Gobby JO’Bby shows us why he’s worth it


The BBC’s James O’Brien is out to show how brilliant he is again with an astute, insightful and intelligent analysis of a letter sent by David Davis to the PM on his LBC show…..read it for yourself and check out how clear the meaning is…hard to misunderstand especially if you’re so intelligent as Mr O’Brien is…a ‘very stable genius’ no doubt:




LBC boasts:

James O’Brien took apart David Davis’ complaints that the EU is planning for a ‘No Deal Brexit’ in characteristic style.

In a letter seen by Financial Times journalist Jim Pickard, David Davis told the Prime Minister:

 James read out some key passages – and ripped them apart.

David Davis: “I am writing to draw your and fellow members of the European Union Exit And Trade Committee’s attention to a growing number of instances where the UK is treated differently by the EU institutions.”

James O’Brien: What the hell did you expect to happen when you voted to leave the European Union, David?

David Davis: “The UK is treated differently by the EU institutions, before we leave the EU and in a way which is frequently damaging for UK interests.”

James O’Brien: What? Oh my giddy aunt, colour me shocked. Who could possibly have seen that coming, Secretary Of State For Leaving The European Union?

Trouble is Davis was complaining that Britain, which is still a member of the EU, is now being treated as if it was not….clearly against the rules….O’Brien fails to understand that not so subtle point made in the first paragraph of the letter.  Still why let the facts spoil a good fake news story….happily ignoring...’before we leave the EU’.  The EU are not ‘planning for a no-deal’ they are already acting as if it has happened. Illuminating that O’Brien shows no interest in tackling the EU’s outrageous behaviour but is more interested in inventing fake news about those who are trying to implement Brexit and get the best deal for Britain….no prizes for guessing which way O’Brien voted in the referendum.  Seems he does not have Britain’s interests at heart.

No doubt it will feature on Newsnight with JO’Bby….they seem to have few qualms about promoting the EU’s side of things either.



‘The Beauties’ Awards



I await with interest:

Petard Hoist Own


The BBC said: “Where a presenter or reporter has publicly expressed a view on a particular issue, they would no longer be perceived as an impartial voice, therefore it is right they do not conduct interviews on that issue. This is in keeping with editorial guidelines.”

So the BBC, as we know, has been paying women less than men for the same job, as well of course of only employing younger, good looking women [get your black dresses out girls!], and is now engaged in a nonsense of trying to appear impartial as it takes off air female presenters who have commented in support of Carrie Gracie and the issues around that…maybe they just want to silence those supporters.  Odd how keen the BBC are to ensure impartiality here when it is themselves in the firing line…not so keen on other issues.

Roger Harrabin has admitted he has been ‘campaigning;’ about climate change for 20 years…and yet he is still the BBC’s ‘impartial’ reporter on such issues.  Eddie Mair, who is gay, was assigned to report on the gay marriage issue as it went through parliament [and the BBC broadcast an episode of Mrs Brown’s Boys that was blatantly promoting the issue on the night before the vote], the Muslim Mishal Husain is almost always the one who reports on Muslim ‘issues’ on Today.  I look forward to the time when they can find a BBC reporter who isn’t anti-Trump and can thus be trusted to report honestly and impartially about him….the BBC doesn’t seem at all bothered that they are all freely scornful and abusive towards Trump…and I’m sure if we checked their Twitter feeds that would be quite apparent.

Interesting how free and easy the BBC are with our licence fee money…..prepared to top up wages by the odd 5o grand or so at the shake of a stick…..perhaps if they weren’t paying the men so much to start with it wouldn’t all be such an issue.

Another fine mess the BBC has got itself into.


Little Black Burkas




Related image


Have to laugh at the hypocrisy of the stars at the Golden Globes who wore black in protest at sexism…..and yet they somehow seemed to forget the point of the exercise as they dressed to thrill….bums and boobs on show aplenty….how can they complain about sexism when they play on their sex appeal?

Bombshell: Laverne Cox looked magical in a sparkly gown with sheer bodice and sleeves  A-list events: Kate Beckinsale (far left) and Miranda Kerr (far right) were leading the glamour at the InStyle and Warner Bros. Golden Globes after party in Beverly Hills on Sunday night, while Paris Hilton (centre) was rocking the red carpet at the glitzy HBO bash  Glamorous: Miranda injected a touch of A-list glamour to her ensemble with sparkling Niwaka jewelry as she tenderly caressed her baby bump on the red carpet

The BBC of course were fully supportive of the stars not making any objection when it was said that none of these stars spoke up before because they were worried about their careers.  Hmmm…so they made that choice….submit to the advances of the ‘Weinsteins’ in order to further their careers and make no fuss…thus allowing such practices to continue and other actresses to be treated in that way.  ‘A-list’ powerful actresses decided not to speak out to protect their careers and now expect everyone to applaud their new found chastity and guts?

