Je Suis Le Sun






Remainders losing it again…James O’Brien of course leading the charge…he clearly can’t let a day go by without a good dose of moral indignation to ease the flow of bile.  Today’s moral reprobates?  The Sun for their satirical take on the Bayeux Tapestry.  Jobby froths…

Giving his verdict on LBC, James said: “Just for pause, because everyone likes a giggle, how do you think we would cover a French or a German newspaper depicting Theresa May, Philip Hammond, David Davis, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson as having had their heads chopped off?

“That’s all, I’m not asking whether it’s right or wrong, good or bad, but this whole thing only begins to make sense if you accept this perception of European countries, European neighbours, European people as somehow being our enemies.

“Which historically isn’t an unfair position to take, there has been war in continental Europe and often involving us for hundreds of years – which is why Winston Churchill loved the idea of a European Union so much, to stop those wars.”

He’s making no judgement but….why is he trying to make sense of a bit of nonsense?….and it’s not European people who are the enemy but the unelected dictatorship that seeks to crush all dissent and take to itself ever more power and control….not to mention our money.  Why no mention that Cameron gets an arrow in the eye and Boris is stabbed in the back?  Would that be somewhat inconvenient to his message that violence is only being meted out to the EU barons?

Churchill of course didn’t expect Britain to be in a United Europe….such a structure was intended to tame Germany and France not Britain which has come to save Europe’s liberties again and again….and if anything it was the Soviet Union that kept the peace in Europe not the European Union…not forgetting the US army and NATO.

Jobby has a problem with a cartoon that is clearly not inciting people to go out and decapitate EU leaders but he doesn’t have a problem comparing Amber Rudd to Hitler….telling us her views are the slippery slope to Nazism….

James O’Brien Compares Amber Rudd’s Speech To Hitler’s Words

“If you’re going to have a sharp line of distinction between people born here and people who just work here, you’re enacting chapter two of Mein Kempf. Strange times.”

So EU leaders are not the enemy but our own Home Secretary is?  Who is inciting whom?  Who is really demonising people…the Sun or Jobby with his faux sanctimonious lefty indignation?

Apart from the ever-indignant Jobby we have the usual suspects as Remainders get over-excited about a cartoon…..trouble is, as Old Holborn points out, the same Remainder was tweeting out ‘Jesuischarlie’ not so long ago in his desire to promote free speech…..




The Craven Heralds

Always knew that would come in handy one day.

The BBC’s science editor, and climate change campaigner, studied English [and claims non-scientists shouldn’t be allowed to comment on climate change], and its politics correspondent, Chris Mason, studied Geography and Broadcasting….kind of figures….what did Nick Robinson study….ethics, morality and honesty in broadcasting?

Somebody’s not a fan of Chris Mason….


And yes Mason really did study geography….ironically from a newspaper called the ‘Craven Herald’…..

After leaving school, Chris studied geography at Christ’s College, Cambridge, before going on to do a postgraduate diploma in broadcast journalism at City University.



Zombie Troll Apocalypse

What did Labour say in its 2010 manifesto, when Andy Burnham was still Health Minister?….

‘We will continue to press ahead with bold NHS reforms. All hospitals will become Foundation Trusts, with successful FTs given the support and incentives to take over those that are under-performing. Failing hospitals will have their management replaced. Foundation Trusts will be given the freedom to expand their provision into primary and community care, and to increase their private services – where these are consistent with NHS values, and provided they generate surpluses that are invested directly into the NHS.
We will support an active role for the independent sector working alongside the NHS in the provision of care, particularly where they bring innovation – such as in end-of-life care and cancer services, and increase capacity. ‘
Where changes are needed, we will be fair to NHS services and staff and give them a chance to improve, but where they fail to do so we will look to alternative provision.


