Fall Girl


Great shame…poor old Hillary couldn’t make it onto the fawning media circuit today as she had another fall….how would she have coped with the strains and stresses of being President?  She seems completely unable to cope with defeat and the reality of who is to blame…one Hillary Clinton.

The BBC has been glorifying her and promoting her as the great lost opportunity, the solution that a dangerous and uncertain world needed.  Jim Naughty continuing the good work this morning on the Today show as he presented her as a woman wronged, denied the presidency by dirty tricks and Russian lies.  The problem is of course that, just assuming it was the Russians who hacked the emails,  they weren’t lies, the very opposite in fact, the problem was that the emails revealed uncomfortable truths about Clinton and the Democrats….the BBC of course avoided any proper scrutiny of those emails preferring to concentrate on the fact they had been hacked….their content was of no interest to the BBC which only wanted to portray this as a dirty trick….similar hacks or thefts of information from those the BBC opposes are of course legitimate ‘leaks’…the source unimportant and indeed protected.

And why is it wrong for the Russians to interfere in American Democracy when the BBC itself has been involved in full-scale attempts to influence the US election?  The BBC ran a vicious anti-Trump campaign that portrayed him as a sex attacker, a racist, an Islamophobe and an all round illiterate, ignorant, unsophisticated, vulgar, egotistic bigot….and this continues post-election with smears, innuendos and half-truths and outright lies about his connections to the Russians as well as the usual contempt and mockery of the very superior types at the BBC.




Er….that’s not why we booked you!


Highly amused….The Today show announced this morning….

Having been released from his position of National Security Adviser, Sir Mark Lyall Grant is now warning about the complexity of setting up new defence and security arrangements with the EU after Brexit.

Just a shame the good Sir Mark didn’t get the memo and was going wildly off message telling us Brexit didn’t really pose any threat to security as we had far better intelligence and military services than the EU and they needed us…a deal would be done.  Sarah Montague seemed most put out as she kept on bashing away whilst Sir Mark kept being optimistic….there’d surely be a lack of information on security due to Brexit, no deal would surely be a very bad deal, wouldn’t information sharing just end, a hard border in NI due to Brexit would surely have huge security ramifications???????

In the end she got so exasperated that she berated him for sounding too upbeat.  Curiously we never hear the BBC tell Remainers that they are too downbeat and pessimistic.




Contemptuous and a little barmy


Remarkable…prime time on the Today show and it’s another Remainder making his case to stop Brexit in its tracks…naturally he doesn’t want that, merely the right to properly oversee the process and uphold democracy.  Ken Clarke grabbed the 08:10 spot and was his usual contemptuous, patronising, louche self as he dispensed his wisdom and arrogantly laid down the law declaring that Parliament must have the ability to veto a Brexit ‘no deal’….which of course would mean May would have no big stick to threaten the EU with….as intended by Clarke and his cronies who want to see Brexit fail….what they don’t tell you is that if we were to go cap in hand back to the EU and demand our place back at the table the price would be enormous…for a start the Rebate would go as would many opt outs and veto powers…..making us poorer and powerless to influence anything.


Clarke announced that the ‘vast majority’ of the British people don’t want a no deal….Humphrys did not say anything despite that claim being untrue.  Oh few may actually want a ‘no deal’ as their preferred option but they are prepared to accept it rather than a bad deal…as a Sky poll showed…..74% in fact back May’s ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ stance…guess 74% must be pretty much the ‘vast majority’…so Clarke is caught out in a complete lie…just not by the BBC…..and that Sky poll seems to be the norm…

Most Remain voters now back taking control of borders, leaving ECJ and paying no Brexit divorce bill

The majority of Remain voters now agree that Britain should take control of its borders after Brexit, end the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice and pay little or nothing to leave the EU.

A major survey of more than 20,000 people revealed that an overwhelming majority of voters now prefer a so-called “hard Brexit” to a soft one.

Almost 70 per cent of people said they preferred a deal with the European Union which ended membership of the single market, ongoing payments and continued freedom of movement.

A similar percentage of people said they would prefer “no deal” to a “soft Brexit”.

