Firstly, my thanks to Alan for putting up the Start the Week thread, I’ve had wifi problems this past few days so wasn’t able to post until now. I had the misfortune to listen to the Today programme this morning. It was a leftist fest, as ever. The BBC were ecstatic that the Front National had been ‘crushed” in the 2nd round of the French elections. (Little time spent considering the fact that the FN vote held strong but tactical voting by the establishment parties had gerrymandered the result.It seems the wishes of 25% of the electorate can be dismisses when they hold the wrong views according to the BBC) Then they moved on to their new poster boy, Shakar Aamer, who is being hailed as a true blue Brit. We’ve seen the BBC do this before over Moazzam Beggs so they have form. There was an item on the WRETCHED failure of Social workers to stop child abuse. The BBC line was this was because they are not paid enough and that the tax payer must splash more cash their way if they are to consider stopping industrial scale sex abuse of young girls. And so it went. Grim, relentless, biased.


I was talking to Jon Gaunt earlier today about the intolerance of the political Left. Nowhere is this more concentrated than in the citadels of the media, with the BBC being the Sanctum Sanctorum. With cultural marxism providing the linguistic narrative, it was obvious that the BBC would be horrified by Trumps ‘No Muslims” comment. How DARE he have an opinion they don’t like? The BBC are such hypocrites. They feign an interest in all shades of opinion but the truth is they only tolerate that narrow range that resonates with their dhimmified metrosexual liberalism. It’s been clear for a long time that the BBC want Hillary Clinton to be become the next POTUS and Trump is causing them a headache because they more he is criticised by the left wing media stateside, the stronger he gets. Can you imagine the BBC having to report on a future “President Trump has phoned President Le Pen to discuss the UK’s exit from the EU?” scenario.


For years the BBC has shoved down the cultural wonders of Romany Culture down our throats and along comes Tyson Fury, spouting his own “Romany values” and the BBC becomes apoplectic with rage! You have to laugh at it all. I really hope he wins SPOFTY just to hear his victory speech. Mind you, some BBC journalists won’t be happy…

A BBC Northern Ireland journalist has been “threatened with suspension” after criticising the broadcaster’s decision to keep Tyson Fury on the shortlist for the BBC Sports Personality of the year, according to reports. Andy West, a BBC NI news presenter wrote on his Facebook that he was “ashamed to work for the BBC”, according to BuzzFeed News.

So he should be.


Biased BBC reader Harristotle observes:

“The Islamic State are muslims following Islam. They live in muslim lands and are angry at non-muslim occupation of muslim lands (amongst other things, including other muslims from a different faction of Islam). They live by the Koran, under Sharia Law, and have muslim scholars in their ranks.  However, the BBC will happily continue to refer to them as “so-called”, and many commentators, including some bloke and the Prime Minister, call them “non muslims”. 

 Yet Edward Manning sticks on a dress and calls himself Chelsea, in order to avoid a male prison, and the BBC refer to him as “she”. 
Their use of evidence is inconsistent at best.”


Well, Obama manages to pry himself away from the Golf Course to deal with the act of workplace violence Jihad in San Bernadino and the BBC is here to try and sell us his vacuous codswallop as if it were Holy Writ.

US President Barack Obama has made a rare Oval Office address after the San Bernardino shootings that left 14 dead. He said the killings were “an act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people”. But “freedom is more powerful than fear,” said President Obama, warning that falling prey to divisiveness in American society would play into the hands of extremists. He also said the US must make it harder for potential attackers to obtain guns.

Obama was wriggled like a worm on a hook over this one. Initially his regime sought to play down the Islam/Jihad angle but when that became impossible in the light of evidence  it then turns into being all about gun control. Who knew? Islam control might be a better idea.


In a sense, transgenders have replaced gays in the BBC pantheon of victims and it seems to have a stream of stories to win our hearts over.

“A transgender woman who was sent to an all-male prison has told the BBC that she was terrified and traumatised by the experience. Tara Hudson, who was jailed for assault, was transferred to a female jail after thousands signed a petition to move her. She says she considered taking her own life while in the all-male prison in Bristol.”

Perhaps if “Tara” did not run around assaulting people “she” might not end up behind bars in the first place?


Oh my. World Champion Tyson Fury is NOT playing the BBC game and the BBC are out to ensure he gets dropped from their Sports Personality of the Year!

The wife of BBC Sports Personality of the Year presenter Clare Balding has condemned boxer Tyson Fury’s inclusion on the shortlist for the award, branding him a ‘homophobic idiot’. The stinging attack by Alice Arnold – who married Balding earlier this year – came after a vile diatribe by the newly crowned world heavyweight champion in a Mail on Sunday interview in which he equated homosexuality and abortion with paedophilia. Ms Arnold, a former BBC Radio 4 newsreader, said his comments could lead ‘to young people suffering bullying and mental illness, and in some cases being driven to suicide’.

So, the winner of this BBC competition is to be based on politically acceptable views rather than sporting prowess! Sounds right.