Labour quite happy with privatising the NHS if the NHS cannot provide as good a service as outside providers.  Let’s not forget stuff like this from the BBC before we go on…the BBC headlining with a false Labour claim…

A third of NHS contracts awarded to private firms – report


The only clue (other than a lot of past experience) that the BBC might be misleading us was hearing Nick Clegg on PMQs responding to Labour’s claim, as above from the BBC, that 1/3 of NHS contracts had gone to private companies.

Clegg told us that a mere 6% of NHS spending had gone to private companies…a figure not dissimilar to Labour’s 5%.


Thanks to whomever [Mice Height] it was in the comments who reminded me that Old Holborn is still alive and kicking them up the arse.

Here’s 5 Live praising the audience for their passionate attack on the government’s NHS record….curiously it was only the other week that a 5 Live presenter suggested that the government was, ‘some would say’, running down the NHS so that it could be privatised…..


Hang on…..Old Holborn has spotted something….the ‘passionate audience member’ is a Labour party plant….again and again the BBC fills the airwaves with Labour activists pretending they are merely concerned citizens…..

Here being praised by a Labour MP….

Rebecca Shirazi...on the far left of this picture….

Image result for rebecca shirazi labour party hampstead


Maybe the BBC can get a statement off her at this rally for the NHS tweeted by her…

The ‘Newman’



Ironic that an interview about women wanting equality with men should be conducted by a woman called ‘Newman’.  Cathy Newman possibly proving Jordan Peterson’s point that aggressiveness, being disagreeable and making a lot of noise will get you attention and promotion possibly to a level someway above your ability.  Then again it’s hardly a new thought…the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Channel 4’s response to the slagging [I use that word advisedly] that Newman has received for her abysmal performance is to, not admit the failure and poor performance, but to counter it with shouty accusations of misogyny and hate crimes….[Someone must have a sense of humour…they’ve just uploaded a video of a Peterson lecture….High-functioning depression & how to overcome misery….One for Newman to watch perhaps]…


The Guardian has of course given Newman and C4 a platform [no comments allowed it seems] to squawk about it all, blaming the ‘alt-right’ [lol…just how do they know from the comments?  Apparently it’s de Bots again!] for the abuse…linking other journalists who criticised her to that abuse whilst denying they are doing that…kind of ironic that this is an article about abuse and yet they are clearly setting up Murray, Delingpole and Peterson himself for attacks by the rabid, genuinely misogynist, anti-semitic alt-left [or Corbyn’s Labour Party if you prefer]…..

Channel 4 News has called in security specialists to analyse threats made to presenter Cathy Newman following her interview with a controversial Canadian psychologist who has attracted a following among the “alt-right”.

The combative Channel 4 interview led to praise for Peterson and criticism for Newman on some right-leaning sites. James Delingpole, a Breitbart columnist, said the interview marked a “pivotal victory in the culture wars” and that the “weaknesses of the regressive left have never been more cruelly or damningly expose”. Douglas Murray in the Spectator said: “I don’t think I have ever witnessed an interview that is more catastrophic for the interviewer.”

Newman has faced a wave of abuse and threats online, including on Twitter. There is no suggestion that Peterson, Delingpole or Murray are behind the threats or instigated them.

Newman, rather than address the problems with her interview attacks Murray and hilariously claims to champion free speech….

Newman retweeted De Pear’s posts. In response to Murray’s column – in which he said Newman should get Channel 4 to remove the video from the internet because of how “catastrophic” it was – she said earlier in the week: “Always grateful for advice from Douglas Murray but I won’t be suing or taking out a super-injunction. I thoroughly enjoyed my bout with Jordan Peterson as did hundreds of thousands of our viewers. Viva feminism, viva free speech. Stay tuned Douglas.”

She says she won’t be suing or taking out a super-injunction….well no, because Murray is spot on and she’s over-paid and intellectually under-resourced for her job.  However she will be bringing in specialist security and maybe the police.  Watch out Douglas, the thought-police are being put on stand-by….free speech obviously only goes so far.