Interesting also the issue Clarke raises….the Parliamentary veto over ‘no deal’.  Who first raised this?  Oh yes….Remainder Martin Donnelly in George Osborne’s Standard bearer for Remain.  Who then took on the message?  The BBC as it gave Donnelly that prime time 08:10 slot on the Today show to further press the message.  Then we have Labour, McDonnell letting slip he is working in cahoots with Remain Tories to thwart Brexit and he is talking about that issue….the Parliamentary veto…and then along comes Ken Clarke doing the same.  Any chance they are all colluding and plotting away together…along with Carney and Hammond…not forgetting Rudd and Morgan?

A similar pattern happened when James Chapman and Sam Coates from the Remain supporting Times were brought together by the BBC and they set the ball running with alarmist scare-stories about the ECJ and Euratom…..which the BBC gave plenty of airtime in conjunction with Osborne’s Standard and other Remain politicians whom the BBC dragged in to further pad out the alarmist tales.  Very definitely an orchestrated narrative intended to make people fear Brexit would result in all kinds of disasters and this seems to be the BBC’s working model as it daily drip feeds us the next disaster that Brexit will bring to our shores.


Can’t help thinking this would be Ken Clarke in another era…..a passed over major sat comfortably in his leather chair, puffing on a cigar with brandy in hand at his club going on about the ‘wogs’……


Becky Branford’s Agitprop

Yesterday we revealed how a revolutionary marxist is working as a reporter at BBC News.

Now let’s look at just one of her articles, the merest tip of the iceberg: Is populism a threat to Europe’s economies?

After putting forward the view of the ECB, she then devotes the rest of the article to criticising it, “Has the ECB got its analysis the wrong way about?”.  This concluding segment heavily quotes Olivier Vardakoulias, who we are told is an economist at the New Economics Foundation. Well he is, but what we are not told is that the New Economics Foundation is a left wing think tank who aim to build “a new economy where people really take control“, and that Olivier Vardakoulias is a member of Syriza, one of the far-left populist parties the article is supposed to be about. Branford you may remember was already a supporter of the ‘Greece Solidarity Campaign’ as far back as 2012, and Vardakoulias was a speaker at one of their events. He tells us that if “people will turn to nationalist anti-European parties…this will be a disaster for Europe.”

So what we are left with is that the establishment are wrong, and that the nationalist populists are wrong too, leaving only the far left option that we now know Branford herself supports. This isn’t just bias, this is deliberate subterfuge.

See Change?


Panic stations in Liberal ÜberAllesLand when Trump and Brexit happened and there seemed to be an unstoppable rising tide of Rightwingery across Europe.  But how they cheered when Wilders in Holland and Le Pen in France didn’t triumph….the tide had turned, the People had come to their senses and seen off the threat of a return to the Thirties that loomed large.  The Liberals could relax whilst they plotted to impeach Trump and thwart Brexit.

But what to make of the election in Austria where someone who touted a hardline on immigration has come out on top and will probably ally himself with what the BBC call the ‘Far Right’.  Why does the BBC always use that term for Right-wing parties it doesn’t like whilst it never uses the term ‘Far-Left’ as a default description of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party?

The BBC seem to be playing down Sebastian Kurz’s victory, they even compared him to their latest heroes Macron and  Trudeau…

Nicknamed “Wunderwuzzi” (very roughly translated as wonder hotshot), he has been compared to the young leaders of France and Canada, Emmanuel Macron and Justin Trudeau.

No histrionics yet about a ‘return to the Thirties’ and the rise of Fascism across Europe….after all the BBC not long ago pronounced that threat dead and buried.  Wonder how they will react to this should the Mail’s prediction come true….

Eurosceptic party led by ‘the Czech Trump’ is clear favourite to thrash mainstream parties in general elections this week in latest blow to the EU

And what of this from the BBC?….

The stance proved popular with Austrian voters after a huge influx of undocumented migrants and refugees from the Middle East and North Africa.

It’s those mysterious ‘undocumented migrants’ making an appearance again.  Such a phrase is not neutral, it is a deliberate attempt to make illegal migrants more human and less ‘illegal’, less criminal, more ‘acceptable’…not illegal but just migrants without the right paperwork…it’s merely bad bureaucracy not a serious matter of social, economic and political concern.   ‘Illegal migrants’ describes them perfectly and validly whilst ‘undocumented migrants’ is subjective and intended to deceive.

The term is political and chosen for a reason…the BBC uses it for Mexicans illegally entering the US intending that actions against the ‘illegals’ will seem harsh, unfair and inhumane as they are merely trying to better themselves as are the millions of Muslims and Africans who are trying to invade Europe but which the BBC wants to let in regardless of the cost in treasure, blood and cultural destruction.