Aah…now that’s more like it…

After party people: Susan Sarandon is seen posing alongside Rosa Clemente, Marai Larasi and Emma Watson

Order Order

Emma Barnett is like a dog with a bone as she continues her relentless narrative of a ‘weak’ Theresa May that she has been pushing for a year, totally ignoring the fact that May is in a very strong position, the only person who could conceivably replace her just now is Corbyn…can’t see the 1922 committee voting for that.  Just the usual BBC ploy of totally ignoring the reality and reporting what they want to happen instead…such as Trump is a Russian stooge.  Can’t see anything worth getting excited about in the government reshuffle….no ‘chaos’ or ‘weakness’…just the usual usual.  The Papers like to make eyecatching headlines about nothing but the BBC should be above all that…but it seems not as it tries its best to turn the reshuffle into something significant.  The Today show putting as evidence of ‘chaos’ the tweet from CCHQ about Chris Grayling…but Guido says it was in fact the BBC who made the rumour ‘firm’ taking their cue from the Times despite the fact that the Times’ Tim Shipman had put a ‘health warning’ on the information.

From Guido….

11:04am: Chris Grayling tipped as new party chairman on Twitter.

11:40am: The BBC “confirms” Grayling’s appointment.

11:43am: A CCHQ staffer sees the BBC’s report, assumes it is correct, and tweets its out from the @Conservatives account.


Can’t trust the BBC to get its facts right and then to admit its mistake…blaming the Tories instead and presenting it as chaos…’chaos’ created by…..the BBC.


TDS…or plain old Tedious…the BBC’s constant vilification of Trump

Media columnist Michael Wolff says journalists are “having a nervous breakdown” as they attempt to cover President Trump.

The Hollywood Reporter columnist and Newsweek writer told CNN’s Brian Stelter on “Reliable Sources” Sunday that the press goes into a “fit of apoplexy” after every move from the White House — an overreaction he said damages the media’s credibility.

 “As we try to go after his credibility, our credibility becomes equally a problem,” Wolff said. “I think individual journalists are, in many cases, having a nervous breakdown.”

Oh the irony of that statement by Wolff in February 2017….was he talking about the BBC’s Nick Robinson or indeed himself?

‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’…..the normal mental state at BBC Towers where they all believe it is Trump who is the mad one and yet it could be they, stuck in their bubble, constantly patting each other on the back telling themselves how great they are and how wrong everyone else is, who are the deluded ones.

Here’s the Spectator on a  newish arrival on the BBC’s News Quiz…a right-wing comedian…

I just exulted to my wife that Simon Evans had been on Radio Four’s The News Quiz. He’s a very funny man, Evans, but is also regarded as Britain’s only right-wing comedian. There are actually quite a few others – Leo Kearse, for example.

Anyway, Evans was in excellent form, defending Donald Trump and describing the NHS as a Socialist Utopia which did not work. The audience wasn’t sure what it should do, and Evans was of course ribbed for his opinions by the other three panellists and indeed the compere. Which is when I thought: hang on, why should I be grateful to the BBC for allowing one single representative of majority opinion on air? And yet it was such a breath of fresh air. Not because I’m a conservative, but just for the sake of diversity of opinion.

This is the thing. You think the BBC news programmes are bad? It is away from the news programmes that the BBC really shows its bias. And so we end up being grateful when someone who speaks for the majority – or at least a very large minority – actually gets airtime.

The BBC’s reporting of Trump shows perfectly their fall from grace, the corruption of their journalistic principles and their innate bias as they fail to stand aloof from the fray and instead join in shouting insults and abuse, telling lies, deliberately misinforming the audience, using their power and influence to target their chosen enemy, in this case Trump, though it could be you if you’re white and working class.  Jon Sopel’s attempt to get in some smart-alec comments aimed at Trump during a press-conference is one example of the failure to maintain professional standards and impartiality but his reaction is pretty much standard across the BBC….yesterday we had a US feminist on the Today show being allowed to continually call Trump a sex attacker on a par with Harvey Weinstein…no challenge from the presenter.  It seems anything goes as long as it heaps abuse upon Trump…this morning was no exception as extraordinarily and disgracefully the Today show gave up its prime slot at 08:10 to the author of a book that was written with the express aim of trying to discredit, vilify and demonise Trump in order to persuade people that he is unfit to be President.

