I have made my own opinion clear. Diane Abbott should have the right to say what she wants, no matter how seemingly racist or 19th century it is. I also believe she should have been disciplined by Miliband and axed from This Week. But the BBC treatment of this story alarms me because it seems to believe that the issue of black racism cannot be debated by a white person. Why?
Last night, on Newsnight, the BBC dragged on race hustler Darcus Howe and Sunder Katwala (who kept praising Darcus as an intrepid equality warrior) This morning, BBC today brought on Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and Diran Adebayo to cover the issue. Both agreed Diane was not racist and that her defence that she was referring to 19th century colonial issues had legs! Unbelievable.
I would like to WHY the BBC felt unable to allow someone from the “community” Diane seems to have a problem with to be afforded the opportunity to comment on her tweet. Perhaps we know why…..?