So no one knew what was going on and no one can be held responsible.

Senior figures from the BBC are “very likely” to be called before MPs to explain whether changes were made in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal. Jesse Norman said the culture select committee, which he chairs, “needed to be satisfied the culture has changed”. The report into cases of sexual abuse by the former BBC presenter is set to criticise the corporation, according to a leaked draft.  BBC chief Lord Hall said lessons would be learned from a “dark chapter”.

Wonder could that happen today inside the BBC? Questions on a post card.


At LAST. The BBC finds a Conservative that it can like.

His name? Crispin Blunt.

A Conservative MP has told the House of Commons he is a user of the popper recreational drug and a ban on its supply would be “fantastically stupid”. Ex-minister Crispin Blunt said users of the drug were “astonished” by talk of a ban and respect for the law “would fly out of the window” if it happened. Supplying the drug, which is popular with gay men, could be outlawed under the Psychoactive Substances Bill.

And WHY is this drug so popular?

“It is reported to have short-lived effects on sexual experience, specifically that they may make an orgasm feel like it lasts longer; may make an erection feel stronger (although some men have trouble getting an erection after sniffing poppers); and may make it easier for some people to have anal sex by helping to relax the anal sphincter muscles.”

Yip. I can see why the BBC like this Blunt.


The BBC is a relentless propagandist for unlimited immigration,prioritising those who demand the right to live here ahead of the rights of the local population. BBC Radio 4 Today has been leading with this story….

The front doors of houses used by asylum seekers are to be repainted, after claims they were targeted because nearly all of the doors were red. Asylum seekers in Middlesbrough told The Times eggs and stones had been thrown at their houses because the doors made them easy to identify. The immigration minister said he was “deeply concerned” about the issue.

It’s no longer adequate to provide free housing for illegal immigrants masquerading as asylum seekers, but now the decor of the accommodation must meet their high standards. This is deemed reasonable by the BBC and even worse the Government rolls with it.


This is a guest post by BBBC contributor, Nibor.

“A lot of the BBC time lately is about transgender , and the problems it thinks such people have . What the rest of us feel seems of no consequence . This is a BBC trait ; there is a minority group , and only their thoughts and opinions and those who are facilitating their ” conversion ” are broadcast . When the operation or whatever is successful , an aberration is changed into what must be accepted as the norm .No questions asked .

Another BBC favoured group are Muslims . Now they are not just a religion; they can now be a race . Despite most normal people trying to take race out of politics , the PTB , Gramscians and BBC want to put it in and give victim status as well as most favoured group status . To a creed .
Again no question asked .
So now we can change from being a boy to a girl and change our ethnicity in one fell swoop , no questions asked , just ask for gender realignment and take up a new religion .
What I’d like to know , if I went through such a metamorphosis , can I keep my firearms licence ? Or is it no questions asked ?”


The Today programme reported on Cameron’s wheeze to create a £20m fund to help more Muslim women in the UK learn English which will make them better able to resist the lure of radicalisation. You could tell they were not happy and made sure that those Muslim advocacy groups committed to keeping themselves SEPARATE from UK culture had their say. However the BBC always chooses to ignore the elephant in the mosque – namely that Islam is demonstrably incompatible with the modern pluralist values Cameron says he wants to help muslim women embrace. If he REALLY wanted to help muslim women he would ban the burqa, imprison those who practise FGM and shut down the mosques teaching hatred.


Wonder if anyone saw BBC “The Big Questions’ this morning? It was certainly explosive with left wing feminist rent-a-mouth harpy Kate Smurfwaite talking over everyone. However the BEST bit was when fellow leftist “Professor” Connie St Louis accused Milo Yiannopoulos of calling for the “assassination” of someone on his Twitter account. See Milo’s excellent response below. This is going to cost her.CY71RqhWYAIDmgK