Future Imperfect


The BBC announced this morning that the ‘research group’ British Future had discovered that Leave voters want immigration to increase, all except for very low skilled workers.

Now British Future is not a ‘research group’, it is a pro-immigration lobby group and this latest discovery is in fact a rehash of the same poll from last year which makes the result somewhat suspicious as you may ask how can it be so very nearly exactly the same…and who can believe that Brexit voters want an increase in migration of even highly skilled migrants….only as last resort would they accept such a thing.

Disturbing to find that this left-wing group has joined forces with the highly dubious ‘Hope not Hate’ to lobby and ‘advise’ government on immigration policy…if this latest report is anything to go by you wouldn’t trust either of them to produce much in the way of truthful analysis…

The government should do more to engage the public in decision-making on immigration. The National Conversation Immigration, coordinated by British Future and Hope not Hate, offers a model of how to do this, hosting 120 meetings in 60 locations in every nation and region of the UK, and reporting its findings to the Home Affairs Committee Immigration Inquiry. An annual ‘Migration Day’ report to Parliament by the Home Secretary could also serve as a focal point for greater engagement, transparency and accountability.

Lies, Damned Lies and BBC History


The Left has spent decades trying to rewrite history to present Britain and the West as the most evil and immoral societies on earth, savagely exploiting and oppressing the charming, peaceful and innocent brown skinned people who otherwise populate the rest of the globe in harmonious cow-like amiableness.

The BBC has been party to this massive deception and attempt to revise the truth in favour a narrative that suits its own agenda that seeks to blame Britain for everything bad in the world and thus provide an excuse for the attempts to undermine and destroy British society, culture, military, economic and political power.  Support for evermore extreme devolution and the splitting up of the United Kingdom is one aspect of this attempt to dismantle ‘Great Britain’, the collusion, collaboration with and selling out to, the European Union is of course just another part of this….as is open borders and the importation of millions of people who have no respect for, or loyalty to, Britain. They’re here for the money….but the BBC and the EU know the real purpose of this policy…to dilute the British population and make any vote such as another EU referendum dependent on the decisions of the new ‘citizens’…and they are fully expected to vote, when they get the chance, for the EU.  It is in effect a form of ethnic cleansing deliberately forced upon us by the EU….it’s politics and demographics not economics.

The BBC’s coverage of Partition is a classic example of its blame game as the Mail reports…

From the BBC school of history… why everything is Britain’s fault: CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night’s TV

Everything is your fault. But there’s no need to say sorry, because the BBC is busy apologising on your behalf.

Barely a week goes by without its guilt-ridden liberals blaming Britain for all the world’s woes. Self-loathing is their hobby — it makes them feel better.

Film-maker Gurinder Chadha, brought up in Southall, London, was at pains throughout India’s Partition: The Forgotten Story (BBC2) to emphasise that Britain alone was responsible for millions of deaths and decades of conflict following the separation of Pakistan in 1947.

She returned to this theme repeatedly, even though all her evidence contradicted the claim. Whenever the facts indicated that the sundering of India was due to ego clashes between its leaders or the aftermath of World War II, Gurinder nodded grimly and blamed Britain.

She especially accused Sir Winston Churchill, who she said despised Hindus. He was the epitome of the British Establishment, she sneered — though anyone who knows the first thing about Churchill will realise he was an outsider in every society.

The British Raj deliberately promoted hatred between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus, she claimed, in a policy of ‘divide and rule’. But to prove her point she travelled to Delhi and Calcutta, two of the most multi-cultural cities on Earth — a living legacy of British policies for a united India.

Unforgiveably, she claimed that when rioting broke out in Calcutta in 1946, the British government could have stopped the violence ‘like that’ — snapping her fingers. The hundreds of deaths were ‘a real victory for Divide and Rule’, she jeered

Who is really to blame for the violence in India during Partition?  Muslims.  Muslims demanded their own state and thus created the situation that led to the ethnic cleansing and mass murder.  Muslim separatism.  The BBC is quick to talk of ‘White Separatists’ but doesn’t use the same language for Muslims who even in Britain demand separate rules and special treatment for themselves.

Here is a perfect example of why everything that goes wrong in a post colonial country is not Britain’s fault in the slightest…from the Spectator….Rhodesia is destroyed by Black gangsters….the BBC would of course find a way of pinning the blame on Britain….

The rule of law is disappearing in Africa

Since Independence in 1980, it was the commercial farmers who drove economic growth with output rising on average by 15 per cent per annum during the first 18 years. Increasingly they were being joined by black farmers and by 1997 some 1200 of the 6,000 farmers that existed at Independence in 1980, were black. They employed a third of the national workforce, enjoyed no subsidies of any kind and generated half our exports. 60 per cent of local industry was dependent on them for markets or raw material.

They were recognised as being among the most productive farmers in the world, holding world records in yields and advanced conservation techniques.

Zimbabwe was totally self-sufficient in almost all foodstuffs at prices that were the envy of our neighbours.

