BBCers should hunker down in a safe space…Brexit poll out

Is it game over for Brexit?

Rebel MPs have defeated the government in a vote on the EU Withdrawal Bill – the bill that’ll take the UK out of the EU.

But Esther Webber (@estwebber) tells us why it’s not quite game over for Brexit.

BBC wishful thinking.


The BBC’s Rachel Burden, as do most BBC presenters, tried to push the notion that more and more people are against Brexit and certainly don’t want a ‘hard Brexit’…ie Brexit.   She stated that not only Remainers were against it but that there are many Leave voters who didn’t vote for all that is happening.  Naturally she didn’t mention that many Remain voters wanted less EU but voted to remain anyway…or that such a way of looking at things is a nonsense as she, and the BBC, don’t parse the voting after a general election and say ‘Well 4 million people voted for UKIP therefore the government must do what UKIP wants’ or that ‘Not all those who voted for the Tory government voted for every policy…therefore let’s have Labour running the government’.  The BBC doesn’t say that one party only got 52% therefore the party with 48% are the real winners as they do with Brexit [although of course Corbyn thinks he won the election…presumably going on figures supplied by the D’Abbottacus].  No sign from the BBC that the vote by the British people to leave the EU is being betrayed by the people elected to supposedly do their bidding.  Perhaps we need a clean out of Parliament of those who refuse to do their job properly…never mind the expenses scandal what about the democracy scandal?…the complete betrayal and contemptuous disregard for the democratic vote….backed of course by the EU’s propaganda mouthpiece in Britain…the BBC.

A poll released today should disabuse those in the BBC such as Burden….it shows nearly everyone wants to just get on with Brexit and do not want to see it abandoned as the BBC works towards trying to facilitate….

Just 12 Per Cent of Brits Would Abandon Brexit

Just 12 per cent of British voters want the government to “abandon Brexit completely” and keep the UK locked inside the European Union (EU), a new poll has revealed.

Even among those who voted to remain in the bloc, the proportion committed to blocking Brexit were a minority, with just 29 per cent wishing to abandon the divorce, according to the survey of 1,680 adults taken on the 10th and 11th of this month by YouGov.

In fact, in none of the demographic or political groupings surveyed did a majority want the Brexit vote “abandoned completely”.

Former UKIP leader and Member of the European Parliament Nigel Farage ironically urged opponents of Brexit to “look away” as he shared the poll results on social media.

Other options presented to respondents included “the government should continue with Brexit on its current negotiating terms,” with 45 per cent agreeing.

Ten per cent said “the government should reconsider its aims in Brexit negotiation, and seek a ‘softer’ Brexit” and 19 per cent thought leaders “should offer a second referendum to see if Britain still wants to go ahead with Brexit.”

Midweek Open Thread


The BBC whines constantly that the DUP are disproportionately influential due to their alliance with the Tories.  Of course this is because the DUP in the main supports Brexit.  The BBC shows no such distaste for a small group of Tory rebels who betray their country and party and ally themselves to the Marxists of Labour in order to appease their foreign masters in the EU.  The BBC was also not concerned that the LibDems had too much influence in the coalition, nor that the SNP abused their position to malignly influence events in Parliament even on purely English matters.  Only the DUP gets the BBC’s thumbs down.

BBC bias…it’s out there…list it all here…..

Oh Kay

Image result for chinese characters white actors


Katty Kay, always worth a watch.  Today she reported on Republican Roy Moore and looked like someone had just shoved a pineapple up her backside and she was desperately trying not to let on as she tried to control the pained surprise with tightly shut eyes, puffed out cheeks,  a strangely immobile face, speaking through a mouth shut tight giving us her impression of a white person acting as an ‘inscrutable Oriental’.

After having done the obligatory pronouncement that Moore is basically guilty of historic sex abuse and then the obligatory link to Trump and the implication that he is also guilty of such things Kay then delved deeper to try and damn Moore for his personal opinions…he thinks homosexuality should be made illegal and that Muslims who refuse to accept the US constitution should not be allowed to serve in Congress.

A curious paradox…she, and her BBC anchor, railed against Moore and defended Muslims and yet most Muslims would have the same view on homosexuality as Moore….and of course see the Koran as a higher authority than any man-made law…such as the US constitution…so there is a question over where their loyalty would lie if it was a question of compromising their Islamic beliefs in order to comply with the Constitution.  You can see that same conflict here as even ‘moderate’ Muslims say they will of course comply with British law…as long as it doesn’t conflict with their beliefs.  The BBC of course saw little of concern when Tim Farron was pressured to leave the LibDem leadership due to being a religious ‘extremist’…or a Christian.  If he’d been Muslim?





