I listened to the BBC run yet ANOTHER sympathetic piece concerning the plight of all those poor “refugees” at the Jungle camp near Calais (7.30, Today programme) This time it’s about those noble caring leftists who send Aid to the illegal immigrants. Funny how the “world class” BBC talent misses THIS story…

“150kg of clothes sent to the Calais migrants in aid. they’ve just set fire to the lot”

Lovely people. Culturally enriching and full of gratitude.


Woke up this morning to the Today programme demanding to know why the UK had ..gasp…killed two Islamic Jihadists. This is the same Today programme that has been shrieking that we must accept those who flee Islamic State. I wonder do they ever sit down and examine the extreme cognitive dissonance that permeates their daily ‘coverage”?


Here we go, a new Open Thread for you to detail the bias. The BBC has become a prime cheerleader for Open Borders and the UK accepting as many “Syrian Refugees” as you can shake a stick at. Each morning we are presented with ever so cuddly tales of grateful smiling Mums and cute kids. Just don’t mention the vast number of fighting age men….anyway, the floor belongs to you.


Well, the emotional blackmail from the BBC (along with others) has worked and we can now look forward to thousands of Syrians enriching our country. You have to hand it to the BBC, they use the power of their broadcasting monopoly to undermine our country at every opportunity! Anyway here’s a new open thread.


I don’t know about you but it strikes me that the BBC has gone into overdrive to soften up the Nation for a wave of “Syrians”. The image of the little 3 year old Syrian boy who drowned on the beach has been milked for maximum emotional blackmail and true to form the Left have seized upon this and are insisting that our borders open up and we let ’em in. The BBC are also very cute to throw about terms such as “refugees”, “migrants” “asylum seekers” to make THEIR case when it suits them. It’s a moments like this that the menace of the BBC crystallises. It is a force for the destruction of all that so many of us hold dear. It is colluding with those who smuggle people to ensure that the UK becomes part of Northern Africa.


BBC in full blown “accept unlimited immigration” mode, exploiting the situation across Europe for all it is worth. A reader has pointed out that here the BBC seeks to compare those who properly seek to identify illegal immigrants with Nazis! As each day progresses, the BBC are playing loose and easy with the terms “refugees” “asylum seekers” and “migrants”. The suggestion is that the swarm is virtually 100% asylum seekers but then every now and again they cover themselves by admitting that, for example, most Afghan immigrants want into Europe for the money!


I thought I should share this with you…

“The BBC complaints telephone line (03700 100 222) have ceased responding to complaints made over the phone, and will now only issue their denials to those who complain in writing.They do not refer to this as a change, or a new policy which might be expected, but instead use the rather unusual phrase a ‘clarification’ what ever that might be. The staff have not been informed of any reason or thinking behind this ‘clarification’ but I would imagine it will only serve in deterring many of the complainants from pursuing legitimate complaints”

Isn’t it amazing that the BBC takes such measures to prevent those who fund it expressing their criticism?