Then they made a mistake – they voted for the opposition in 2000 and the gates of hell opened. In the next five years the infrastructure built up and paid for by the farmers was destroyed. 25,000 tractors of 75 horse power or more were stolen. 300,000 hectares of irrigation were destroyed, the equipment from transformers to pumps to pipelines, torn up and sold for scrap. Three million beef cattle and hundreds of thousands of other animals including wild animals were slaughtered for consumption. 23,000 homesteads and 350,000 staff houses were taken and in most cases burnt or vandalised. Farm buildings worth hundreds of millions were destroyed. 10,000 farm dams, built by the farmers themselves, were left full and idle, many breaching when no maintenance was carried out.

After 10 years, Zimbabwe crashed. By 2008, our inflation was doubling prices every three hours, three quarters of our population was on food aid, nearly all food was being imported and employment had crashed to just 10 per cent of all adults – 70 per cent in the Civil Service. The great majority of the farms taken over by force were derelict and abandoned – a third of our banks went into liquidation. We had 150,000 cases of cholera, 60,000 cases of tuberculosis and 50 000 cases of malaria. One third of our population had fled the country and another 3 million had died of causes from malnutrition to starvation and exposure.

At a meeting in Harare in early August, Mr. Mugabe stated quite clearly, that the persons responsible for the murder of white Zimbabwean farmers during the land invasions would ‘never be prosecuted’. Tens of thousands of people who were members of Zapu and lived in the south west of the country were murdered, beaten, raped, tortured and harassed between 1983 and 1987 during a campaign that Mr. Mugabe named ‘Gukurahundi’ or the storm that ‘washes clean’. Over a million-people fled the genocide and moved to South Africa and Botswana. Not a single person has been prosecuted for any of these crimes.

During the campaign that Mr. Mugabe called ‘Murambatsvina’, which roughly translates as getting rid of the ‘rubbish’, another 1.2 million people were displaced in 2005, this time from informal settlements around the towns, and dumped in the bush hundreds of kilometres from town in the middle of winter. Thousands died of exposure and hunger. Their only crime was to vote against the Zanu PF Party of Mr. Mugabe.

We have recorded over 700 murders of MDC leaders and the numbers imprisoned and beaten or tortured must run into thousands. So many have been hospitalised that we have an organisation that is solely dedicated to helping these victims with medical expenses.



Whilst the BBC is hostile to any war on radical Islam, there IS at least one war front that it fully endorses. I refer to the war on gender. Yes, the BBC is an advocate of seeking to remove the idea of boys and girls being dfferent to each other. John Lewis are the latest coroporation to pander to this mental aberration and the Today programme had one of the “gender erasure” advocates on this morning around 6.45am to reinforce the idea that boys and girls should be genderless. Incredible really but it’s what passes for normal in the halls of the BBC,

Interesting Times



The R4 paper review this morning headlined with the pro-Remain Sunday Times own headline ‘scoop’ that May is being forced to do a deal with the EU on the ‘divorce bill’ and that she will keep it secret until after the Tory conference….unless it is headlined in the Sunday Times…

Sunday Times front page 3 September 2017


Hmmm…the BBC that is working closely with the pro-Remain Times promoting anti-Brexit stories promotes an anti-Brexit story in the Sunday Times this morning.

Curiously this week we had Emma Barnett interview the now pro-EU Iain Duncan-Smith who told us he wasn’t here to talk anyone down but May’s ‘failure’ in the election [where she got the highest number of votes for a Tory government for decades] meant she would have to go cap in hand to the EU, her weakened position undermining her negotiating power….it would cost us a huge amount of money.  This is also a line that Barnett was pushing hard in an ‘interview’ that was intent only on creating a negative impression of anything that May had done or said. IDS also blamed the voters for voting stupidly.  No doubt we will see the Osborne Evening Standard plough the same furrow with sensationalist headlines about a weak May failing on Brexit…and thus maybe we should just surrender and get back into the EU fold.

Note also how Barnett and Co got May’s position as leader entirley wrong, telling us how she was likely to fall at any moment…despite all the sensible talk being of her surviving as the Tories wouldn’t risk an election which Corbyn could well win…and just who would take over as leader?  When May announced she would stay to fight another election the BBC were aghast and were working hard to try and portray this as a flip-flop when they knew it wasn’t…all she had said before was that she would stay as long as the Party wanted her, she said nothing about leaving at a certain date.  Th BBC has kept up a constant drumbeat of suggestion that the Tories are about to oust May in a leadership contest and yet there was absolutely no chance of that happening…the BBC is not bringing us news but is trying to make the news by interfering in politics, shaping it to suit their own agenda.  Who did they bring on immediately to criticise May on her announcement?  Cameron’s pro-Remain, ex-BBC media spinner, Craig Oliver, who laid into May….why?  Who the f**k is he?  He’s a backroom PR boy with nothing to do with the Tories other than once having been employed by the lefty Cameron as a sop to the BBC…why is he thought a credible voice to talk about May?


