So, on this day four years ago, around this time, four Islamic Jihadists travelled from the north of England and then detonated themselves on the London transport system, killing 52 people and injuring hundreds of others. This was an act of war by militant Islam against the British people and since that time our security forces have averted many other attempted acts by other Islamic killers.

And yet, when I review the coverage of the event on the BBC today, I note that the word “Islam” is missing from the story. These were just “bombings”, apparently. And the reason for this coyness is that the REALITY of Islam in Britain is wildly divergent from the narrative put forward by Al Beeb. If you want an insight into that, why not read Konnie Huq’s drivel here. Financed by the government, (natch) lovely Konnie wants you to know that Muslims are just like us. Well, some are. But then there are some – like those who struck on 7/7 – who are not in any way like us and yet they are protected and given succour from their own community. Maybe there are harder questions that need asked? Rather than going to Bangladesh, perhaps Konnie should try Leeds?

The BBC, just like the government and the rest of the political hard left, are trying to erase the Islamic component to what happened in London those years ago. Reading the Guardian this morning I see a Police Commander – addressing a group of Muslims, naturally – suggests that the main terror threat comes from the “extreme right”. In this way, the focus of the war against militant Islam becomes diffused and we are no longer clear on who the enemy actually is. Like it or not – and the BBC does not – this date marks a fundamental challenge to our way of life by a dark ages pathology and cotton-wool obfuscation from the State Broadcaster is a poor substitute for facing into the issue. In my view.

Hat-tip to Philip and George R.