all over the event, seeking to emphasise division, flag up plagiarism and above all seek to damage Trump. This week sees the Democrat convention in Philly and the coronation of Hillary Clinton, the BBC’s preferred Presidential candidate. The problem is that she is PROFOUNDLY mired in scandal and loathed by those Bernie Sanders radical leftists so  -what to do? The BBC wheels in that loathsome long time Clinton apologist Sidney Blumenthal on BBC Radio 4 Today at 6.55am to inform us that Hillary is the candidate who does not come from privilege (She’s filthy rich) and that she is beating Trump in most of the polls. (She isn’t, he leads her in several, including Ohio) and that everyone will rally behind her when they finally get to see the “real” Hillary on stage. Classic Clintonian denialism and fully embraced by an uncritical cheerleading BBC. In my opinion. If you think the BBC had a melt down when we voted to BREXIT can you imagine their horror at a President Trump?


Well, this is a tricky one for Al Beeb.

A failed Syrian asylum seeker has blown himself up and injured 12 other people with a backpack bomb near a festival in the south German town of Ansbach.

How to sanitise?

The state of Bavaria’s interior minister said the 27-year-old man had detonated the device after being refused entry to the music festival.

If only he had been let it, right? Also, if only he not been turned down for Asylum. The sheer frequency of these acts of violence by Muslim immigrants is getting the BBC to the point where it can no longer cover for them. The Lone Wolf explanation is wearing very thin.


Kelvin McKenzie got himself into a lot of trouble in recent times by writing an eminently sensible column on the utter crassness of Channel 4 using a Hijab wearing news presenter to cover the slaughter of 84 innocents by a Jihadist on the promenade in Nice.


The BBC has picked up on this and is running with the notion this is somehow “hate speech” because a bunch of bed wetting snowflakes have had their feelings hurt. I have been on BBC London twice in the past few days to a/ Defend freedom of expression b/Suggest that Channel 4 are professional media provocateurs and c/ The Hijab is arguably a political as well as a religious expression and has NO place in a publicly funded broadcaster such as the BBC. I went on to add that so many of those who bleat about the need for “diversity” seem to have  a nervous breakdown when that is extended to diversity of opinion! I bet the BBC would love to emulate Channel 4!