BBC Radio Four Today doesn’t like the idea that Donald Trump may become a contender for the GOP nomination in the US Presidential race. So, around 6.45am this morning, Jon Sopel tried to do a demolition piece on Trump based on the fact that he had  – deep intake of breath – DARED to criticise Saint John McCain. Now McCain is the sort of Republican that the BBC like – namely a political loser – and when you contrast his limp views on immigration with those of Trump – the BBC reacts badly! In fact, Sopel went on to suggest that Trump was “a Nigel Farage” figure.

One thing Sopel said that was right was that the GOP “establishment” do not want a Trump in the race. Nor do the BBC. For that reason alone, I hope he does well.


I am sure that you, like me, will have been deeply moved by BBC “star” Lenny Henry’s moving words in defence of the Corporation in its print arm, The Guardian!

“Without its support, my career would have come to an early halt, I wouldn’t have set up my own production company … and it made me brave on diversity”

I think what Lenny is really saying is that he believes you MUST cough up the £145 a year in order to keep him in and his cronies in the style to which they have become accustomed. I find it amusing that the BBC cannot see that the glowing endorsements of all these left wing luvvies only makes our point that it is a profoundly left wing biased broadcaster!


Quite remarkable really. Another fanatical Islamist called Mohammad murders four US marines and it does not merit a a slot on the BBC Main news page. To get the details you have to jump to the World page and there you will enjoy the BBC doing everything possible to disconnect Mohammad from Islam. The default “Lone Wolf” theory is instantly applied just in case it becomes impossible to keep Islamic fanaticism as the motive of the killer. You will recall the BBC also deployed the “lone wolf” theory to the recent Tunisian killers – until it became apparent that it was a gang. Not so much a lone wolf more a pack.

It is also interesting to contrast the BBC’s seeming disinterest in these murders (apart from telling us how it has saddened Obama, possibly even curtailing his golf) with the obsession on the Dylann Roof murders. In the latter case, his “link” with the Confederate Flag was maximised and it has become demonised ever since. When Mohammad’s link to Islam are established you can be sure the BBC will insist they are of no relevance and if anything “real” Islam is the victim here.


Busy day. I have been afforded the opportunity to comment on the future of the BBC itself on BBC Scotland, BBC 5Live and BBC London today. In essence, my argument is that the BBC is an anachronism, built on a financial model from a previous century that is TOTALLY unsuitable to digital 2015. The tide of history is going out and the BBC is being left high and dry on the foreshore.

I pointed out that the BBC is like a junkie, hooked on a £3.5bn license tax, and it needs to get off this. It needs to stop hiding behind the apron-strings of Government  and compete in the free market. It needs to have the confidence to BELIEVE the things it says. IF it has great output, people will choose to subscribe. If they don’t want it, why should they be forced to fund it?

I also went on to point out that the BBC has a left wing bias that many people take exception to. I see no issue with the BBC being BIASED so long as it stops pretending it is UNBIASED and pocketing £145 from everyone who owns a TV license.

I have to say I found the presenters perfectly reasonable in how they treated my heretical views and it would be ungracious not to acknowledge this.


Seen this?

Pay packets of highest paid stars are up by a fifth and the workforce hits 18,900 – but BBC bosses still insist they’re saving money! The BBC now employs at least 74 bosses who earn more than David Cameron’s salary of £142,500. The total wage bill for presenters on more than £1 million rose a fifth to £5.1 million. Those on more than £1million a year included Graham Norton, Gary Lineker and Jeremy Clarkson – before his recent departure.

Oh the austerity of it all! The BBC can only afford this because of the way it pickpockets £3bn+ per annum from anybody who owns a TV set. It’s time this anachronism went the way of the Dodo. Thoughts?


I bet Israel was DELIGHTED by this news from our strictly impartial National Broadcaster….Honest Reporting has the details

“With the announcement of the Iranian nuclear deal, there’s plenty of media coverage including Israel’s reaction. BBC Newshour on BBC World Service radio interviewed Israel’s Minister of Science, Technology and Space, Danny Danon. Danon stated that Israel was “keeping all options on the table.”

The presenter asked Danon to explain. Her reaction is both shocking and disturbing (click on the image below to listen):

But you’re not under threat by Iran. Nobody in Iran has threatened you for a very long time. You’re harking back to a time when President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened Israel directly.

I wonder did Danon manage to miss Iran’s “Death to Israel” joyous celebrations from….er….last week?israel-flag-burn-fire-770x400


I took part in a debate on BBC5 live today regard the future of the BBC. One of my opponents was the rather plummy voiced Sir Christopher Bland. In essence, my argument is that the BBC’s method of funding is an anachronism and that it is grotesque it can extort over £3bn a year via the License Tax. I pointed out that the difference between myself and Sir Christopher was that I believe in choice whereas he believes in denying choice and enforcing this tax on people. Tomorrow evening’s “Moral Maze” will also discuss the future of the BBC and either Alan or myself will be on it.

My argument is that the BBC should admit is has a deep bias – we ALL do – it should stop pretending it is this impartial broadcaster – and unhook itself from the narcotic of the license tax and move to a subscription model of funding. THAT way, those who enjoy the serial bias of the Today programme for example – can PAY for it. Thoughts?