Soapy Sopel in a Lather


This retweet from Sopel pretty much sums up his and the BBC’s world view….as usual Sopel picks one that is about him….most of his tweets seem to be about him and his love affair with The Donald….


Sopel must be pretty gutted that Trump hardly knows who Sopel is, Sopel not making it to the Trump Fake News Awards. 

Interesting that Sopel retweets that ‘Boris” tweet…who is Boris?  A deeply involved Labour Party man, or one who was a member of the Brentford & Isleworth CLP….until now, when he has resigned due to Corbyn.  I have no idea why Sopel follows ‘Boris’, what their relationship is, but why does Sopel have no interest in his buddy quitting Labour #duetoCorbyn?   Not even a tweet from Sopel.  Guess only some tweets are of interest…those that support the Sopel/BBC world view and not those that show Corbyn in a bad light.

Today, after much thought and with great sadness I tendered my resignation of the Labour Party.

An increasingly disenfranchised and distrustful population is crying out for change. Craving a party and a leader with a positive vision for the future.

The sad reality is Labour and Jeremy Corbyn are unable and unwilling to provide this vision.


What we did get this morning on the Today show was Sopel blaming Trump for the disdain that the public hold the media in….and yet at least 54% of Democrats distrust the Media…so how is that Trump’s fault?  The reality is of course it has always been thus…journalists have always been thought of as dishonest scum…and often rightly so…and is Trump not right that the Media is now the enemy of the American people?  90% of the Media is against Trump and actively works to oppose him and has done so since his nomination to run if not before and will say and do anything to unseat him…to effect a coup d’etat.  The fabrication of stories about collusion with the Russians, collaboration with the intelligence services to attack Trump, the invention of faked-up dodgy dossiers, the very partisan reporting aimed at bringing down a President…..just why should the media be trusted?  And worst of all the BBC has been complicit in all of this.

Sopel admitted this morning that the Media has set itself up as the opposition, the enemy, but he blames Trump calling out their fake news for driving them to this stance….which kind of gets the cart before the horse….it was their fake news that led Trump to call them out…and they just don’t like that.  They want a President who does what they tell him to do and who is afraid of them and their power…..Trump just doesn’t care…and they hate that.

The BBC has not stood apart from the fray but joined in with relish as seen when Sopel himself backchatted with Trump rather than restrict himself to doing his job, instead grandstanding with some cleverdick comments.

The BBC spent the election running Trump down, calling him a racist, a sexist, an Islamophobe, a madman, a liar, a Russian stooge and a white supremacist…..and have continued with those slurs after his election.  All of it their own subjective intepretation of events or complete lies based upon no evidence whatsoever.

Any wonder Trump has so much disdain for the Media?  Look today and the BBC, and Sopel, are telling us that a Republican senator, Jeff Flake, is calling Trump ‘Stalinesque’ for saying the Media is the enemy of the people….the BBC not telling us Flake is a long time, vocal opponent of Trump and that the only people listening to his outburst were two Democrats.   If anything is Stalinist it is the reaction of Trump’s opponents who invent grand conspiracies and hold show trials…and of course use the classic Stalinist technique of labelling his opponents psychologically unfit…and then locking them up in the Gulags.

Sopel thinks it important to note Flake [well named] is a Republican….


Not so eager to admit that Flake is the enemy of Trump as are quite a few Republicans like McCain and Ryan who worked hard to oppose his nomination.  Not ‘worth adding’?

More BBC fake news about fake news intended to discredit Trump and make themselves the arbiters of what is true and what is not.


NHS crisis…in California


Just some perspective on the NHS crisis…..this all sounds very familiar…….and yet it’s in the US and not an apparently poverty stricken NHS…..patients in tents, store rooms, operations cancelled and ambulances unable to unload patients…..

California hospitals face a ‘war zone’ of flu patients — and are setting up tents to treat them

An influenza A strain known as H3N2 is making people so ill in California that thousands have shown up in recent weeks at hospitals struggling to fight the infection.

The huge numbers of sick people are also straining hospital staff who are confronting what could become California’s worst flu season in a decade.

Hospitals across the state are sending away ambulances, flying in nurses from out of state and not letting children visit their loved ones for fear they’ll spread the flu. Others are canceling surgeries and erecting tents in their parking lots so they can triage the hordes of flu patients.

