Seen this?

The former chairman of the BBC has attacked the corporation over its reporting of the recent spate of Arab terrorist attacks in Israel. Lord Michael Grade, a member of the House of Lords for the Conservative Party, claimed the BBC had failed to show “impartiality,” and focused his fierce criticism in particular on a recent report by BBC correspondent Orla Guerin, which he said promoted an “equivalence” between Palestinian terrorists and their victims.

Anti-Israeli bias is a CORE BBC value, in my view. We have shown it time after time and Grade is only saying the obvious.


Gotta love the way the BBC always seeks an angle to undermine the CONSERVATIVE government. Earlier today, BBC Radio 4 Today ran a story about ..

A girls’ secondary school in south London has won the Riba Stirling Prize, the UK’s leading architecture award. Burntwood School in Wandsworth was rebuilt between 2011 and 2014 at a cost of £40.9m, to a design by architects Allford Hall Monaghan Morris.

Seems innocuous. It then interviewed one of the guys behind this project who pointed out that under the current Government, this school would not be built. Subtle subtext – evil tories! As ever…


I wanted to share this with you.

  • “At the beginning of this month it was notable that the BBC was the about only outlet other than the Guardian to ignore the case of Jay Cheshire, a 17 year old boy who committed suicide after allegedly being falsely accused of rape. It’s particularly notable how this lack of coverage contrasts with their blanket and downright dishonest coverage of the de Freitas case, an alleged false accuser who committed suicide who was to stand trial for the offence. We outlined the issues here:
    Our complaints to the BBC about their lack of coverage of the Cheshire case received a most unsatisfactory repose and so we were prompted to undertake a full analysis of the BBC’s reporting on cases of false rape accusations (and allegedly false accusations) that result in suicide. The findings of the study are nothing short of astonishing, even by usual standards of BBC bias.Perhaps you’d be kind enough to share this with your readers or anyone else who might be interested? The study is here: