Lubna Hussein may be the first trouser martyr. She is getting lots of publicity from the BBC for her noble fight in trying to get the law in Northern Sudan changed to allow women to wear trousers lest they fall foul of Sharia and get 40 lashes for wearing such garments. Fair enough, I suppose, although I was intrigued by Ms Hussein’s suggestion that “I want to change this law, because hitting is not human, and also it does not match with Sharia law,” she told the BBC.

Would this be the same Sharia law that mandates the stoning to death of adulterers and hanging of homosexuals, for example? Might this be the same Sharia Law that mandates “honor killings”, that advocates whipping for those who drink and gamble, that allows husbands to hit their wives; that commands that a thief’s hand be cut off? Forty lashes for wearing trousers is harsh but then again when it comes to Sharia, violence and inhumanity are central. Trying to sanitise the sheer awfulness of Islamic law by reducing it to whether trousers may be worn or not seems trivial to me. Maybe Ms Hussein’s employers – the UN – will issue a statement condemning this brutal system or maybe thinking that is just, well, pants?


After the non-State subsidised Banks dared to release decent financial profits yesterday, look out here comes Northern Rock and a 3/4’s of a BILLION loss. What a shrewd investment by Mr Brown to bail them out with our cash. The ghost of the oddly spoken Peston was on followed by Universal Vince who offered his opinion and we can only hope that universal McFall will also be given media time later today. I wonder if the Conservatives have any views on this issue? I guess not since the BBC seems to think them unworthy of interview. Now, back to Universal Vince and his contradictory economics.


It really IS torture!

I refer to listening to the State Broadcaster continually providing a bully pulpit for those who would seek to blacken the reputation of our security forces and give succour to Islamic terrorists everywhere. On Today at 7.16am, Clive Baldwin of Human Rights Watch was given a free warm up canter to accuse the UK of being complicit in the torture of Islamic terror suspects. No opposing view, naturally. Then at 8.10, there is another ten minute session in which the accusations are once more dragged across the airwaves that the UK has allowed itself to co-operate with those who would treat Islamic terrorists badly. Were this not enough, the main Today portal has a picture of our favourite innocent Islamic Brit (via Ethiopia) Binyam Mohammed to illustrate how caring the BBC is on this subject. For an alternative non BBC approved take on Binyam the Brit – read this.

The Al Queda franchise director must be delighted at the interest the BBC pays in this subject and the fact that we fund this dhimmi media makes it all the more galling. I do not know IF the UK intelligence services were involved in any way in torturing Jihadists, I would hope they were since those who set out to kill us forfeit any mercy but I do know that Al Queda makes it clear that when captured, all good little Jihadi should whimper “torture” confident that our dhimmified media will promote their every claim. True to form, the BBC obliges.


Talk about men at work! I listened to this BBC report this morning concerning the police success in foiling an alleged terrorist attack in Australia. There is a four minute discussion about the aborted terror attack but one pesky aspect of it seems missing. Can you guess what it might be? Let’s see. It concerns four “Australian nationals of Somali and Lebanese descent“. OK. What else? Seems they were planning a suicide attack on an Australian military base. Mmm. OK. Anything other details? Well, it seems that the plot was uncovered when some of the alleged culprits had tried to get a fatwa to justify the attack. A fatwa, eh? So, to summarise a group with links to Somamlia/Lebanon plans a mass terror attack using a fatwa as justification for their planned killing frenzy. Hey – lucky they’re not Muslims….whoops….


From first thing this morning until last thing this evening, the BBC has been running the story of how the international community, led by Obama’s regime, has damned Israel for daring to evict “nine Palestinian families living in two houses in occupied East Jerusalem”. The BBC breathlessly informs us that “Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 and later annexed it, a move not recognised by the world community. The removal of the 53 people was also condemned by the United Nations, the Palestinians and the UK government.

So, what does the BBC not tell us? Well, Jerusalem has been the capital for the Jewish people for 3000 years. I suppose that is just a mere technical detail to those fine minds at the UN? Just as important is the fact that the Arab families concerned presented documents that appeared to show Arab ownership of the homes dating back to the Ottoman period. However, the court found that the documents had been forged, and that the documents presented by the Jewish plaintiffs were legitimate. The neighborhood in question is located near the 2,000-year-old gravesite of the Jewish sage Shimon HaTzaddik. The neighborhood was founded in the first half of the 20th century by Jewish families, but fell under Jordanian rule following the 1948 War of Independence and was quickly populated by Jordanian Arabs.

How about Jordan takes back its own? Something the BBC will never discuss…


Anyone catch the BBC report on Brown’s new citizenship points plan? Have a read of this, it is quite a lengthy report. All good? No. For example, the BBC is mute on the fact that immigrants are to be given tips on how to access benefits and other public services – and learning how to claim will even help them earn British citizenship!

“Mentors will be provided to coach those wanting to settle permanently in the UK while local authorities will be expected to lay on “orientation days” to provide advice on services, under plans unveiled on Monday. It is part of moves to introduce a points-based system for those wanting British citizenship and attendance of one of the days would provide additional points towards that goal. “

Wow – now that IS getting tough! It’s remarkable to see the BBC spinning away for the truly wretched Phil Woolas but I suppose it’s multiculti uber alles for the State Broadcaster all the time.


The BBC are horrified that Barclays and HSBC have turned in some reasonably decent financials. Robert Peston has returned to haunt our screens again with his unique “insights” on the subject. It’s interesting to note that those Banks which refused State bail-outs are performing well, whereas those which took the Brown danegeld are forecast to announce even more losses. Maybe the lesson we could draw from all of this is that State intervention is counter productive in controlling banking and setting priorities? Then again, the State should have no role in bankrolling the BBC.

I note that one persistent BBC meme on this is that “Big Bonus culture” is an evil that must end. That’s why the comrades at Broadcasting House are enraged that those within Barclay’s that have helped bring in these results might get….gasp….big bonuses! Oh no. The horror, the horror. Why not just come out and just say that capitalism is wrong and that the State should determine what we are paid, for that is what lies at the bottom of all this jealousy.


I picked this up from my good friend the All Seeing Eye and thought it merited some focus here. It relates to the arrest of a farmer for having the temerity to carry farm tools in his car. Now the farmer being persecuted by the police is a certain Mr Tony Martin – a man whom the BBC carefully labels “a vigilante.” I wonder could he sue them for defamation of character?


I received this email from a visitor to B-BBC and thought I might share it with you…

Your Email:
Subject: who the f*** is david vance

Message: your anti BBC thing is very slick. must be getting funded from somewhere. Sky if im any judge, and if the connect to sky in your masthead is anything to go by.

who would I put my faith in to give me the truth through my telly, and to produce stuff I want to be entertained, informed and educate by? a bunch of overpaid public servants, feeding off their specially protected tax on telly ownership, employing the likes of marcus brigstocke and jonathan ross and bringing to account those we should respect, like bankers, media barons and right wing demagogues?

or rupert murdoch. your ultimate employerno competition. my telly licence is the only tax I DON’T quibble about, although yes, I too have my reservations about how the money’s spent. that’s the point isn’t it? at least with the beeb we CAN object.
because we all have a stake. long live the beeb and all who gouge a living out of it

answer to the original question? david vance is one of saruman murdoch’s many wormtongues. me? im a working stiff, a million miles from the media.

Or, a million miles from reality! What more can I say – we’ve been rumbled, good and proper!


Just watching Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Question”. Amused to see that the panel of experts contained Zulfi Bakhari – head of the Muslim public affairs committee. Remarkable how such a tiny part of the UK population has such constant representation on these kinds of programmes.