Katya Adler’s report for Newsround Tuesday 13th October. BBC Newsround.
“Heading to school in Gaza, 9 year-old Huda and her brother and sister set off from their temporary home. Their real one was bombed in a war against Israel.”
“Their school came under attack too.”“Israel says it bombed the school to protect its own soldiers from attack. 42 people were killed including two children. Some of the classrooms were totally destroyed and for months kids couldn’t go to lessons.”
“things look different now [….] the classrooms are freshly painted and the fighting in Gaza has stopped for now.”
“School kids like Mahmood are still angry about what happened to him. He says everything was burned and destroyed; how can we forget the war. It’s our right to live in freedom and safety.”
“Many of the children are still frightened, like Huda.
Many children have nightmares [..] remembering the war.
Living in Gaza is hard and there’s always the threat of more violence.Coming to school is one of the best ways to have a normal life and escape the conflict.”
Katya ignores the 10,000 Kassams and mortars fired at Israel, that Hamas terrorists hide near and inside schools, the plight of children of Sderot, oh, and she forgets to mention the cause of the war.
The language she uses gives a false picture. It emotes innocent victims of a frightening enemy that deliberately targets children and prevents them from living in freedom and safety. In fact, the impression she gives is the opposite of the truth.
Freedom and safety is the last thing the children will ever have under Hamas, the only party that is guilty of deliberately targeting children and civilians.
Hamas is the cause of all their hardships, suffering, and nightmares. The radical Islam of Hamas is the cause of the war.
Hamas, its immutable charter, its genocidal aspirations towards Israel, they are the stuff of nightmares, for the children of Gaza, and the children of Israel.
Astonishing bias, broadcast to British schoolchildren by your BBC.