The BBC has been wallowing in the first anniversary of the shooting of Black thug Michael Brown by police in Ferguson.

Shots have been fired in Ferguson, Missouri, at a protest to mark the first anniversary of the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. St Louis County police said an officer was “involved in a shooting after coming under heavy gunfire” and that “two unmarked cars took shots”. Eyewitnesses reported seeing at least one injured person lying on the ground. The shooting of the 18-year-old by white police officer Darren Wilson sparked demonstrations across America.

BBC desperate to a/Sanctify Michael Brown and b/Make this all about race.

They like to use this sort of image when discussing Michael Brown._76931158_mike_brown

Not this one…


The loss of any young life is to be deeply regretted but it really does not help things when the media, in this case the BBC, race bait the case and then keep reinforcing it.


There was a curious item on BBC Today this morning at 6.55am. . Mattia Toaldo, a policy fellow in the Middle East and North Africa Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations, was brought on to advance the agenda that the UK has an obligation to “do more” to stabilise Syria.

Now you can argue that to’s and fro’s of that for all you want but what I found strange was that he stated that the number of migrants moving through Syria has increased from 40-50,000 to around 200,000 in recent times. How does he know? Who is documenting this information in the rubble of the Libyan State? Why does the BBC allow these figures to go unchallenged? We were also told that around 60% of migrants hitting the shores of Europe are “asylum seekers” apparently. No mention of why so many of these “asylum seekers” feel a need to escape France for Britain, of course.

Strikes me the BBC is out to create the narrative that since “we” created instability in Africa, “we” have an obligation to absorb the swarm.


I am sure you will be delighted to know that BBC Radio 4 is to start up a new series of “The Reunion”. In the first thrilling episode …

“Sue MacGregor speaks to former detainees and the head of the guard force at Guantanamo Bay.

In 2002, a detention camp was hastily built in a remote corner of Cub, to house the men captured in America’s “war on terror”. Thirteen years later, it is still there. And in the intervening time, Guantanamo Bay has become a byword for controversy, a place Amnesty International called “the gulag of our time”.

As ever, the BBC presents the Islamists behind Gitmo bars as victims and represents the place of their captivity using the hyperbole from Amnesty. No mention of the fact that many of those released from the “gulag” have gone on to kill in the name of Jihad and no mention of the fact that there was good reason to keep them behind bars in the first place.

Through the prism of the BBC, people like Moazzam Beggs are true heroes, noble warriors for justice and equality and this programme will be one more propaganda tool for the Islamist scum that have been rightly incarcerated in such terrible conditions that they have all put on weight. Just like the Gulags, right Amnesty?


Seen this?

‘The BBC’s flagship religious show Songs of Praise is being filmed at a touching chapel within a migrants’ camp in Calais, it has emerged.

Do what?

Producers have already spent two days shooting an episode at a makeshift Ethiopian Orthodox Church in the ‘Jungle’ camp, which will be broadcast on a date to be finalised. And the full crew for Songs of Praise is due to arrive at the centre of the 5,000-strong camp this weekend – but host Aled Jones said he would not be present.”

Presumably these are the Christians that made it across the Med, as opposed to those drowned by their fellow Muslim “migrants”? Why is the BBC now interfering in this Calais situation? Where next – Raqqa?



Well then, it looks like Alan Yentob is a man with a lot of explaining to do with regard to HIS role in a/The Kids Company and b/Newsnight coverage of this story. Guido has additional insight here. The increasingly bizarre behaviour of this senior BBC executive raises more questions than answers.


Well, it’s pretty clear that the BBC want to see another President Clinton in the White House but the spotlight was on her GOP opponents last evening and in particular Donald Trump in the Fox News debate last night. I thought this was a telling quote from the BBC analysis of the debate…

“Donald Trump was generally seen as an amusing sideshow.”

Not a hint of bias there. FYI – Trump leads the field of GOP contenders by a massive margin at this point.