I was wading through this BBC item called “Gaza crisis: Toll of operations in Gaza” and was struck by a number of things. There is the usual refusal of the BBC to call Hamas terrorists for what they are –  “terrorists”. There is the sickening adoption of Hamas supplied figures to the UN for casualties, suggesting that all the 76% of those killed are women and children. Yet this is readily refuted here. In every previous conflict, and AFTER the event, we discover that the majority of the dead were HAMAS terrorists. But the BBC pumps out this biased poison with aplomb, doing the Hamas PR department’s job for it.


I had the misfortune to tune in to the BBC Radio 4 Saturday live programme, presented by Aasmah Mir and Richard Coles this morning. Here is a flavour of the discussion..

“Sir Professor Geoff Palmer came to Britain from Jamaica aged 14. Described as educationally sub-normal is he now an expert in cereals and Professor Emeritus of brewing at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. He was the first black Professor in Scotland and is a prominent anti-racism campaigner.

We meet the former class mates who campaigned for a fairer deal for asylum seekers in the city (based on the case of a Kosova Roma Gypsy)…”

Get the drift? It’s all about fighting whitey’s racism and intolerance.




A Biased BBC reader writes;

“On 24 July 2014, the BBC website had a headline (together with a large picture) “Pro- Palestine Protest Halts Maccabi Haifa Match.”

The picture shows a “Pro- Palestinian” delivering a martial- art style kick into the chest of an Israeli soccer player. Unlike other news sources which described what happened as an attack, the BBC called it a “protest”. Nowhere in the report is the word attack used.

I would suggest that by downgrading what was clearly a violent assault into a mere protest, the BBC is very possibly legitimizing such actions in the eyes of those who would wish to carry out similar violent acts.

Surely this kind of biased and even incite-full reporting undermines the credibility of the BBC which is publicly funded and even possesses its own “heavy mob” in the form of the TV Licensing authority to bring in the “BBC tithe” from those who might very well just simply want to detoxify their minds from this kind of yellow journalism by receiving news and culture from other channels.”


Did you see this report on the BBC?

The former head of Haringey children’s services Sharon Shoesmith has been awarded £679,452 following her unfair dismissal claim. Ms Shoesmith was sacked after a damning report into the 2007 death of Peter Connelly, known as Baby P, who was subjected to months of abuse. The payments, previously been rumoured to be a six-figure sum, emerged in the London council’s accounts.

Now, I do hope the BBC will ensure we are reminded that it was  Ed Balls, who was let us all recall Children’s Secretary at the time of the Baby P scandal, and who fired Shoesmith from her £130,000-a-year post without giving her the right of reply . She learned of her sacking – and the name of he successor – while watching the TV news. Balls made his decision after a report by the regulator Ofsted found Haringey had failed to protect 17-month-old Peter, who died in 2007 following months of abuse.

Whilst we may all abhor the wretched performance of Haringay council, and whilst our sympathies must surely lie with the poor child, the fact is that the taxpayer has been forced to pay out due to the incompetency of Balls.


Listening to Lyse Douchet parrot the propaganda lines put forward by Hamas, one can be forgiven for thinking that there are in fact no Hamas terrorists in Gaza and that Israel only ever gives innocent people. When it comes to reporting what goes on in Gaza, the BBC show a level of bias that is so spectacular that it amazes.