Connie Cunningham and her staff at Loma Linda University Medical Center were triaging so many flu patients after New Year’s that they assembled what looks like a giant, brown camping tent in their emergency room parking lot. Several hospitals in California are treating flu patients in so-called “surge tents” intended for major disasters.

“It’s like trying to surf a tsunami,” said Dr. Brian Johnston, an emergency medicine doctor at White Memorial Medical Center in Boyle Heights. “Maybe the wave has crested, one hopes.”

Now they’re running low on beds because many patients were admitted with severe flu. Gunnett said she has started canceling scheduled surgeries and turning single-patient rooms into doubles to free up space.

At Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, hospital staff noticed flu cases were mounting and began clearing out an area that was being used as storage.

“It seems like we’re setting a record almost every day,” said Dr. Dave Feldman, medical director of the emergency department.

On Thursday, the former storage area opened as an extension of the emergency room.

Now they’re running low on beds because many patients were admitted with severe flu. Gunnett said she has started canceling scheduled surgeries and turning single-patient rooms into doubles to free up space.

At Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, hospital staff noticed flu cases were mounting and began clearing out an area that was being used as storage.

“It seems like we’re setting a record almost every day,” said Dr. Dave Feldman, medical director of the emergency department.

On Thursday, the former storage area opened as an extension of the emergency room.



Fanny by gaslight


Libby Purves asks what we have been asking for years now….just why does the BBC employ people at such exhorbitant rates when they could easily get someone to do the same job, just as competently or better, as a Humphrys or Vine at a vastly lower salary?

The former Radio 4 presenter said that the corporation ‘clings on’ to stars including Graham Norton and Gary Lineker ‘like frightened toddlers to their teddies’ and fail to ‘hunt widely’ for alternative presenters.

She accused BBC bosses of shying away from telling the highest-paid stars that their salaries will shrink because they are concerned about them quitting.

Having said that she would like to see director-general Lord Hall making it clear that top stars are replaceable, she told Radio Times: ‘That this never happens is because of two things.

‘One is that managers like to talk of ‘handling multi-million-pound budgets’, because that makes their own inflated pay seem good value.

‘The other is a craven fear of losing ‘talent’, and a failure to hunt widely for more. They get fixed on the idea that there can only ever be one Norton or Winkleman or Feltz or Lineker.

‘They cling on, like frightened toddlers to their teddies. In fluffy showbiz it’s a bit understandable. But news and good documentaries aren’t showbiz.’

In the Guardian an anonymous and senior BBC woman gives the BBC a broadside for not paying women like her, highly educated, clever, talented and articulate, the same as men…note she also supports the idea that there is no need to pay for ‘talent’ as there is plenty of talent out there untapped that would work for far less…so no need for the BBC to be held hostage by the big stars of news….

Fear stalks the BBC, and women like me are being gaslighted and lied to

The group of BBC women I am a part of now numbers more than 200, including some of the most high-profile at the corporation. We are women who support our colleague Carrie Gracie in her public and eloquent pursuit of that principle of parity.

That I write this anonymously is a sign of both fear and anger among many BBC women, who, even after joining the group, stay silent. Fear that we might be seen as obstructive for speaking out, and anger because the reason for our speaking out is neither obstructive nor designed to make trouble. We just want to see an existing law enforced.

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” George Orwell’s words are embedded in the wall of the front of the building in which I work, next to his statue. And I believe in them.

But the BBC cannot trumpet its editorial independence in telling truth to power, only to expect its highly educated and talented employees to stay silent when they are lied to. And we have been lied to. Both in individual cases and collectively. You could argue that it is a form of gaslighting: continuing to tell women that there is no inequality and, over a period of time, they think they are imagining it. Knowledge is power.  If this is happening to a group of articulate, clever and highly educated women then it must surely be happening in many other industries. 

The leak of a private conversation between two senior broadcasters (John Humphrys and Jon Sopel) about Gracie, should be more than discomfiting. That the BBC management is said to be “deeply unimpressed” is good. But the private conversation isn’t just a sideshow, it is a symptom of a cultural malaise. It represents hardwired hostility and contempt towards women who demand what is right and legal. This can’t be shrugged off as “jocular exchange” or “banter” between old mates.

For a public service broadcaster, salaries of the top earners are indeed inflated. And if individuals bargain with the BBC and say they could earn more money elsewhere, perhaps the BBC should acquire the confidence to let them go. There are many, many talented people – and some of them are even women – who could step into their shoes. Given the BBC’s unique nature, in many cases there are no comparable programmes individuals could go to and still have the same platform they have at the BBC.

