“The people of Britain are under attack. We are being brainwashed. We are being brainwashed completely, ceaselessly and cynically… So just who is doing the brainwashing? How are they doing it and for what purposes?

David Sedgwick’s latest book takes the reader on a disturbing journey deep into the realms of mistruth and deception to reveal, for the very first time, the many tricks and subterfuges used by the British Broadcasting Corporation.

Every time we engage with BBC content, the author argues, we are exposing ourselves to a very dark art: the art of brainwashing. Wilful, deceitful and incessant, Orwellian parallels define the modern corporation and should chill the soul of all who cherish freedom and liberty. Mind  control is here. This is not fiction.

BBC: Brainwashing Britain? is a shocking expose of mass propaganda, its components and aims. You may never look at Auntie in the same way ever again.”

I commend David’s book and will be doing a video interview with David in January!

Biased BBC personality of 2018 awards- result

Outstanding contribution to BBC bias winner ; Jon Sopel

from his early days being president of the labour and students union at Southampton university to the dizzying heights of Washington correspondent for the BBC Jon as been forthright in his views . His consistent bias towards the President of the United States has drawn admiration from his many fans . No journo has displayed such obsessed bias and for that he is a worthy winner .

overseas bias winner ; Jon Sopel

most biased interrupter ; nic Robinson

most overt bias ;today programme

lifetime bias achievement award – David Dimbleby

The soon to be Lord dimbly has made his question time show the leading example of biased bbc broadcasting . Never failing to interrupt anyone he doesn’t like – he has provided a service reinforcing the belief that the state broadcaster is an ugly bloated socialist cancer .

most obvious bias award – dead heat Emily maitliss and jo coburn

contributors to our blog have consistently evidenced the advanced level of pro labour – pro EU broadcasts by these two worthy winners . Despite allegations of tax avoidance by ms maitliss production company she has been consistent in her champagne socialist beliefs .

most biased subject – brexit ( obviously ) runner up President Donald Trump

cathy newman memorial award ; cathy newman

2018 BBC bias by omission award – Islamic racist paedophile rape gangs


most favoured biased mouthpieces – alibi brown , Owen Jones ,


Weekend Open Thread 8 December 2018

The petition to request a parliamentary examination/debate of the poisonous UN migrants treaty had exceeded the required 100000 to get noticed. Silence on the subject is deafening from the Far Left BBC as well as the politicians who are meant to be representing – us .

For those expressing their now limited freedom of expression by marching this weekend good luck . The BBC is peddling the ‘no brexit’ option as the chosen outcome of current parliamentary nonsense . This writer want ‘no deal’ – they can sort out any mess afterwards because they will simply  have to.

Start the Week Open Thread 3 December 2018

The Far Left BBC has been silent on the poisonous UN Treaty on Migrants which the outgoing PM will sign on our behalf this week. It is a horror and shows how far the UN has become a disfunctional lefty cancer in need to urgent reform .

When the next government – of whatever type incorporates the treaty into UK law people will wonder what the hell is going on – bet the BBC won’t tell them .


There is a petition on the government website and I am sure some friend will put up the link in


Emily Maitlis chairs an Intelligence Squared debate

I noted on a recent thread that my esteemed colleagues here were less than complimentary about Emily Maitlis. So when her name cropped up while I was Googling Intelligence Squared debates, I thought I’d plonk the debate above the line.

This was the proposition:

The world should recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

Ehud Olmert and Jack Straw were among the debaters. I’m sure I don’t need to state which side Jack Straw was on.

There was an extraordinary moment after the Palestinian speaker had spouted the customary fallacious nonsense against Israel and was challenged by Maitlis over her exaggeration of Gaza fatalities in the confrontation with the IDF on the border. It might have to go down as the first time the BBC ever bluntly told a Palestinian she was being economical with the truth.

If that wasn’t enough to make me fall off my chair there was an even stronger challenge from Maitlis after Olmert’s partner, a UK barrister, pointed out that the Palestinian debater is not prepared to recognize Israel within any boundaries at all.

Having recovered from the fall off the chair I watched the rest of the debate with increased interest. Maitlis also strongly challenged the Israeli side and I have to conclude that overall she didn’t do a bad job at all as chair.

I haven’t been able to find out where the debate was held but the audience was evidently slanted – surprise, surprise – in favour of the Palestinians. Still, there was considerable support for the proposition and I came away from the debate with the impression that the UK tide might finally be turning against the Arab side of the Israeli-Arab conflict.

But perhaps that is unduly optimistic.