BBC hit pay dirt. Just as they are hyping the climax of the Climate Conference in Paris, parts of the UK get hit by a winter storm, Desmond, and associated dramatic flooding images are then used to sell us on the notion that this “extreme weather” is brought about because the one-worlders haven’t reached a “break through” at the Paris summit and found new and exciting ways to tax us more and curtail our liberty!


There must be great consternation at the BBC as the Corbyn “led” Labour party falls into absolute chaos. We all saw Shadow Chancellor McDonnell screw up his response to the Autumn Statement by quoting Chairman Mao. Now I see there is clip of Diane Abbott saying “on balance Mao did more good than bad”. Meanwhile Ken Livingstone excuses the 7/7 bombers by saying “they gave their lives” to stop the Iraq war. And of course the dear Leader himself is causing a massive fracture in the PLP by insisting he will not support any military action against Islamic State. It’s a horror of a week and the BBC must be aghast that the brave new world of principled socialism promised by the Corbynistas is just one more myth that even the BBC can’t keep peddling.


Well then, the BBC and Labour have been completely wrong footed by Osborne in his Autumn Statement. BOTH have been predicting an apocalypse if the Tax Credit changes and Policing budget cuts were implemented today. The comrades in the BBC seem shattered at Osborne’s unexpected nimble footedness and it fell to John McDonnell to respond and he did. In aces! He produced a copy (His personal copy?) of Mao’s little Red Book and quoted from it. The BBC may approve of this but the rest of the country is in convulsions. Corby and McDonnell are destroying Labour as a serious political opposition and that’s why Osborne keeps moving slightly more to the Left. I wonder if the BBC see this? The Corbynistas are blind to it but comes 2020, I suggest Labour will meltdown and I wonder where THAT will leave its broadcasting arm, the BBC?CUqZ-pcWIAAIwJU


The BBC faithfully reports;

A boy who was arrested for taking a homemade clock to class is seeking $15m (£10m) from his city and school.  Ahmed Mohamed, 14, was held by police and suspended from his school in Texas because his teacher mistook the clock for a bomb. His lawyer said in a letter that the incident, which made global headlines, sparked threats against the teenager and left him deeply traumatised.

The entire tone of the BBC is biased TOWARDS Mohamed (sic) so I will allow Richard Dawkins to posit a voice the BBC will not tolerate;