Another malevolent aspect of the BBC is what I call the ratchet effect. In essence, the BBC uses its media bully pulpit to force political debate ever leftwards. There’s a good example of this on Today this morning in the prime time 8.10am slot. The issue being discussed is the proposal by government to introduce minimum prices for alcohol in England and Wales. Now those of us who are more libertarian minded may conclude that it is no business of Government to be interfering in the free market and setting prices but obviously the BBC is in favour of such overt authoritarianism. So listen to the “debate” it frames between Sir Ian Gilmore (in favour of government setting such minimum prices but they must be higher than currently prescribed) and Gavin Partington from the Wine and Spirits Trade Association. I felt really sorry for Mr Partington who was sneered at by the BBC presenter and interrupted by the execrable Gilmore. The Coalition may be moving to accommodate the BBCA agenda on this issue, but instantly the BBC ratchets it further to the left. Government control of beer and spirits? Yes, but it needs to be higher..always greater..always MORE.