Have to say her attack on Humphrys is wrong really…he was joking but if he was having a moan doesn’t he have a right to?  It was not hostility nor contempt towards women.  After all he is having large amounts of money stripped from his salary at no fault of his own….this is down to the BBC which agreed the huge salary in the first place….and now are reneging on the deal because they have been found out rather than coughing up and levelling pay upwards.  Not Humphrys’ fault at all.



Jobby flushed down pan


The above Tweet is from the lefty which of course employs gobby Jobby…..and if you wish to be bored to death feel free to take a butchers at one of his interviews.  The grey paint drying on the wall is more interesting.  The Tweet is meant to be witty and ironic, ironic that it is also so so true…..and is of course a response to the Sun’s observant assessment of Jobby today….

Radio bore

IF you’ve never heard of James O’Brien, you’re not missing anything.

The radio host is the epitome of a smug, sanctimonious, condescending, obsessively politically-correct, champagne-socialist public schoolboy Remoaner,

He imagines himself on a higher moral plane than anyone voting Tory or backing Leave, yet wilfully spreads lies on social media if they fit his worldview.

How can the BBC still feign political impartiality with this professional leftie propagandist presenting Newsnight?

The BBC should ditch him.

Hmmm…did they know something coz gobby Jobby has gone from Newsnight saying he came off the roster 6 months ago?….Curious neither he nor the BBC trumpeted his departure and we only learn of it after the Sun lays into him and  the BBC for employing him.

From Guido:

MediaGuido had heard a few whispers about why James O’Brien had been canned by Newsnight – chiefly that BBC bosses were fed up with his Trumpian hyper-partisan attention-seeking both on their programme, on Twitter and elsewhere. One insider says they simply ran out of patience with him always going off on one. O’Brien has today essentially confirmed that version of events, tweeting:

“I withdrew from the roster some months ago to retain my right to criticise Brexit and Trump in my other work”

You just have to ask what took the BBC so long to let him go….and why did they employ him in the first place?  But surely it can’t be his anti-Brexit stance, nor indeed hus anti-Trump stance that got him the push…..anti-Trumpiness is de rigueur at the BBC and he was employed on the basis of his abysmal and incompetent hatchet job on Farage…a flood of lies, half-truths and loudly asserted non-facts that Farage easily batted away…and yet Newsnight thought ‘That’s our boy…sign him up!’.  Can only imagine he will eventually go the way of most sad and desperate Remoaners and slip loudly into madness subjecting his listeners to crazy rants about his pet peeves….oh, there already.  Ex-Newnight Paul Mason makes an ideal template for the way to go….or as Guido puts it...a shouty crackers descent into mid-life crisis. 

Jobby’s response to the Sun’s take down….to promote his own attack on the Sun…from June 2016….so very  up to date…and of course, based purely upon his own bigotry, bias, lies and ignorance….and apparently Muslims are just like everyone else…apart from dress, culture, religion and views about what British society should look like…..

“This also, of course, is the newspaper in which we’ve read recently that Muslims are not like you or I, they’re not like the rest of us”



Sadly missed.



The Bradley Bunch Solution



Voice-over by Sky’s Julie Etchingham but policy confirmed by Tory MP Ben Bradley.

A Conservative MP has apologised for a 2012 blog post in which he suggested benefit claimants should have vasectomies.

In the post Ben Bradley, made Tory vice-chairman for youth in last week’s reshuffle, hit out at what he called a “vast sea of unemployed wasters”.

Did think it was in a way actual Tory policy as they cut benefits for families with more than two children thus encouraging birth control with financial incentives.

Poor people are being told to stop having children. It’s an outrage!

Within minutes of the Chancellor George Osborne announcing in his Summer Budget that those starting a family after April 2017 will only be entitled to child tax credits for their first two children, there was uproar.

The BBC et al of course are up in arms, shocked at Bradley’s suggestion couched as it was in rather harsh language, but is it any different to what is the generally accepted notion that if you want children you should be able to afford to bring them up?

Jeremy Hunt made similar remarks in 2010:

A Cabinet minister has provoked a storm by suggesting that the workshy should stop having children if they cannot afford them.

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt called on the jobless to take responsibility for their families.

He said it was not the duty of the state to fund an increasing number of offspring with benefits.

