This is quite interesting. Here is a tweet that is quite clearly taking a side in the EU referendum. The Remain side, of course.

And look who has retweeted it….

Presenter on  and  TV.

News Anchor/Presenter BBC World News – Biz Presenter on World Business Report, GMT, Impact & Global.

Gosh – studied impartiality?????


Touching to see the BBC weigh in seeking our sympathy for the latest radical Islamist killer.

The former girlfriend of the man who murdered a police couple at their home has spoken of his “isolation” after spending two-and-a-half years in jail.

Oh no – felt lonely so I guess he was almost obliged to go out and kill?

The woman, who did not want to give her full name, told France Info radio the couple had dated for five years and remained close after they split up. But after Larossi Abballa left jail last year, she said, he “preferred to keep his distance and changed friends”. A moment of silence was held for the murdered pair on Wednesday.

The town of Magnanville, west of Paris, was holding a memorial ceremony for police commander Jean-Baptiste Savaing, 42, and Jessica Schneider, 36, who were knifed to death there on Monday night.

The BBC falls over itself to excuse these Ramadan driven savages. It’s the same with what happened in Orlando. They are doing their level best to disassociate the killing from the dark ages pathology of Islam and it sickening to behold.



It’s almost like a line from a bad joke. So, a wife beating Muslim claiming loyalty to Islamic State walks into a gay bar… The BBC, along with Obama, have gone into full “This is about Gun Control” mode rather than face the obvious fact that this is about Radical Islam. Trump is condemned by the BBC for being “an opportunist” for bringing the Radical Islam aspect up, whereas Clinton is painted as a sage for refusing to mention the islamic elephant in the room. We are at the point where the BBC is essentially saying that Islam has nothing to do with Islam. They are a bunch of spineless dhimmis.


From 6.30am this morning, the BBC has been on a full drive to rebut the claims from the LEAVE camp in the EU referendum. See below. Can Laura make sure that she adds such a caution to EVERY claim by Cameron and his elitist cronies? Thanks


Here’s a thoughtful reflection on the BBC’s recent adaption of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”…

A militaristic dictatorship replete with red and black insignia. Guards bearing uncanny resemblances to storm-troopers. A fascistic dictator who might just be a psychopath…
Welcome to the BBC’s version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Make sure you click the link and read the rest of this.