Something 9f an irony that Barnett, and the rest of the BBC, is constantly trying to unseat May when in 2015 she moaned that women weren’t at the top of politics and business.…then agan what’s new?  The BBC spent years trying to unseat Thatcher and the rest of the time rubbishing her legacy.  Perhaps like the Labour Party they prefer women quiet and obedient or they get sacked.




A Warming from History as ‘Arctic Mission’ Put on Ice



If we can produce a visual image of a sail boat at 90 degrees north I think that could become an iconic image of the challenge that the twenty-first century faces. Are we serious about running this planet, which is actually what we need to start doing, and it’s biophysical resources on a sustainable basis, or are we just here for a laugh?


Funny old world…and still quite cold in places.

The BBC has been plugging ‘Arctic Mission’...an attempt to sell climate change to the public with a publicity stunt by sailing to the North Pole across ‘ice free’ seas…thus highlighting the dreadful warming of the planet.  Unfortunately, due to large amounts of ice, the mission has been put on ice and they have beaten a hasty retreat to safer, ice free, waters….now claiming it was all about the science and research and not a cheap stunt…they also claim they sailed the furthest north ever…..

Arctic Mission’s furthest North was 80 degrees 10 minutes North, 148 degrees 51 minutes West, reached at 22:04:12 (Alaskan Time, GMT-9hours) on 29 August 2017 by yachts, Bagheera and Snow Dragon II.

It is believed Arctic Mission has sailed further north from the coastlines surrounding the Arctic Ocean than any vessel in history without icebreaker support.

That’ll be except for in 1922 when a vessel reached 81° 29′ in open water [hmmm….so the Arctic was warm then too?  Thought ‘man-made’ global warming only started in the 70’s]…..

Oddly I can’t seem to find any mention on the BBC website that the mission has failed miserably…strange when you think the prestigious Today show was giving so much airtime to following the intrepid explorers’ journey….and now…not so much interest.

Here’s Delingpole enjoying the non-spectacle greatly…

Delingpole: Ship of Fools IV: Another Green Arctic Expedition Scuppered by Ice

A sailing expedition to the North Pole to raise awareness of global warming has been forced to turn back, 590 nautical miles short of its destination, after the yachts found their passage blocked by large quantities of an unexpected frozen white substance.


Amusingly another Arctic jolly has had to be put on ice as its green solar powered kit packed up due to lack of sunlight…

Stranded on Norwegian Island, Rowers End Their Arctic Mission

An international team of rowers ended a record-breaking expedition through the Arctic Ocean on Monday after becoming stranded on a remote Norwegian island partway through their month-and-a-half-long journey.

But with the skies cloudy for days at a time, the boat’s solar-powered batteries drained, and its electrical equipment shut off. That left the rowers without navigational aids and forced them to rely on manual steering, according to a post on the Polar Row Facebook page that recounted the decision to head for shore.


Doom about the Boom


Typical BBC effort to hide the inconvenient truth that Brexit hasn’t wrecked the economy…far from it…….UK manufacturing hits four month high and the BBC hardly notice at all, the report not being  on the frontpage, nor the UK page, not even top billing on the business page...merely a small additional story buried in the small print half way down the page…..

Note that the PMI figures are also surging…have you heard the BBC mention that?  Probably not as they tend not to when they are on the up…conversely when they dip under 50, however minutely, the BBC dedicates the whole day to reporting this economic disaster...telling us we could be heading for recession #duetobrexit.

From the Telegraph:

British manufacturing exceeded expectations last month as growth accelerated to hit a four-month high, according to a closely watched survey.

IHS Markit’s UK manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) jumped to 56.9 last month, higher than the 55 that had been expected and above the 55.1 reported in July. Any number above 50 suggests growth in the sector’s output.

The survey found “broad-based expansion” across all products, and production rose at the steepest pace in seven months, underpinned by more work received, especially in Europe, the USA, China and Australia.

The BBC’s reluctance to report ‘good news’ whilst highlighting the bad [and often not bad….merely the BBC’s own negative interpretation] has been noted again and again…

PMI blues

Armageddon Beckons Once Again

#DespiteBrexit…Again..and Again…and Again

Alarming alarmism

The BBC’s Transmission Omission Mission

BBC Talking Down Economy




The Jewish Lobby


Not BBC bias but a good friend [from the Islamist and anti-semitic MPACUK] of the BBC responds to the reaction to the C4 Islamist video….he says the negative reaction is the result of a Zionist conspiracy……hate speech?  Will he get his collar felt?….will the BBC et all be damning him as they did with Kevin Myers?  Myers of course was using ‘positive dscrimination’ to praise Jews, this guy is using the old anti-semitic trope of a Jewish cabal running the world for their own advantage….a tad more negative than Myers’ comments……I await the reaction with interest…..And I can’t help thinking maybe there is something to be said for the burka…..