The BBC is very selective in who is granted the status of ‘undocumented migrant’.  For instance if you are a Jewish settler in the West Bank you are an illegal settler or occupier….why does the BBC not describe them as ‘undocumented migrants’?  There is no difference between what they do and what Mexicans, Muslims or Africans do….economic migration…..crossing a border illegally and colonising the land.

The BBC anti-Semitic?  Seems so.

Why are Mexican illegals who enter the US or illegal migrants who slip into the UK not described as illegal settlers or occupiers by the BBC?

One rule for some, another for Jews?



Catalonia leader Puigdemont “fails” to clarify independence bid

Catalonia leader Puigdemont fails to clarify independence bid

Fails? According to who? Why, the Spanish government of course, who set the deadline demanding that he “clarify” the situation. The BBC have taken the side of the Spanish government, adopting their framing of events.

An alternative headline would be: Catalonia leader Puigdemont succeeds in bypassing Spanish deadline

Exclusive – BBC reporter Becky Branford is a Marxist and member of Momentum

Becky Branford isn’t exactly a household name, but she has been contributing to BBC News for over a decade.

Today she described meeting her hero, Thomas Sankara – Marxist revolutionary Thomas Sankara that is – ‘Africa’s Che Guevara’. Becky explained after Karl Marx was voted the greatest thinker of the 20th century how “Karl Marx’s theories are so versatile that they can be used to understand and explain situations that confront us in today’s world.” She’s also a member of such Facebook groups as the London Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition, Southwark Momentum and even a reading group for Marx’s ‘Capital’, as well as 3 other groups, that belong to an organisation called RS21 – Revolutionary Socialism in the 21st century.

It seems she doesn’t like Theresa May very much, signing a petition demanding that May take part in a debate before the election this year, as well as a petition demanding that there are no cuts to school funding. She doesn’t like Jeremy Hunt either, “Why should health workers be denied a stingy 1% when MPs got 11%? Fear not, she is a girl after our own heart, posting  “I thought BBC Question Time was supposed to be “balanced”??”, sharing a Canary article ‘The BBC turns News at 10 into a party political broadcast for the Tories’ and worrying about the commericialisation of BBC output. Just to be clear, this profile has numerous references to working at the BBC, and the profile pictures match this old image of her from the BBC website. It’s the same Becky, and if you are still not sure, here is absolute proof. This is the tip of the iceberg with regard to the content posted on her profile over the years, much of it highly political, including party politics and anti-Thatcher material.

Despite all this, Becky has been allowed to work at the BBC for YEARS. Not just on fluff articles either. Recent articles of hers all discuss international politics, but who knows which other articles without an explicitly named author she has worked on (such as this one, as revealed here).

Is populism a threat to Europe’s economies?
Malta’s paradox: A beacon of gay rights that bans abortion

France elections: What makes Marine Le Pen far right?
Five reasons why Macron won the French election

Information warfare: Is Russia really interfering in European states?
She has even been allowed to report on Greek politics, despite her strong views on Greek politics.

Yes, it’s exactly as suspected, (at least some of) the people behind BBC News are marxist revolutionaries.

These screenshots are simply a backup of the links included above, in case she decides to delete her profile etc:

A Cunning Stunt




If you’ve been watching the news very carefully, well not carefully at all as it’s so blatant, you may have noticed there has been a certain narrative as a stream of high profile Remainders keep popping up as if on a schedule in that news making alarming and lurid claims about Brexit.   The Sun claimed that Marr was decidedly pro-Remain and the BBC hit back with a sneering dismissal….but the reality is there are vast numbers of Remain voices given a lot of airtime across the BBC as a whole and then their words and opinions are reported on the news bulletins as ‘fact’.  The BBC’s idea of balance is to have an obviously fanatical Remainer on and then ‘balance’ that with someone less fanatical but still a Remainer who will nuance their statements to mix in a bit of Leave-friendly tosh.  No mistaking the intentions of some recent Remain ‘Big Guns’ though who are working hard to stop Brexit in its tracks one way or another……and just why does the BBC keep bringing on pro-Remain Craig Oliver….he was media spinner for pro-EU Cameron not a politician or anyone of any consequence in the scheme of things?