Hyping inflation


Listening to the BBC news and you’d think a 0.1 rise in inflation was the great crash of 2008 all over again.  Ever get the feeling that the BBC is so desperate to do away with Brexit that it would be very happy to see the economy crash?  Odd that for all the warnings about the supposed effects of Brexit on the economy the BBC doesn’t get anywhere near as concerned about the prospect of a Corbyn government and the genuine and instantly catastrophic effects that would have.

The BBC has also managed to report another Labour Party ‘suicide squad’ member’s ‘self-sacrifice’ as an honourable and significant event in protest at the supposed lack of funding of the NHS.  Last week the BBC omitted to mention that Alan Milburn was a member of a group dedicated to the blocking of Brexit and that he was ‘resigned’ only after having been ‘sacked’ anyway [any coincidence that a report was launched by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on poverty at exactly the same time?  Labour has a way of timing its announcements and PMQ questions to coincide with such things and with BBC ‘investigations’] and similarly have failed to make it obvious that the latest such ‘principled’ resignation, Lord Kerslake’s, was also after having been told to consider his position…due to the fact he had massively mismanaged NHS funding, and that he is closely aligned to the Labour Party as told by Quentin Letts….

What the BBC DIDN’T tell you about Bungling Bob, the NHS boss who flounced out over funding

Yesterday morning’s BBC headlines brought the apparently shattering news that a certain Lord Kerslake had resigned as chairman of King’s College hospital in South London

Such was the gravity with which these tidings were imparted, it was surprising they were not accompanied by the tolling of a muffled bell and calls for a two-minute silence.

Flags to half mast! Cover your mirrors with black crepe!

We were told that this Kerslake was a former head of the Civil Service and therefore not only important but also impartial. Yes. That, above all else, was the message. Here was a rigorously non-biased elder of our public life, calling it the way he reluctantly saw it.

And he thought the Tories’ handling of the NHS was rotten. If such an objective figure — a man above suspicion of taint from low politics, we kept being as good as told — could decide that Government spending on the health service was unacceptably low, well, it must be true. Must it not?

I caught Radio 4’s early-morning gloop about Kerslake while piloting my little Renault along some skiddy lanes in snow-ridden Herefordshire. It was a good thing nothing was coming in the other direction. 

This projection of Bob Kerslake as some dispassionate Merlin made me laugh so much that the car started to wobble and near the bottom of Much Marcle ridge I nearly lost control of the back end.

There are two things worth knowing about the Rt Hon Baron Kerslake of Endcliffe. The first is that, although officially a non-aligned crossbench peer, he is currently working for the Labour Party. Let me re-type that in case, after hearing all those BBC’s reports about his political neutrality, you think I must be wrong. Kerslake is currently working for the Labour Party.

He was commissioned by the Shadow Chancellor, Marxist John McDonnell, to prepare a series of ‘implementation manuals’ for Jeremy Corbyn and Co as they (allegedly) prepare for Government. Mr McDonnell explained at the party’s conference that Kerslake would train Labour staff to face legislative challenges.


Labour yesterday tried to say that he would be doing the work as ‘an independent’. From the parliamentary register of peers’ paid interests, it would appear he is doing it for no money. You rarely do that in politics unless you support the party involved.

The second thing to know about the 62-year-old Kerslake is that he is a total clunker. In three decades of covering Westminster’s select committees, I have seen officialdom put up a few no-hopers but Bob K was one of the worst. For us sketchwriters he was a collector’s item. He was so ineloquent, so foggy. When he gave evidence to MPs who scrutinised the Civil Service, they would peer at him in disbelief.

Could this meandering, wet, beardily indistinct plonker really be the head of our Civil Service? He earned the nickname ‘Bumbling Bob’. Mumbling, bumbling, bungler Bob Kerslake.

If Whitehall’s best was that bad, what were the lower ranks like? Yet the BBC was yesterday elevating this same Bob Kerslake to the status of a political colossus.

He was made head of the Civil Service in 2012 after a low-profile career. From the West Country, he had read maths at the University of Warwick and qualified as an accountant. And yet the circumstances of his departure as chairman of King’s suggests that financial management at the hospital was not everything it should have been.