Of course Toby Young was similarly hung out to dry for merely attending, briefly, a conference about intelligence which had some speakers who voiced ideas that appeared to support eugenics.  Young was actually researching for a speech he had been asked to make at a well established and respected organisation about intelligence later in the year, he was not visiting this conference due to personal interest.  That didn’t stop the usual lynch mob from attacking him.

Curiously the BBC doesn’t hold everyone to the same standard….such as the beloved Hillary Clinton who has fully endorsed a woman who actually practised eugenics on Blacks in the US.

Sec. Clinton Stands By Her Praise of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger

‘Now, I have to tell you that it was a great privilege when I was told that I would receive this award. I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision … And when I think about what she did all those years ago in Brooklyn, taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions, I am really in awe of her.’

Mrs. Sanger, of course, wasn’t the benevolent advocate for human rights that Clinton’s remarks make her out to be. In fact, Sanger’s “vision” for birth control seems to be united to a eugenic vision. In the October 1921 issue of The Birth Control Review, Sanger wrote that “the campaign for Birth Control is not merely of eugenic value, but is practically identical in ideal with the final aim of Eugenics.” Sanger laid out the “principles and aims” of the American Birth Control League in an appendix to her 1922 work, The Pivot of Civilization. Two and a half pages are devoted to the principles of the American Birth Control league, which begins:

The complex problems now confronting America as the result of the practice of reckless procreation are fast threatening to grow beyond human control. Everywhere we see poverty and large families going hand in hand. Those least fit to carry on the race are increasing most rapidly. People who cannot support their own offspring are encouraged by Church and State to produce large families. Many of the children thus begotten are diseased or feeble minded. Many become criminals. The burden of supporting these unwanted types has to be borne by the healthy elements of the nation. Funds that should be used to raise the standard of our civilization are diverted to the maintenance of those who should never have been born.

Maybe this from Sanger might have alerted Clinton that Sangar had views that are frowned upon today:

It is said that the aboriginal Australian, the lowest known species of the human family, just a step higher than the chimpanzee in brain development, has so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents him from obtaining sexual satisfaction on the streets. According to one writer, the rapist has just enough brain development to raise him above the animal, but like the animal, when in heat knows no law except nature which impels him to procreate whatever the result. Every normal man and Woman has the power to control and direct his sexual impulse. Men and women who have it in control and constantly use their brain cells in thinking deeply, are never sensual.

Still, Clinton is untouchable at BBC Towers whilst anyone on the Right is demonised and written off as a Nazi.


Is Population Growth a Ponzi Scheme?


Quality of life or untold riches due to mass immigration?

The BBC wants you to believe that we can have a thriving economy only if we keep importing millions upon millions of cheap workers.  They tell us that the benefits are enormous.  Are they?  Are there in fact any benefits?  The best figure they can come up with is the economy may increase by 50p per immigrant…so great value….never mind the massive housing problem created, the NHS in crisis, schools overflowing, the roads chocablock, infrastructure such as water under huge pressure, the prisons in meltdown and the police and legal system unable to cope with the extra demands….add to that terrorism and attempts to undermine British society by immigrant communities and it all adds up to a potent mix that tells us mass immigration is an extremist ideology with very dangerous consequences for us all the only ones who benefit are the fat-cat bosses who leech off the cheap imported labour and the liberal/left extremist ideologues who want to destory the West and to ethnically cleanse Europe of white people.

Here is an article that suggests the wonderful picture that the BBC et al paint of mass immigration is not true…

While it may come in many guises, Ponzi demography is essentially a pyramid scheme that attempts to make more money for some by adding on more and more people through population growth.

While more visible in industrialized economies, particularly in Australia, Canada and the United States, Ponzi demography also operates in developing countries. The underlying strategy of Ponzi demography is to privatize the profits and socialize the costs incurred from increased population growth.

As has been noted by Nobel laureate economists Joseph Stiglitz and Amartya Sen as well as many others, current economic yardsticks such as gross domestic product (GDP) focus on material consumption and do not include quality-of-life factors.

Standard measures of GDP do not reflect, for example, the degradation of the environment, the depreciation of natural resources or declines in individuals’ quality of life.

According to Ponzi demography, population growth — through natural increase and immigration — means more people leading to increased demands for goods and services, more material consumption, more borrowing, more on credit and of course more profits. Everything seems fantastic for a while — but like all Ponzi schemes, Ponzi demography is unsustainable.

When the bubble eventually bursts and the economy sours, the scheme spirals downward with higher unemployment, depressed wages, falling incomes, more people sinking into debt, more homeless families — and more men, women and children on public assistance.

