Hi all! I’ve been across in Sweden for a short break and just back so catching up with things. One of the additional downsides of catching early flights is listening to BBC world service news “briefings” so earlier this morning, around 4.30m, I was listening to a BBC report saluting the courage of those “brave’ Austrians who turned up to welcome a swarm of third world “refugees” in Vienna. The whole tone of this BBC report was PRO acceptance of illegal immigration and it really is disgraceful that they get away with this insidious propaganda.



The question is why such a senior BBC figure as Alan Yentob was engaging in such OVERT politicking whilst feigning neutrality in his day job?

Alan Yentob warned ministers that parts of Britain would ‘descend into savagery’ unless they gave Kids Company £3million, it was claimed last night. An email he allegedly signed also said there was a ‘high risk of arson attacks’ on government buildings if the grant was not approved. The message was sent to the Cabinet Office as the troubled charity – set up to help ..coughs …the vulnerable..”

Somebody on my Twitter line suggested that “revert” might be more apt than “descend”…


The BBC gives every appearance of outrage because the Ulster Unionist Party is walking OUT of the Stormont Executive now that is has been confirmed the IRA remains intact and still murdering. The BBC, ageing the Government and PSNI line, suggests that murder is not the same as terrorism so technically all is well. In this way, the UUP are being portrayed as the villains of the peace because they refuse to stomach Sinn Fein duplicity over something as basic as MURDER.


Biased BBC reader Robin writes…

What’s the Point of Britain’s existence?

Tell a BBC type and liberal/left person that the Foreign Office should be reduced by 95% and Britain should give up its Security Council seat at the UN ( India as a replacement ?) and see them be speechless for a minute .

It does work I can vouch for that .

For what you are doing is advocating diminishing their Rightful Place in the world , which is the one time you see them being – hold your seats – nationalist . A word they hate unless Scottish or Irish precedes it . To be fair they are not nationalistic in those two more honest sense of the word . The liberal / left have to sophisticate any patriotism they have in the greater scheme of internationalism while maintaining their Rightful Place .
Their Rightful Place is to have power in world events and to do this they need the British state to have ” influence ” .
The BBC have never asked why Britain should have influence . Why Britain and not say Indonesia, Brazil or Algeria ? There has to be a reason – so what is the reason ? Is Britain superior to others or conversely are the others inferior to Britain ? The BBC never say or ever ask , would the answer be embarrassing to the liberal/left ?
As the liberal/left don’t like Britain as it was or as it is now why do they want it to excist ? I can only conclude they want the British state and some of its institutions to ;
Levy taxes
Initiate equality programmes
Equalise wealth
Social engineer
Be a base for organisations that work to do the above
To do the above in the wider world via British ‘influence’ .

Let’s take another paradox of the liberal/left . They believe inequality of wealth within the world is wrong , but then tell us that mass immigration into Britain increases our wealth !  Note they don’t condemn our increased wealth , they tell us it’s a Good Thing . Again something missed by the BBC .

I don’t know what the BBC want instead of Britain and the people here , and I doubt if they would be honest enough to tell us .


I see the BBC have a new programme called Charisma: Pinning Down the Butterfly is a two-week series presented by Francine Stock starting on BBC Radio 4 on Monday, 24 August. I notice one of those to whom the BBC attribute “charisma” is Robert Mugabe. I am sure the next of kin of those white farmers murdered at the behest of this thug will be tuning in to hear just how charismatic Robert really is.


I noticed the BBC have instantly gone on the attack as regards the plans announced by Iain Duncan Smith to reform the way in which the Disability system works.

To my mind, IDS is being very sensible, seeking to move the model away from an absolutist whether you can work or not to one that examines how much work some might be able to do. To listen to the BBC, and I’m thinking of William Crawley on BBC Talkback here in Northern Ireland, one could be forgiven for thinking that IDS is suggesting culling everyone who claims this benefit and killing the firstborn for extra cruelty. It seems that everybody claiming it is “the most vulnerable” and utterly deserving of a life on welfare. As IDS points out, there will be some seriously disabled people who cannot work and they will be protected – but there are others out there who could benefit from work and this system is about trying to encourage and help them to find it. The BBC hates IDS and that is as good a recommendation as he is going to get.