C4’s Ben de Pear [really?] suggest all this abuse is a ‘terrible indictment of the times we live in’…hmmm…well he should read some history and get a grip…it’s actually more an indictment of a pretty terrible interview…and as for that ‘such is the scale of threat’….really?  Please tell us more…please describe that threat….even the Guardian doesn’t come up with anything other than ‘a wave of abuse and threats online’….what threats exactly, how many and are they any more than the usual ranting exclamations that surface on many a Youtube video or Twitter?

There are over 42,000 comments on the Youtube video and trawling through a good many it is hard to find any that could be categorised as the all-out hate crimes that C4 claims…most are just laughing at Newman’s incompetence and praising Peterson.  Guess that sticks in Newman’s craw a bit…still, no need to call the police in eh?  There will of course be abuse but C4/Guardian is deliberately trying to inflate that into a huge story in order to distract from their failures and use it as a stick to beat and demonise right-leaning journalists into silence, smearing them by linking them to the abuse which had nothing to do with them at all.

The worse someone has come up with is ‘Bitch’….used 505 times….damn…snowflake territory…..wonder if the Guardian et al count the abusive comments that say a mention of Thatcher gets or even May, or female Labour MPs under attack from their ‘own party’?


Hmmmm…you can search the comments for that video using this site [and others]…

Search in YouTube comments

Certainly Newman is called ‘dumb cunt’, and variations of, many times [not in the hundreds though…and 2 million views of video], hardly unexpected nor unusual for any Youtube video…also searched ‘kill’….most comments seem to suggest they would like to kill themselves not Newman after the video.

We are asked how such abuse can count as ‘critical comment’, well of course it is in its own way, short, pithy and to the point,  but Newman and Co don’t seem to like the more polite, fully fleshed out and reasoned arguments against her interview either, such as it was…hence we get the shouty faux outrage about Newman being called names.

Snowflakery and attempts to censor and censure the right-leaning media.  Irony again?  The tough, aggressive, disagreeable Newman who wants to be a man’s equal canny take it.



Weekend Open Thread


Turkey is supposedly about to launch an offensive against Kurdish forces in Syria continuing its decades long assault on the Kurds, destroying hundreds of villages and killing 10’s of thousands of Kurds whom they consider terrorists.  It will be interesting and possibly instructive how the BBC reports further such assaults on the Kurds, will they adopt a strictly neutral approach reporting the facts or will they become emotionally involved, taking sides as they have done with the Palestinians.  The lack of outrage over the years towards Turkey’s actions in comparison to the reaction to Israeli ones is already instructive, not just the BBC’s of course but all those Kefiyah clad pro-Palestinian, or rather anti-Jewish, campaigners whose whole existence is wrapped up in wiping out the Jewish state ignoring the far greater crimes going on in so many other countries around the world…mostly Muslim.

You can see classic pro-Palestinian BBC bias in this piece brought to us by Sue at Is the BBC biased?...

Hotovely patiently sets out the case against UNRWA, even inventing a new word ‘registrated’ into the bargain. She explains that their (the Palestinians’) great grandparents started the war (of independence) and lost ….Willcox is not impressed. 

“Different versions of history of course…. different..” 

Hotovely Interrupts: ”No no no! There’s only one”

What’s also interesting here is the BBC claiming that there are ‘different versions of history’ or what you might call ‘alternate facts’…how they laughed and mocked when a Trump aide suggested such a thing…meaning naturally that the Media lies….but the BBC always dodged explaining that.  Wilcox of course is the man who suggested Jews are legitimate targets for terrorists in Europe because of what he considers are Israel’s criminal actions in Gaza.

Plenty of other BBC bias bubbling up all around ….list it all here….



Crab Apples


Quite extraordinary.

You might think that Apple repatriating its huge overseas profits back to the USA and paying $38 billion in taxes, investing $350 billion over the next 5 years, employing an extra 20,000 and stating that Trump’s tax measures would increase employment and speed up the economy would make it onto the BBC news somewhere.  But no, the website is Apple free….oh hold on….there’s a new story about Apple buses being attacked by people angry at the gentrification of Silicon Valley…..damn Trump voting knuckle-dragging Rednecks!!!!