That is the stage when the advocates of Ponzi demography — notably enterprises in construction, manufacturing, finance, agriculture and food processing — consolidate their excess profits and gains. That leaves the general public to pick up the tab for the mounting costs from increased population growth (e.g., education, health, housing and basic public services).

Among its primary tactics, Ponzi demography exploits the fear of population decline and aging. Without a young and growing population, we are forewarned of becoming a nation facing financial ruin and a loss of national power.

Due to population aging, government-run pensions and healthcare systems will become increasingly insolvent, according to advocates of Ponzi demography, thereby crippling the economy, undermining societal well-being and threatening national security.

Low birth rates, especially those below replacement levels, are considered a matter of national concern. Without higher fertility rates and the resulting population growth, the nation, it is claimed, faces a bleak and dreary future.


“Economic growth requires population growth” is the basic message that Ponzi demography wants the public to swallow. No mention is made of the additional profits they reap and the extra costs the public bears.


Despite its snake-oil allure of “more is better,” Ponzi demography’s advocacy for ever-increasing population growth is ultimately unsustainable. Such persistent growth hampers efforts to improve the quality of life for today’s world population of nearly seven billion people as well as for future generations.

Moving gradually towards population stabilization, while not a panacea for the world’s problems, will make it far easier to address problems such as climate change, environmental degradation, poverty and development, human rights abuses and shortages of water, food and critical natural resources.

The sooner nations reject Ponzi demography and make the needed gradual transition from ever-increasing population growth to population stabilization, the better the prospects for all of humanity and other life on this planet.

Capital Idea


John Humphrys [sexist pig] was interviewing a GMB union representative this morning [08:10] about Carillion and its downfall.  The BBC seems to want to shift the blame away from Carillion for some reason and onto the banks and politicians judging by this report….however apparently Capitalism is in the dock even if Carillion management are not.

The GMB rep. made no mention of Capitalism or smashing the system and yet Humphrys kept bringing it up suggesting that the Rep. was telling us the demise of Carillion signified the end of Capitalism…or ‘the system’ as Humphrys called it.  But Captalism isn’t a ‘system’ just the natural way of doing business and way of life for people who create and produce products….it is not an ideology such as Socialism which only works at the point of a gun, and even then doesn’t actually work.

Let’s think…hmmmm…which politician is advocating the smashing of Capitalism and the imposition of a Marxist Utopia?  Could it be the BBC’s favourite terrorist supporting Far-Left Marxist wrecker?  It certainly could, step forward Jeremy Corbyn…or is he too busy writing the BBC’s business reports?   Such as this one which could indeed have been written by Corbyn or one of his lackeys packed full of half-truths, strawmen and conclusions based upon dubious associations and interpretations…..

Was 2017 a bad year for capitalism?

2017 was the year the budget watchdog in the UK finally gave up waiting for the usual historical rise in productivity to return – with painful consequences for the public finances and the chancellor.

When you give up on improving productivity, some would argue that you are pretty much giving up on capitalism.

‘some would argue’… who’s that ‘some’?  Corbyn and Co perhaps?

Silenced during the financial crisis, the full-throated roar of capitalism should have been deafening.

And yet on many measures, 2017 was a bad year for capitalism, the system of free-market economics.

For starters it was the year it faced serious opposition.

In his conference speech, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said that capitalism faced a “crisis of legitimacy” after the 2008 financial crash and the time had now come for a new economic model, with a bigger role for the public sector, renationalised utilities and more investment in infrastructure and skills.

Labour Party membership doubled under Mr Corbyn, and having been written off by most pundits when the election was called, Labour ended up gaining 30 seats.

Experts who wrote off his chances soon claimed it was no surprise how well Mr Corbyn’s criticisms of capitalism went down given the economic reality of most people’s lives.

Capitalism’s central promise is that through hard work you – and your family – will have a better life. Of course, there are recessions from time to time but, generally speaking, the tide of economic growth will eventually lift all ships.

Well, that hasn’t been true for millions of people since the economic crisis of 2008 but in 2017 a new grievance was added to the decade-long austerity fatigue. After a two-year period in which pay rises narrowly exceeded negligible inflation, prices started rising faster than pay – meaning on average people were getting a little poorer every day.

 The main reason behind stagnant pay was, as every economist in the land told us throughout 2017, poor productivity. 

