Ever wonder how the Swarm arrives at Calais? The BBC doesn’t and the Today programme reports that “Four hundred people have been rescued from a capsized ship carrying migrants in the Mediterranean. Will Turner, an emergency coordinator with Medecins sans Frontieres was on a rescue ship that provided help.” Captain Will demands that the EU steps up to the plate and accepts MANY MORE of these “poor vulnerable” people who pay the people traffickers to get access to our welfare system. This was met with a murmur of agreement from Humphrys. The idea that Europe protects its borders is beyond the ken of the BBC and so they present these hordes leaving Libya as victims and then when the ranks at Calais bulge the BBC acts ever so surprised.


70th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. BBC coverage focusing on the pain and hurt caused to the Japanese with scant acknowledgement that Japan brought this upon itself and that whilst it was indeed terrible that so many innocents perished nonetheless had this NOT happened many many Allied lives would have been lost. Through the prism of the BBC all war is wrong when it is the WEST carrying it out and so they pick over the radiated bones of Hiroshima whilst failing to recognise precisely WHY it was necessary to for Enola Gay to drop its payload.


BBC today in tears that the Kids Company has closed. Both last evening and this morning it is playing clips of angry Mums and Kids marching through the streets DEMANDING that this “charity” remains open. A tearful Camilla has been on to blame everyone for the collapse of this “organisation” but herself. All that’s missing is Elton John doing a tribute single. I notices that the Mums and Kids expressing their fury at the demise of this government funded “charity” all seemed to be of ethnic extraction, how odd. I also note that the “world class” journalists at the BBC are not asking any hard questions as to the financial running of this “charity” even though it is THAT which had led to its collapse.


Well, despite the best efforts of Alan Yentob, it looks like Camilla Batmanghelidjh’s “Kid’s Company” is going down. This “charity” has received £30m from Government – so it’s another fake charity – and now the noose is tightening. The BBC report on it here. Naturally they spin it in favour of poor old Camilla and the “abandoned” children.


The Today programme on BBC Radio 4 was quick to afford air-time to IRA apologist and Sinn Fein luminary John O’Dowd this morning at 7.20am. O’Dowd was on to claim that MI5 were “conflict mongers” and were colluding with the “I can’t believe it’s not the IRA’ fanatics that…erm..used to be colleagues with Mr O’Dowd’s comrades in the IRA. Remarkably, the BBC see no irony for an apologist for a terror organisation that murdered THOUSANDS and maimed TENS OF THOUSANDS being given the prime time opportunity to impugn the reputation of OUR lawful security services. QED.



Why does the BBC’s Alan Yentob have such a crush for the pantomime dame of British “Charity” Camilla Batmanghelidjh?

“BBC boss Alan Yentob personally intervened in the corporation’s news coverage of a scandal-hit charity of which he is chairman, it was claimed yesterday. Mr Yentob, the BBC’s £330,000-a-year creative director, telephoned Newsnight staff hours before it aired a damning report into Kids Company last month.

Newsnight was about to reveal that government officials were withholding £3million of funding from Kids Company unless its chief executive, Camila Batmanghelidjh stepped down.  It is claimed he tried to ‘influence the direction’ of the item – an action that would leave him open to allegations of a conflict of interest.

Mr Yentob did not stop there. The following morning he joined Miss Batmanghelidjh at the studios of Radio 4’s Today programme when she was interviewed. “

Curious. For years now I have wondered why Batmanghelidjh got SUCH an easy ride from the BBC when she was quite clearly barking.


As the end of his Presidency approaches, Obama acts more and more like a despot rather than a President. He seems to have a disregard for the views of Congress and his previously stated ambition to work in partnership with the US Congress has been junked. L’état, c’est moi

This seems to please the BBC. They were in throes of ecstasy over the Iran deal and now they are working themselves into a frenzy over his latest plan to tackle “climate change”.

US President Barack Obama is due to unveil what he called “the biggest, most important step we have ever taken” in tackling climate change. The aim of the revised Clean Power Plan is to cut greenhouse gas emissions from US power stations by nearly a third within 15 years. The measures will place significant emphasis on wind and solar power and other renewable energy sources.

But hush….

However, opponents in the energy industry have vowed to fight the plan.

Oh no. How dare they. Obama (and Hillary Clinton) can be assured of the plaudits from the BBC for hyping the utter implausibility of “tackling” climate change since this fits in nicely with the BBC’s enduring commitment to the left wing issue.


The 6.30am – 7.00am is always a rich time slot on BBC Radio 4 Today to pick up some jaw dropping bias. This morning, the BBC ran a 5 minute attack on the “right wing” Modi Government in India. The big concern, according to the BBC this morning, has been how it treats Muslims. Yup – that.