I was somewhat surprised to hear an item on the Today programme this morning discussing a current (pointless) Government PR campaign to try and stop young British muslims going to Syria. Remarkably, the suggestion was put about that many go there on a “humanitarian” impulse. This is nonsense. They go there to fight and KILL. That is the aim of the Jihad. The BBC seeks to sanitise this evil inn everyday possible – whether it is blaming it on OUR foreign policy or in this case claiming that the Jihad is just a radical version of the Red Crescent.


It’s really quite dreadful turning the BBC News on at the moment. Their sheer hatred of Israel is just oozing through and frankly the State broadcaster is little more than an echo chamber for the Hamas publicity machine. From its refusal to call HAMAS terrorists – it much prefers “fighters” – through to its sly suggestion that Israel only kills women and children – the BBC stands indicted. I listened to TODAY at 7am and the first ten minutes were just sheer anti-Israeli propaganda – with the BBC delighting in playing John Kerry’s caustic comments against Israel. (It seems to surprise the BBC that the Obama regime is hostile to Israel). Lyse Douchet has rapidly become the new Jeremy Al Bowen, as she breathlessly trots around Gaza whilst never once finding Hamas terrorism in operation. i don’t know about you, but it seems to me that the BBC has firmly aligned itself with all the Jew-haters out there and is in this to ensure that Hamas win the propaganda war.


Have a read of this item from the BBC on ex-Gitmo detainee Moazzam Begg. Note how it finishes by letting us know that Moazzam “has never previously been charged with an offence.” Beggs is one of their poster boys. I recall doing a BBC interview with him some years ago and he was afforded the kid gloves treatment even as I was attacked. You can bet your bottom dollar the BBC will be in tears should he be convicted of these alleged crimes of terror.


Anyone else catch the second episode of “Too much Immigration” featuring Nick Hewer and Margaret Mountford “exploring the impact of immigration in the UK by bringing both sides of the debate together, pairing Brits opposed to immigration with immigrants.” on BBC 1 last night? It ended with the several cynical Brits all converting to the idea that immigration is a good thing for the UK. Even Mohammad, a Somali man living here with 7 children, on benefits, and who refused to enter a Sikh temple and help out handing out food to the vulnerable was seen as a top chap. Pure propaganda from the BBC, using the populism of the hosts to placate the concerned.


And so a five hour ceasefire is agreed between Israel and Gaza. The BBC breathlessly informs is this will provide the people of Gaza with at least a little respite. As for what it does for the Jews? Well. F*** them seems to be the BBC editorial line. What a loathsome broadcaster.


The BBC reports that a British computer expert who admitted supporting terrorism through the internet has been sentenced in a US court to 12-and-a-half years in prison. Babar Ahmad, of Tooting, south London, had admitted conspiracy and providing material to support the Taliban. Yet on the Today programme this morning, again in the 6.30-7am slot, we had a BBC correspondent giving us a VERY sympathetic piece on Ahmad. He was allowed to tell us how distraught he himself felt after the 9/11 attacks (yeah, right) and how he did not believe that Jihad meant killing innocent people. The impression was left that the bad Americans had jailed another “innocent Brit” in the form of jihad crazy Babar from good old London town.





Hamas must be so pleased that they have embedded Jeremy Al Bowen and Lyce Doucet in the BBC. The latter’s venom towards Israel was visceral on the Today programme this morning  – just after 6.30am. She trotted out what Israel said with regard to the accidental killing of the 4 young boys on the beach in Gaza and then immediately cast doubt on the veracity of it herself. I appreciate that Israel gets VERY little sympathy amongst the MSM here in the UK (The Daily Mail being an arch offender at the moment) BUT the BBC pretends it is a trusted and neutral source of news when in fact it could not bend over any further to propagandise FOR Hamas.