The Real Enemy Within

Russian attempts to influence the vote for Brexit amounted to just three paid advertisements that cost less than $1 (or £75 pence), and which were seen by two hundred people.


Who is more dangerous to British democracy….a supposed Russian troll whose subversion nobody has read or a senior political journalist on the flagship political programme of supposedly the most trusted and respected news organisation who knowingly spreads a massive lie with the intent of discrediting and delegitimising the Brexit referendum result in the hope that it is overturned?

Some journalists and pro-Remain activists in Britain this is about something else: An effort to undermine the vote for Brexit and tarnish the legitimacy of the referendum. This strips out human agency, presenting voters as blind sheep that are pushed around by foreign powers and who seemingly have no voice or beliefs of their own.

In reality, of course, most of the people who voted for Brexit did so because they wanted Brexit.

The BBC’s Nick Robinson has been spreading such a lie for quite some time now, along with many of his esteemed colleagues at the BBC, that Russian interference altered the result of both the referendum and the general election.

Hacking the Vote

Highly sophisticated techniques to ‘micro-target’ voters, using personal data and demographics have been credited with contributing to the recent outcomes of both the Brexit vote in the UK and Donald Trump’s victory in America.

Trouble is that is a lie, complete horlicks.  I doubt anybody has been influenced in the slightest by Russian hackers…Leave voters voted leave because that is what they have always wanted to do….and all the massive dark forces of Project Fear arrayed against them failed to change their mind…so a few Russkies on Twitter?  Odd how Robinson is completely unconcerned about the interference of so many foreign busy-bodies who wanted you to vote Remain…not forgetting of course the BBC.

Doubt my doubt?  The truth is out there….from Matthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics at Rutherford College, University of Kent, and Senior Visiting Fellow at the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House…..

No, Russia did not cause Brexit, Britain’s Eurosceptic tradition did

Nearly 18 months have passed since Britain voted for Brexit, and yet people are still struggling to come to terms with what actually happened on that fateful day.

Ever since 52 percent of the electorate rejected the advice from much of the political and financial establishment to remain in the European Union, the underlying drivers of this vote have been repeatedly misinterpreted.

One idea that has become increasingly prominent in recent months is that Russia-linked social media accounts played a significant role in the referendum and nudged a misinformed public to vote for Brexit. Yet the evidence for this claim is incredibly thin or, some might say, virtually non-existent.

This is reflected in new evidence released this week by Facebook, in response to requests from the Electoral Commission. The data from Facebook reveals that Russian attempts to influence the vote for Brexit amounted to just three paid advertisements that cost less than $1 (or £75 pence), and which were seen by two hundred people.

Reminder: Leave won the referendum by more than 1.2 million votes.

This follows research at the universities of California and Swansea, which found that Twitter accounts based in Russia did send over 45,000 messages about Brexit, though the vast majority of these tweets (39,000) were sent after voting had finished.

Furthermore, some of those sent before the vote even encouraged people to vote to remain in the EU.

Some journalists and pro-Remain activists in Britain this is about something else: An effort to undermine the vote for Brexit and tarnish the legitimacy of the referendum. This strips out human agency, presenting voters as blind sheep that are pushed around by foreign powers and who seemingly have no voice or beliefs of their own.

In reality, of course, most of the people who voted for Brexit did so because they wanted Brexit.

The BBC needs to apologise for the lies that its journalists are spreading and rein them in rather than letting them go freelance in the ‘populist press’ to try and influence Leave voters with yet more Project Fear propaganda and lies.



Mary Berry’s Haram Party

It’s completely normal for muslims in Britain to celebrate Christmas. Don’t even think about questioning that. If you go to a mosque on Christmas day they will probably be singing carols and marvelling at the christmas tree.

Nobody is surprised that Mary Berry’s Christmas Party featured a muslim guest, because we have come to expect such things. Reality and ideology clashed though because almost all of the recipes included either alcohol, or pork, or other non-halal meat. As a result poor old Adil couldn’t eat much more than a canape at the party.


