What is happening in Iraq causes problem for the BBC ‘s idol, Obama. ISIS attacks in Iraq have skyrocketed ever since the retreat was sounded by Obama in 2011 and he declared the war a success. Rather than examine the consequences of US withdrawal (which the BBC fully supported) it keeps going back to place blame on Bush and Blair. Furthermore, why doesn’t the BBC explore why Iran supports Assad and why other Arab states have funded ISIS? The issue is complex but the BBC seems determined to ensure that Obama gets a bye. And as for ISIS, why doesn’t the BBC ask why devotion to Islam creates such inhuman savagery? As is so often the case, the BBC uses bias by omission to sustain its own narrative.


I suppose the opportunity was too great to resist? I saw John Simpson slobbering on about how Iran represents our best chance to “save” Iraq on the BBC news. Given that Obama and Cameron have thrown their weight in behind the Mad Mullahs as the salvation of Iraq, it was inevitable that the likes of the BBC would then row in extolling the virtues of the same regime that keeps Assad in place in Syria and which seeks to wipe the Jews off the map.


Seen this?

Kirsty Young’s castaway this week is the Palestinian author and human rights activist, Raja Shehadeh. Born in Ramallah in the West Bank, his life and writing has been dominated by displacement, struggle and a search for justice. His father was murdered in 1985 and aside from chronicling the unhappy history of his family and his homeland, he’s also co-founded the Palestinian human rights organisation Al-Haq – which monitors and documents violations by all sides in the Middle East conflict, publishing reports and detailed legal analysis on its findings.

Quite.  See he threw in a bit of Wagner…..



Wonder did anyone else catch the BBC coverage of the “Prison overcrowding” issue on Today this morning? It was on at 8.10am. First, the Chief Inspector of Prisons Nick Hardwick was brought on and tossed several softballs, allowing him to parrot the Labour “incompetence” meme. Hardwick is very much on the side of making life as good as possible for the convicts. The sympathy exuded towards the line being retailed  by Hardwick by the BBC presenter was palpable. It was interesting to then contrast that with the hostility shown towards Conservative Prison’s minister Chris Grayling, who all in fairness put forward some reasoned points  – but the BBC was not having it, of course. At every level, the BBC is doing its’ damnedest to echo the various Labour attack lines on the Coalition.


The BBC have been to the fore in pushing the Labour meme about the alleged “incompetency” of Theresa May’s running of the Passport agency.  Now regardless of one thinks of THAT, isn’t it interesting that the BBC seem unable to deal with this partial explanation of the massive back up….

‘A surge in applications from migrants is fuelling the Passport Office crisis, it emerged last night. A record 207,989 foreigners were handed citizenship last year – a huge rise on the 82,000 seen in the year 2000.  Their requests for papers are contributing to the delays at the Passport Office, which is struggling to clear a backlog of 500,000 applications.”

Perhaps the BBC could investigate what is driving this surge in Immigration applications? If staff are overwhelmed then we should all understand why.