The BBC only prints negative stories about Trump it would seem…such as this latest effort….

Trump sows confusion as Republicans scramble to avert shutdown

President Donald Trump has appeared to undercut his party’s attempts to reach a budget deal with Democrats, on the eve of a possible government shutdown.

In a tweet, the Republican president criticised a sweetener added to the spending bill by congressional leaders to win Democratic lawmakers’ votes.

Another conservative lawmaker vented his frustration with Mr Trump.

“We don’t have a reliable partner at the White House to negotiate with,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, of South Carolina, according to the Washington Post.

Hmmmm…..good old Rep. Senator Graham…who works hand in hand with the Dubious Democrat Durbin…and oh look…the Flake….funny how Breitbart can give a much more rounded picture of events than the BBC…a totally different perspective on events…..

Pro-amnesty GOP Senators are working hand-in-glove with Democrats to block a government budget until President Donald Trump agrees to break his campaign promise and his presidency by amnestying millions of wage-lowering illegal immigrants.

The hostage-taking is being fronted by a group of GOP legislators, led by Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Lindsey Graham, who announced Wednesday they would not allow 2018 funding for the Pentagon until Trump approves an amnesty.

And note….how familiar in the UK…..mass immigration is good for whom exactly….the workers or the fat cat bosses who support Remain?…..exactly the same problem in the US….

Because of the successful cheap-labor strategy, wages for men have remained flat since 1973, and a large percentage of the nation’s annual income has shifted to investors and away from employees.


You said what?



Douglas Murray lays into C4s Cathy Newman for her inept interview with Jordan Peterson.

Although it is C4 the interview is pretty much symptomatic of so many interviews in the BBC…and C4 is just as lefty biased as the BBC anyway….we just aren’t forced to pay for it.

Newman comes with a preset agenda that bears little relationship to what Peterson says and she compounds that by not actually listening to what he says.  She constantly tells him what he has said and yet he just didn’t say it…such as equal pay will make women miserable….and despite Peterson explaining that he didn’t say that and what he actually said was women marrying men who refuse to grow up will make them miserable Newman continued to make the same claim amongst many others that were equally wrong and misquotes of what Peterson actually said…and he spoke quite clearly and coherently…so not hard to follow.

Pretty typical of so many BBC interviews, Emma Barnett is particularly guilty of this, where the interviewer just  doesn’t listen to what they are being told, and/or have their own agenda which they are so desperate to push they disregard anything that is inconvenient for their own narrative.

As mentioned before in previous posts it makes you wonder why the BBC clings on so desperately to ‘talent’ and is willing to pay through the nose to do so when quite clearly any half-competent person could be dragged in off the street to do the same job for vastly less, but still respectable, wages…I exaggerate but not much.



Facts….such a terrible nuisance for a news organisation


Laughed this morning as Sarah Montague got slapped down as she talked about French/British security relations.

Apparently Brexit is damaging as a whole and it is inevitable that it will bring problems for our relationship with France and damage our security.

The French spokeman said no, not true, you have to consider the facts and that it is not the relationship with the EU that is important but the ones between nations.  A double whammy there for the BBC’s anti-Brexit narrative.

And Brexit is not a catastrophe for the City…as if we ever thought it would be…

Christian Noyer, a former Bank of France governor, told the BBC that concerns about the impact on the City of Brexit had been overblown.

Mr Noyer was hired in 2016 by the French government to defend the country’s financial interests in the  Brexit negotiations.

He told BBC Radio Four’s Today programme: “Twenty years ago London was already the first financial centre and Paris was much more important.

“Many banks had concentrated their forces in London which had tens or sometimes hundreds of staff in Paris before.

“So if that goes back to where we were 20 years ago it is not a catastrophe for the City.”

And of course the EU Withdrawal Bill has just gone through the Commons….guessing the Remainder Rearguard will be out in force today frothing at the mouth….better call the BBC, the fourth emergency service for liberals in distress.