What was not reported by the BBC yesterday morning was that Lord Kerslake jumped from his role at the hospital after being told that he could soon be fired. The NHS yesterday would only say that the financial performance at King’s was ‘unacceptable and continues to deteriorate’.

How did such a low-wattage specimen become head of the Civil Service? Well, it was an internal appointment and I understand just two candidates were in the reckoning.


In best Yes Minister fashion, the Sir Humphreys wanted the job to go to someone they could control or ignore. And so they ensured Sir Bob (as he then was) was up against an even more useless candidate: the Home Office’s infamously weak Dame Helen Ghosh (who moved on to cause chaos as head of the National Trust).

Once Kerslake was in place, he was treated by Cabinet Secretary Sir Jeremy Heywood (aka ‘Sir Cover-Up’) pretty much as a puppet. The two men sometimes used to ride into work in the same taxi.

Few people in Whitehall were in any doubt which of them really ran the Civil Service — and it was not Bob Kerslake.

The more one looks at the King’s story and its prominence in yesterday’s broadcast news, the more odd it becomes. But perhaps other agendas were in play here. For Lord Kerslake is but one of several former senior civil servants who have had their snouts very much disjointed by recent political developments.

Brexit, and the disappearance of the Blairites, has sent many of them loopy. Take former Treasury permanent secretary Lord (Nicholas) McPherson, who was at or near the top of our national counting house for many years under many Chancellors. Since last year’s EU referendum, his Twitter feed has gone tonto, with almost daily posts about how the country is doomed.

This is not exactly party-political, in that it does not side openly with Labour over the Tories. The partisanship, rather, is towards the old regime, the status quo ante — i.e. the world of Centre-Left officialdom as it was before the scurvy electorate voted for us to leave Whitehall’s beloved EU.

Also in the House of Lords we find Lord (David) Hannay and Lord (John) Kerr, two former princelings of the Foreign Office who now lead resistance to Brexit in the Upper House. Barely a debate on the EU passes without one or both of these drawling diplomatists pronouncing dolefully on our country’s prospects.

If they can sling in a rude word about Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, all the better. How they love to do us all down. British patriotism means little to them if they and their caste — who so enthusiastically ran ‘Project Fear’ — are no longer running Britain.

In this same category of pooh-bahs we can place Lord (Gus) O’Donnell, a former Cabinet Secretary who has become an unofficial outrider for the Opposition, moaning and mewling his disapproval of various Government policies.

Or how about Sir Simon Fraser? A former head of the Foreign Office and one-time bag carrier to Peter Mandelson, he loves to belittle the May Government’s chances of reaching agreement on Europe.

Ditto Lord (Peter) Ricketts, another ex-Whitehall smoothie, who after Mrs May’s disagrements with Ulster Unionists last week, purred patronisingly on Radio 4 that ‘we’re used to Prime Ministers going to Brussels and having a row with the EU, but to have a row on your own side is inconvenient’. How withering! How clever!


It was such an amusing put-down that Jeremy Corbyn reproduced it in the Commons. But it suffered the inconvenience of being shown to be wrong, as Theresa May was actually strengthened after the DUP’s intervention in the Brexit negotiations.

There are plenty more of these dry, droll doubters, these former magnificoes of impartiality, now happy to cast sneery comment against Mrs May and her ministers, both on Brexit and beyond.

In their London clubs, at their think-tank lunches, in the House of Lords and in their social media echo-chambers, they are clapped on the back and congratulated on their ‘bravery’.

No doubt that happened to bumbling Bob Kerslake yesterday. But the outside world just looks and them and thinks, like Mandy Rice-Davies at the Profumo trial: ‘They would say that, wouldn’t they?’

They used to run our country and they said it would all go horribly wrong if their order was overturned.

Overturned it duly was — and the economy is still growing, just as the sun is still rising.

Their bluff has been called. Their game is up. If only the BBC would wake up to this.



Last month’s news today

On October 17th I wrote that in November or December this year, inflation would pass the 3% threshold needed to trigger a letter from Bank of England chief Mark Carney, predicting:

Carney’s letter will be deeply pessimistic about Brexit, so the BBC will report it as the top story with two or three articles of “analysis” where they cherry pick some other statistics to mislead the nation once again. Several days later Laura Klueless will ask the chancellor some stupid questions and whatever the answers are the BBC will present it as being further proof that Brexit is destroying the economy.