OK. This is what has kept me so busy in recent times – I am pleased to announce that ALTNEWSMEDIA is now live on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Youtube and you can watch our launch trailer below. The web portal goes live in early 2018. I hope you will subscribe.

We have around 40 contributors from around the world, from Canada to Australia, from Singapore to the UK, from the US to Belgium.  We aim to produce written, video, audio and graphic content. The ethos of the site is that it is NOT about “right vs left” but “right vs wrong”

We live at at time when the legacy media is dying, that new media is emerging but it is also being shapened by vested interested (Check out the great Twitter purge). I am determined to provide a serious on-demand alternative. The channel launches in early January.

If you are sick of the biased BBC and its endless fake narratives, please support our new channel! Just subscribe to the channel here.


Inside looking in


The real ‘fake news’?  From the likes of the BBC.  How do we know?  An insider reveals all…The BBC’s Amol Rajan:

Fake news isn’t the big problem in news. The big problem in news is…the news

I’ve written several blogs here about fake news, a phenomenon whose supposed rise has coincided with my time as media editor. Correlation not causation, let me assure you.

In summary: fake news is nothing new, though technology has allowed it to be disseminated further and faster than ever; its prevalence in Britain is unclear; and many of those who bang on about it, from politicians to the mainstream media, have an incentive to inflate the threat.

It’s also a distraction from the real issues, which are the editorial selections and judgements that comprise the news. Getting news right – choosing which stories to cover, and how to cover them – is a constant challenge. No programme editor ever goes to bed thinking “We got everything right today”.

But doing the stories that really matter, and getting them right, is a much bigger challenge to the integrity of news in Britain than the alleged threat from fake news.

Yep…editorial selections and judgements…all those choices of what to include and what to omit from the news, who to interview and how to edit and choose what to report from such interviews, how to not challenge post-truth truths such as ‘institutional racism’…know what that is?  Doubt it even though the BBC has been talking about it all day and happily declaring the death of an immigrant as due to such a thing.  Did we hear any of this from the BBC?…

Some neighbours accused Mr Ebrahimi of assault, harassment, drunkenness, being verbally abusive and sometimes intimidating. He was arrested on a number of occasions but was never charged with or convicted of any offence.

He was seriously attacked on previous occasions at different addresses [and the council moved him and provided accomodation]…you have to ask why that happened?  Was it racism or his own behaviour as ‘trouble’ seemed to follow him around.

Seems the police and council reaction was not due to racism but a ‘mistaken’ view of his behaviour…

The police and Bristol City Council shared information in relation to Mr Ebrahimi and the incidents involving him on many occasions. Initially, both agencies provided a degree of support and referred him to SARI, who supported him until 2011. However, latterly, evidence provided for this review indicates that the police and Bristol City Council wrongly began to see Mr Ebrahimi as the primary problem. There were two incidents in 2009 and 2010 in which Mr Ebrahimi was wrongly judged to have provided inaccurate
representations of events and his allegations seemed thereafter to be wrongly regarded with suspicion.

They failed to react to his complaints because they didn’t believe him due to past events…not racism.  His murder due to him being labelled a paedophile and caught filming the children of the man who subsequently killed him….so…racism?

Mr Ebrahimi was killed because Lee James subjected him to a vicious attack whilst perceiving him to be a sex offender and angered that he had recorded his children on film and that he had continued to record material and be defiant to Mr James after having been confronted earlier. Lee James had not been involved in any incidents in relation to events before 11th July 2013. Lee James’ personal internal inhibitors were likely to have been adversely affected by his alcohol consumption and his understanding of a local negative perception of Mr Ebrahimi that might see support for such an attack on him. Although Mr Ebrahimi’s ethnic origin may have contributed to Lee James’ negative view of him, there is no direct evidence to establish this with any certainty.