Any coincidence that Carney suddenly made the headlines with claims that the financial industry will go into meltdown due to some suddenly discovered problem?  After over a year since the referendum Carney has only just discovered this appalling and disastrous consequence of Brexit that will be utterly disastrous for our economy?  Really?

Then we had Hammond come out and claim that the day we leave the EU all aircraft will be grounded, naturally this is highly unlikely to happen he assures us but he had to mention it anyway…..I’m sure the Spanish tourist industry will welcome that.

Then we had Sir Martin Donnelly on Today (08:10) spinning a dystopian tale of job losses, investors fleeing Britain and factories being mothballed…far from going back to tthe Thirties it seems we are going pre-industrial, feudalism, horses, small boys up chimneys and the Church will be the new reality.  Any coincidence that this same message appeared a few days earlier in George Osborne’s Standard, any coincidence that Hammond was seen dining with Osborne just before making his sensationalist claims or that Carney owes his job to Osborne?

Mishal Husain seemed somewhat irrelevant to the proceedings, merely there to feed Donnelly questions in the right order so that he could keep to his script as he was allowed to freely give voice to his anti-brexit propaganda completely unchallenged.

A select few of those questions…

  • Do you think it is possible we will remain in the EU?
  • What do you think of ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’?
  • Would a ‘no deal’ really be so bad?
  • Did you leave Whitehall frustrated and anxious about our economic future?
  • Should we pay the bill that the EU is asking for?
  • Should we be prepared to compromise on membership of the ECJ?
  • Isn’t this though about sovereignty?

No challenge to his answers as he managed to tick off each one from his list.

Husain was friendly and easy-going and Donnelly was given the prime spot of 08:10.  The Leave voice, John Mills, got a rather cooler reception at the less than prime time of 08:55 and was curtly shut down as they’d run out of time…no such problem for Donnelly who seemed to have all the time oin the world to expand on his views.

Guess whose views the BBC broadcast on each news bulletin thereafter?  Donnelly’s doom-mongering got prominent announcements whilst Mills got nothing….probably because the BBC didn’t have time as they also had to squeeze in Hillary Clinton’s thoughts on Brexit….you’re all doomed!!!…and it’s Trump’s fault!  When Mills mentioned Donnelly was a Remainer Husain smacked him down and said he was there as an ‘expert’, independent and an important, knowledgeable voice….but of course he is a Remainer….as he told us himself...

‘It was a major shock to the system to get the referendum result’

The Remain crew really are mounting a campaign aren’t they as Nicky Morgan appeared on Peston after undoubtedly having been told to get on there by Amber Rudd to say May must not sack the saboteur Hammond…clearly Rudd couldn’t do the dirty work herself so she got a fellow Remain minion to do it and provide a bit of distance…just a shame Morgan cocked up and dumped the bossy one in it….and, as Guido notes, it is highly hypocritical for Morgan to say those asking for Hammond’s head are self-indulgent and undermining Brexit when she demandeed Boris be sacked herself…

Remarkable hypocrisy from NiMo. Two weeks ago she said Boris “has to go” if he can’t keep quiet on Brexit. Last week she was widely implicated in the plot against the PM. Today Morgan says “it’s not helpful for anybody to have ministers being attacked, whether it’s the Chancellor or the Foreign Secretary” and criticises “self-indulgent” colleagues doing so.

The BBC’s reaction to all this is very telling…it dismisses attacks on Hammond and defends him, in contrast they mounted a vicious campaign against Boris and accused him of all sorts of double-dealing, backing stabbing, undermining and betrayal….oddly it is Boris who is actually backing May and Brexit whilst Hammond is the one undermining them…but the BBC doesn’t do facts any more.

There is clearly a huge plot by Remainers to stop Brexit in its tracks…..will the BBC notice and if it does will it report it in depth?  Judging by its reporting on Hammond that’s not likely.  Lord Hall Hall can safely go back on the dinner circuit without his indigestion tablets.






Reality Check

A regular news feature we are badgered with is “Reality Check“. Most news sites now have a blog like this, though usually it’s called fact checking rather than reality checking.

Reality suggests that the BBC news team somehow have access to reality itself, presumably a Godlike and omnipotent understanding that mere mortals such as us could never comprehend. They are never wrong. Never mind any philosophical objections you may have to this, the BBC will reveal the Ding-an-sich and expose the liars!