We are still awaiting the letter, but the BBC have done exactly what I said they would so far.

My favourite analysis/propaganda from these articles is: “The price of the festive grocery shop has spiralled this year…Brussels sprouts are up 8.4%”. So what are they now, 10p to 20p more expensive? Better cancel Christmas. A close runner up is: “What is the point of capitalism?”. Gosh!

Just wait for the letter; will my remaining predictions come true?

BBC will have to start earlier than 6am to trick me!

Yes it’s 6am on Monday morning and the propaganda machine is in full swing.

This time it’s a BBC survey which tells us that Two in five women in the UK say they have experienced unwanted sexual behaviour at work. Excellent news. This marks a huge drop since they reported a BBC survey several weeks ago: ‘Half of women’ sexually harassed at work. Or maybe the survey data is just total junk and it’s another manufactured story created by an organisation more interested in activism than journalism?

Weekend Open Thread


Apparently, according to the BBC, Nichola Sturgeon is very worried that some parts of the UK might be treated differently in any Brexit deal.  No, no BBC, she’s cock-a-hoop…she couldn’t wait to demand that Scotland be given special status when she heard that NI was to be ‘aligned’ with the EU.  Just the usual hopeless ‘analysis’ from the BBC which doesn’t want you to know that May’s stitch-up was ‘Brexit means FA’.  You can tell the extent to which Leave voters have been betrayed by the BBC’s, and Remainders’, delighted reaction to the deal…from constantly insisting a hopelessly weak and out of her depth May is about to be ejected from office they now tell us that ‘a lot of people think Theresa May has done a pretty good job today’…oh, and maybe we should stop seeing the EU as the enemy, it is after all seeking to help Brexit succeed and is facilitating this breakthrough…lol…the EU has done everything it can to obstruct Brexit and to make it impossible to succeed…and May has folded at their every demand….Emma Barnett wanted to know if Bertie Ahern was ‘concerned at what May will have compromised on to get the DUP on-board’!!!  Not at all concerned at what May has humiliatingly compromised on to get the EU to allow Britain to leave…well, leave  is not quite the term is it?  Note the Irish say ‘no deal means the UK stays in the EU’ not WTO rules and a buccaneering Britain…just a slave state paying through the nose for the ‘privilege’ of staying under the EU jackboot.

The BBC’s narrative is completely false and misleading…the EU is not out to help and May has totally undermined Britain’s position and has given away every advantage we had….agreeing in the end to that infamous ‘soft Brexit’…ie no Brexit.

Spot any more BBC bo**ocks….list it here….


One side to every story

This poster was pinned to a classroom wall by a teacher 



We noted the irony of the BBC warning us about fake news in reports that were themselves fake news. Here they are telling us that Trump tweeted out some fake videos as they report the BBC’s Orwellian propaganda drive in schools….

The issue surfaced again this month when the President retweeted three inflammatory videos from a British far-right group whose authenticity was subsequently challenged.

The videos were real and even the one that was supposedly not of an immigrant was in fact of the violent offspring of immigrants to Holland…so when they say he was ‘born in the Netherlands’, well yes, but not assimilated….which is the point.

Emma Barnett continues in this vein today as she spoke of Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ which as we know is not a ban on Muslims but on people from ‘countries of concern’ [as defined by the sainted Obama] which just happen to be Muslim.  [and why no concern about all those Muslim countries that ban Israelis and people wth Israeli stamps in their passports from travelling?]  She did this as she brought to our attention a story about fake news….it concerned, guess who….Trump, the Daily Mail, Katy Hopkins and the ‘victim’, Jackie Teale, a right-on teacher who ticks every box that you might expect.  Like the way she describes the Mail as ‘popular forces’….trying to create an idea that it is somehow rather sinister.  And as you will see what the Mail produced was not fake news but a mistaken belief….not a deliberate attempt to deceive people…unlike Barnett’s interpretation of events which is fake news…ironically.

Teale went on the march against Trump waving a placard which was produced in class by some of her pupils in lessons about propaganda and how to protest…she claims she in no way influenced how the children thought, and she did not take any children on the march with her.  Hopkins in the Mail apparently claimed she did and the Mail had to apologise and pay out.

Somehow I cannot imagine that Trump was not demonised by Teale and ideas placed in the kids’ heads judging by everything Teale says and does…though of course she denies it and Barnett did not challenge her at all on this.