Naturally it was the BBC’s goto presenter when they want someone to spread false stories maligning people and events that the BBC abhors [such as Brexit or the US election] , Nick Robinson, who was more than happy to conclude that Trump was ‘childish, stupid and unfit for office’...that he might be ‘dangerous in the White House’ and that the book might serve to back up claims about Russian collusion [lol….over a year and zilch evidence of that and yet the BBC keeps on insisting it’s true] and that it will help build a case for impeachment.

So Robinson is telling us that the book is a credible and serious source of information on Trump rather than what it really is, a classic hatchet job as the Swamp strikes back….you just have to look at the author’s photo to know which side he bats for….and it ain’t Trump’s….

Image result for michael wolff

Even the anti-Trump Washington Post casts a very doubtful eye over Wolff’s claims of probity and ‘truth’….

“Much to the annoyance of Wolff’s critics, the scenes in his columns aren’t recreated so much as created — springing from Wolff’s imagination rather than from actual knowledge of events. Even Wolff acknowledges that conventional reporting isn’t his bag.” An editor who worked with Wolff told Cottle, “He is adroit at making the reader think that he has spent hours and days with his subject, when in fact he may have spent no time at all.”

Robinson tried his hand at being a journalist ticking that box with a few questions about the book’s authenticity but then, having dabbled with due diligence, carried on regardless and treated the book’s narrative as very real, very true and very influential….despite the author admitting himself that he coudn’t confirm anything he’d been told is true and that he knew a lot wasn’t as much information he was given contradicted other information…he generously says he published it all anyway and wants the public to decide…so slinging as much mud as possible regardless of truth in the hope that the lies will grab the headlines…and indeed he admitted as much…his game plan was to get people repeating the slurs as much as possible in order that it will ‘up-end the Presidency’.  And the BBC is worried about the Russians and fake news [or indeed real news as the Clinton emails were damning real news about her and the Democrats]?

The BBC of course was happy to help out in slinging that mud pressing the idea that Trump is mentally unstable, stupid and unfit for office and should be impeached but just consider Michael Wolff’s premise that he bases his argument upon…that Trump is not leading, that he doesn’t listen, he is uncurious about events and is not engaged in the problems of the world.

Now anyone with the slightest passing knowledge of what is going on will know Trump is massively involved, much to the horror of the BBC et al, in world affairs as well as pushing through an ambitious domestic agenda.  It is absolute nonsense to suggest he is in some kind of information, action-free bubble where he gives no orders, has no ideas and doesn’t engage in the world around him…a totally bizarre suggestion given Trump’s infamous Tweets on just about everything.  However Nick Robinson didn’t see fit to pull Wolff up on that blatant lie, to do so might pull down the whole house of cards so carefully constructed over the course of the interview and instead show Trump was not only engaged but effective and bringing results…..possibly more in a year than Obama did in 8….Trump actually in command and driving through a coherent, intelligent and sensible [and popular] set of policies, foreign and domestic.

Incredibly blatant, partisan and false ‘news’ from our finest, most trusted and most reputable broadcaster which tells us that it is the gold standard that other broadcasters have to aspire to match.

Gutter press more like.



Weekend Open Thread


The problem with the NHS?  It’s a funding issue, not millions more patients, and ‘some say’ the NHS is being deliberately run-down by the Government. Car sales down?  It’s because of ‘uncertainty due to Brexit’.  Trump?  A sex attacker just like Harvey Weinstein, an allegation made repeatedly on the Today show without a word of dissent.  Want to fly to America after Brexit?….not a chance…all flights will be grounded….#duetobrexit [rest assured it’s not the BBC’s job to scaremonger the presenter tells us…however….lol].

Any more BBC bias?  List it all here….


Midweek Open Thread


The BBC described how the raging, embittered and resentful Remainer Lord [unelected] Adonis explained his ‘reasons in an excoriating letter’ for his resignation.  Trouble is, though the BBC presented his comments as rational and hard-hitting, they were far from that, being nothing less than a furiously frothy-mouthed, eye-swivelling, green-inked screed venting Adonis’s massive arrogance and frustration that he can’t have his way…a bit of a temper tantrum with teddy going in the corner.

How many more Remainers will make the leap from their ivory towers sacrificing themselves for the cause and the headlines?  Headlines the BBC is sure to give them along with a promise of constant referral to the ‘reasons’ they give for their resignation in any futher news reports that paint Brexit and the Government’s approach to, well, everything as a problem ala Alan Milburn.

Spot any more BBC bias….list it all here…..