I am aware of some comments made in recent times on other threads which are offensive to any balanced person. I have banned those who made them and erased the comments. It’s impossible for me to police every comment on every thread but let me spell it out; This is a place for polite debate, and I won’t tolerate vicious ad hominem if I am made aware of it. I am naturally open-minded and respect views that contradict mine BUT the credibility of this site will not be compromised. I trust that is clear to all and I thank all of you who respect this on a daily basis.


I wanted to draw your attention to this article, written by my Twitter friend Peter Thompson. If you enjoy it, drop him a tweet of encouragement at @TheRedRag. He asks all the right questions.

stronger in

Questions must be asked over whether or not the BBC has abused its unique position as our public service broadcaster, argues Peter Thompson

The image above is a screen capture of the BBC Politics page at 1:00 am Central European Summer Time on Saturday 14th May and is targeting the two million Brits who live in Europe.