Take a look at Hopkins’ article [post correction] about teachers brainwashing kids and see if there is a problem…think you might agree with her…but oddly the brainwashing of kids with ‘fake news’ wasn’t Barnett’s concern.  Attacking the Mail and Hopkins was…however was the Mail’s story ‘fake news’ or just an error as it mistakenly believed Teale took the kids on the march?  The BBC makes many ‘mistakes’ …are these to be categorised as ‘fake news’ each and very time?  Why no interest from Barnett?

Date: 06.10.2016     Last updated: 05.12.2017 at 16.36

This page contains the BBC’s responses to editorial, technical and corporate issues. It includes apologies, significant corrections, statements and responses, and findings from the BBC Trust.

It does not include routine corrections to news stories, minor on-air apologies and schedule changes.

And why not investigate real fake news such as the BBC’s determined, and false, attempt to label Lord McAlpine a paedophile, or Cliff Richard, or indeed the BBC claim that a Polish man was killed in Harlow as a result of a racist attack #duetoBrexit….and the BBC’s demonisation of all Leave voters as racists?  The vilification of Thatcher, the attempts to smear Farage as a far-right Nazi along with anyone who supports UKIP such as councillor Rozanne Duncan who was absolutely crucified and pilloried for months by the BBC which smeared her, quite wrongly, as a racist.  Then there’s the BBC’s reporting on Trump, Israel, immigration, Islam, Brexit, the NHS, climate change…well you name it the BBC can’t be trusted to report accurately and truthfully on it.

Funny how Barnett and Co can miss what’s right under their noses and instead target everytime, all the time, Trump, the Mail, Brexiteers and anyone on the Right.

Here’s Iain Dale correcting what is the BBC’s anti-Brexit narrative about EU staff fleeing the NHS due to Brexit:

One of the failures of those who support Brexit is to expose the lies of those who continue to bang the Remain drum. We keep being told that EU nationals are all going home. As I write this, Sky’s Adam Boulton is interviewing Theresa Villers, and has asked her how we can build more houses if all the EU builders are leaving the country.

Just for the record, a week ago the ONS announced that there are now 2.38 million EU nationals working in the UK, a rise of 112,000 on a year ago. Don’t believe me? Click on this link.

Over the last year, we’ve also constantly been told that doctors and nurses from the EU are flooding out of the NHS, and going back to their home nations. It’s become a narrative which has been accepted all across the media. My LBC colleague, James O’Brien, speaks of little else. And yet it’s total bollocks. It is a lie. The latest figures show that there are actually more EU doctors in the NHS a year on from the referendum than there were on June 23 2016. Just for the record, here are the figures:

  • Doctors in the NHS June 2016 – 9,695
  • Doctors in the NHS June 2017 – 10,136
  • Registrars June 2016 – 3,190
  • Registrars June 2017 – 3,215
  • Trainee doctors June 2016 – 779
  • Trainee doctors June 2017 – 950
  • Midwives June 2016 – 1,220
  • Midwives June 2017 – 1,247
  • Ambulance staff June 2016 – 250
  • Ambulance staff June 2017 – 386
  • Scientific, therapeutic, technical staff June 2016 – 6,112
  • Scientific, therapeutic, technical staff June 2016 – 6,957
  • Nurses and health visitors June 2016 – 20,907
  • Nurses and health visitors June 2016 – 20,618

So, yes a very slight decline of 1.38 per cent in the number of nurses, but not overall statistically very significant. If you add all those figures up you find…

  • Total number of EU nationals in the NHS in June 2016 – 42,153
  • Total number of EU nationals in the NHS in June 2017 – 43,509

So, a 3.2 per cent rise over a year. And in case you think I have made these figures up, they were quoted in The Spectator and come from NHS Digitial.

Similarly, people like Michael White tweet that the trade gap has widened since we voted to leave the EU. A simple look at ONS figures shows this is not true.

  • 2015 Q4- 33, 681 billion.
  • 2016 Q1 – 31,169 billion.
  • 2016 Q2 – 28,440 billion.
  • 2016 Q3 – 33,034 billion.
  • 2016 Q4 – 22,812 billion.
  • 2017 Q1 – 22,256 billion.
  • 2017 Q2 – 23,182 billion.

We keep being told that it’s the Brexiteers who are guilty of telling ‘porkies’ with the red bus being cited constantly, but those who put the public case for Brexit need to be fully aware of the lies that are being told on the other side, and be prepared to expose them whenever they are able to.