Where does the BBC think the money comes from to run a socialist utopia?  Business is where the money comes from, even Lenin acknowledged that Capitalism was essential to fund his socialist dream, at least, until it could stand on its own two feet….which of course never happens.  The only other way is socialist slavery where the workers do as they are told for meagre returns as in the Soviet Union…the Soviet Union only kept afloat by loans from the decadent West.  Want to nationalise the railways?  Where does the money come from to run them?  From the taxes on buinesses and from those employed in those businesses.

Interesting that last line about poor productivity as the main reason for stagnating wages…the BBC’s infamous ‘squeeze’.  OK…..not austerity then as the BBC has insisted for years now?

If productivity is the problem why is that?  All too freely available America where it comes flooding across the border with Mexico and in the UK where it floods across the Channel……

A crucial measure of how far from full recovery the economy remains is the growth of nominal wages (wages unadjusted for inflation). Nominal wage growth since the recovery officially began in mid-2009 has been low and flat. This isn’t surprising–the weak labor market of the last seven years has put enormous downward pressure on wages. Employers don’t have to offer big wage increases to get and keep the workers they need. And this remains true even as a jobs recovery has consistently forged ahead in recent years.

The EU’s forced freedom of movement destroys our productivity and our wages…..remarkably the normally anti-Big Business BBC bends over backwards to hide this and to push the case for Big Business to keep importing cheap labour undercutting our own people.

The reality is that the bosses have been raking it in at the expense of their workers…..productivity for them is fine if measured not by goods produced per man but per pound…..the same amount of goods are being produced for less money, lower wages…thus productivity isn’t down, wages are.  Just remember these are the same bosses who happily pack up a factory and ship it out to China or Turkey and yet the BBC fills the airwaves with stories of how much these fat cats are concerned about the British economy #duetoBrexit.  They don’t give a monkeys, all they are concerned about is their bank accounts.

The BBC continues in this report to push Labour’s lines on housing and social mobility….

Perhaps the most damning report on capitalism in 2017 was to be found in the housing and social mobility figures.

In truth, there have been very few good years for capitalism since the great financial crisis. In 2011, the Occupy movement invaded Wall Street and the City of London demanding immediate global change.

Those tents and placards are long gone.

But the effects of the crisis on earning power, living standards, home ownership and social mobility – all things capitalism promises to improve – remain with us as we end 2017.

But the housing crisis is a result of mass immigration into this country, just how do you house 300,000 people per year? And lack of social mobility is untrue….never have people from all walks of life had more opportunity to get on in life than now.

This BBC report is just pure Corbyn propaganda…and Humphrys this morning just added to the mix.


Jobby on the job

Once a gossip columnist always a gossip columnist.

Jobby has been spreading fake news due to a inability to  get his facts right….as always.

From Guido:

LBC leftie and sometime Newsnight presenter James O’Brien helped fake news about the collapse of Carillion go viral yesterday. Keen to find a damaging line, O’Brien tweeted that the company’s chairman is “an adviser to the Prime Minister Theresa May on corporate responsibility”. Nope…

O’Brien was later forced to correct his assertion in another tweet:

Gets his news from the Guardian…that’ll teach him.



Down the memory hole?


Carillion, was responsible not only for the design, construction and commissioning, but also for on-going operation and maintenance of the  £135 million project. Eric Shaw, in his persuasive book, Losing Labour’s Soul?: New Labour and the Blair Government 1997-2007, discusses how the NHS was taken to the cleaners when negotiating these PFI contracts. Not only did the NHS lack the commercial expertise, and were therefore required to outsource the project negotiations and management at enormous cost; but the contracts for operating the hospitals were developed on a deeply flawed risk model, paying the private companies a premium for assuming risk that was in fact still retained by the NHS as the operator of last resort.

If Carillion fails to conduct itself in a manner consistent with the expected ethical standards of the public sector, then it should not be considered for public services contracts.

From Socialist Unity 2012


Carilllion’s failure of corporate governance

It is high time that private companies making profits from public services recognize that they need to match up to the ethical standards that the public expects.

Labour Futures


Will the BBC be digging the real dirt on Carillion and seeing where the real blame lies or will they settle for putting all the blame onto the Tories?    Carillion was enabled by the Blair government and its policy of privatising the NHS and many public services by stealth as Corbyn supporting Socialist Unity reminds us today…..

The pending collapse of this PFI giant has huge implications.

It also should remind us that as a movement we are still living with the legacy of the Blair years, when PFI was extended further and further into the public sector.