So was it ‘institutionl racism’ or the usual institutional lack of joined up thinking and awareness and the usual bureaucratic sluggardliness?  The ‘key factor’…the ‘critical blocker’ to a proper response?…..racism or something else?…

The key factor that seems to have most adversely affected the responses to Bijan Ebrahimi by the statutory agencies is that a collective incorrect view was formed that he could be dishonest, that he was a nuisance, a time waster and difficult to deal with. Evidence available indicates that some became of the incorrect opinion that Mr Ebrahimi brought victimisation on himself because of his own behaviour. This appears to have been a significant factor in there being an absence of will to deal with the problems with which he presented, to take the side of others against him and to assess that it was his behaviour that was the problem that needed to be confronted. The lack of a professional and objective view of his situation was a critical blocker.

The claim of ‘institutional racism’ is tacked onto the end of the report with absolutely no evidence to back it up…as with the MacPherson Repoert there was no evidence of racism in individual behaviour nor  in the policies of the police or council…..

No evidence has been provided to this review that any individual representative of either agency intentionally behaved in a racist manner. There is nothing racist in the intentions or established policies and procedures of either organisation. Nevertheless, there is evidence that Mr Ebrahimi was repeatedly targeted for racist abuse and victimisation by some members of the public, that this was repeatedly reported to Avon and Somerset Constabulary and Bristol City Council and that representatives of both organisations repeatedly sided with his abusers.

And yet all we hear from the BBC is that the council and police were racist in their response to events.  Complete rubbish…dangerous rubbish.  Fake news and a fake conclusion froom the report which ignores everything it found previously.


Did Russia interfere in BBC Sports Personality of the Year vote?

In these dark days, where we have to worry about “possible Russian interference in the 2016 Brexit referendum“, perhaps we should look at other votes too?

Mo Farah has won the Sports Personality award. Did Russia try to exert influence on the vote in order to subvert democracy?

Well just look at this damning evidence. Suspicious Kremlin linked Twitter bot accounts have posted many tweets about Mo Farah. Perhaps we should have a second referendum Sports Personality Vote? Also, where’s our £350m?



You may have noticed, as we’ve pointed out, that the BBC refuses to mention the fact that the Iranians arrested Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe because of her work at the BBC’s Media Action.  The Chair of which is still the BBC’s new head of news Fran  Unsworth.

Will the BBC’s serious omission of dodging this inconvenient truth so as not to implicate the BBC in Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s plight be corrected now that we have someone who is so closely linked to the case?  Doubt it somehow….and don’t expect the BBC’s coverage of the EU to change either….Media Action received £9 million to peddle EU propaganda.

“Its work has absolutely no bearing on the BBC’s editorial decisions. The BBC’s editorial remit is to deliver fair, balanced and impartial coverage and we are satisfied that our coverage of the European Union does just that.”


Weekend Open Thread

This week the Centre for Policy Studies published a report claiming to have found a left of centre bias in the BBC’s online reporting of think tanks. They also claim right of centre think tanks are more likely to receive health warnings than their left of centre counterparts.

The CPS itself is hardly impartial on the BBC – it argues for a smaller BBC and campaigns against the licence fee.

BBC News provides impartial and independent coverage to a quarter of a billion people across the world.

Fran Unsworth


A new day, a new head of news, the same old bias ala the Today show.

List it all here……

More on BBC News chief Fran Unsworth’s background

Can you learn anything about someone from the people they are friends with?

New BBC Head of  News Fran Unsworth (top left) is pictured here in 1986 at the wedding of Jane Wells (bottom right), alongside Lise Mayer (bottom left).

Jane Wells is the daughter of Sidney Bernstein ‘the dominant influence on the growth and development of commercial television in Britain’ and is the founder of 3 Generations, ‘a non-profit organization that documents stories of human rights abuses through film’ and their output is just the sort of social justice propaganda you’d expect.

Lise Mayer is the co-creator and writer of BBC sitcom The Young Ones and her sister is Catherine Mayer, co-founder of the Women’s Equality Party.

Two prime examples of the liberal elite, and both life long friends of our Fran (even today they are all Facebook friends). Does it tell us anything about her? Maybe. You decide.