Sorry for the delay in this but I have been travelling! Anyhow – here’s a NEW Open Thread to detail the bias. I caught quite a bit of the BBC today and it plays up the Remain case will gusto whilst delicately playing down the Brexit case. I can’t believe that John Whittingdale has been so weak with the BBC in the White Paper. He actually encourages “diversity” which is a green light for the BBC to further dismantle all that is good about our society!


Well, as Alan notes, I was on the BBC earlier today to discuss the much awaited White Paper on the future of the BBC. I have to say that it was, as many predicted, a complete whitewash, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. The fundamental problem is that the BBC license tax is confirmed for the next 11 years, allowing it to extort the annual £3.5bn license tax on fear of criminalisation. That is the substantial point  – all this other stuff about creating a new Unitary board is largely an irrelevance. There is no real disclosure of who earns what – unless you are in the £450k+ league and even then the actually income is not to be revealed. We may all be “shareholders” in this “envy of the world” but we’re not to be told how much the bosses earn!

It gets worse;

Whittingdale said the BBC will be “required to give greater focus to under-served audiences, in particular those from black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds, and those in the nations and regions”.

So he is actually pandering to the BBC’s existing obsession to please anyone who isn’t White British.

I find the whole thing pathetic. The Government has BOTTLED it and rolled over to the BBC. We can expect more of the same for years to come and it is a Conservative Government which has ensured this. Talk about Darwinism.


Tomorrow sees the long awaited White Paper from the Government on the future of the BBC. I reckon it’s going to be a damp squib but the luvvies are in semi-hysterical mode as we saw at the BAFTA TV awards. Your thoughts? I know I will be discussing this on the BBC, Talk Radio and elsewhere tomorrow so I’d welcome your insights.


Self loathing, the hallmark of many BBC leftists, has been nicely exposed in this story.

A range of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) television departments, programmes, and radio stations are currently offering highly desirable, paid internships, but white people are prohibited from applying. 

Creative Access – an organisation, registered as a charity, which offers placements at “many of the UK’s top media organisations” – has listed a number of BBC placements on its website, demanding applicants are only from “Black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic backgrounds”.

As the Breibart article states, the head of Creative Access is … yes,  a Parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party, while one of the organisation’s board members is Baroness McDonagh, the former General Secretary of the Labour Party.

Labour. BBC. Hatred of our overwhelmingly White population.

I’ll be on Russia Today at 8pm to discuss this story. The BBC are playing mute on it.


Here’s a new Open Thread to start the week. And the BBC Today programme on Radio 4 starts the week with a leftwing vengeance. In just 45 minutes we had the following political memes;

  1. The evil John Wittingdale is out to destroy the BBC. An excitable speech by Peter Kominsky at the BAFTA TV awards is hyped up by the luvvies to suggest apocalypse now for our “National Treasure” which is “the envy of the world” apparently. I was on BBC5 Live discussing this last night and at least told them to stop whingeing.
  2. There is no “weekend effect” in our NHS Hospitals. Researchers from Oxford University have “proven” that its as safe to die in the NHS than during the week. I am sure the Junior Doctors will enjoy this “research”
  3. There will be war across Europe should the UK leave the EU.
  4. It’s time to crack down on tax havens controlled by Britain.

This is sustained unrelenting left wing pro EU propaganda masquerading as public service broadcasting. As I said last night, IF the BBC is as wonderful and popular and loved as it claims to be, let it stand aside from the £3.5 annual tax extortion and compete freely. It won’t because it is too scared.