Whistling Dixie


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Image result for kkk democrats


The hypocrisy flooding out of the media in torrents concerning Trump and his wide ranging condemnation of bigotry, hatred and racism on all sides is a wonder to behold…utter shamelessness of the left-wing media including our own sainted BBC which has declared that the Far Right are ‘Trump’s shock troops’ and today told us that Trump had signed a ‘Faustian pact’ with the white supremacists….they are apparently his base voters whom he cannot offend…so the BBC dismisses all those who vote for Trump as Far Right racists….heard that before in relation to Brexit…the BBC is far more of a hate monger than Trump as it demonises anyone who doesn’t submit to its extremist views on immigration as racists and Nazis.

The KKK as most probably know, except those at the BBC, is a Democratic Party creation…but what of say The Nation of Islam…what does the Southern Law Poverty Centre say about the NOI?

Nation of Islam

Since its founding in 1930, the Nation of Islam (NOI) has grown into one of the wealthiest and best-known organizations in black America. Its theology of innate black superiority over whites and the deeply racist, anti-Semitic and anti-gay rhetoric of its leaders have earned the NOI a prominent position in the ranks of organized hate.

Did Barack Obama loudly condemn the Nation of Islam?  Did he not give licence to them on his election? The NOI heaped praise upon Obama when he was elected…thus he must in fact be a racist, anti-Semitic Muslim by the BBC’s logic which tells us Trump must be a white supremacist because white supremacists cheered his election just as the NOI cheered Obama…and gave him money to help get him elected…..

Trump condemned all groups that spread hate, bigotry and racism…the Left want him to limit his criticism to the Far Right giving the Left wing extremists a pass.

Note they did not attack Obama at all for his order to all US government officials banning use the word Islam in conjunction with terrorism or extremism and his failure to condemn Islamic terror….

Obama did not utter the words “radical” or “Islam,” instead referring to the attack as “an act of terror and an act of hate.” Indeed, he has resisted using the term “radical Islam” throughout his presidency despite pressure from Republicans.

Obama Bans Terms Islam` and Jihad` From U.S. Security Document

Document under President Bush cited ‘militant Islamic radicalism’ as greatest conflict of 21st century.
President Barack Obama’s advisers will remove religious terms such as “Islamic extremism” from the central document outlining the U.S. national security strategy and will use the rewritten document to emphasize that the United States does not view Muslim nations through the lens of terror, counterterrorism officials said.

On the other hand he is quick to use the word Islam when suggesting they do good things…however much that is rewriting history….

According to President Obama, “Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding.”

Emma Barnett on 5 Live decided to join in the witch hunt with her own unique insights and journalistic hubris starting off by asking if we are voting for people based upon personality rather than beliefs and policies.   She was discussing the rise of Jacob Rees-Mog whom she disdainfully told us that he opposed gay marriage, didn’t want to ban zero hours contracts and didn’t want to increase welfare spending…and she quoted the charming Matthew Parris who told us that JRM may by appearance be ‘perfumed’ but his opinions are poisonous…apparently JRM’s views are hard right, not to be laughed at nor ignored, and he’s just like Farage….so once again Farage smeared as closet Nazi.  Barnett of course rolled in Trump into her description of ‘personality’ politicians who have no policies…but that just isn’t true at all…Trump was elected precisely because of his policies on immigration and business.  It was the BBC that concentrated almost solely on Trump’s character and only mentioned his policies in order to paint him as a racist and an Islamophobe.  The BBC did much the same to May spending a lot of time trying to make out she was robotic, fixating on her personality and trying to destroy her…hence their relentless mocking of the Tory slogan ‘Strong and Stable’.

Barnett then went for Trump in a big way talking about his comments about Charlottesville…telling us he ‘has refused to condemn any one group’….well why should he just condemn one side when both are as bad as each other…the Left started the violence?  We then heard he had made a Faustian pact with the white supremacists, the BBC linking him specifically and definitely with them.  Barnett then brought in Matthew D’Ancona to tell us his thoughts.  She didn’t bother to tell us that D’Ancona hates Trump, we only found this out later when he admitted that he ‘reviled’ him….though we might have guessed from the bile spewing out of his mouth about Trump…at one point telling us that Trump’s failure to condemn these Far Right groups [erm…he did condemn them…along with the Far Left] was ‘a slap in the face to those who fought Fascism’ and that this was a defining moment for his Presidency and a warning of things to come.

A Left Wing that cozies up to Islam can’t really lay claim to the moral high ground when talking about fighting Fascism when the two are a pretty good match for each other….Jews, gays, non-Muslims and women might not appreciate the subjugation and Islamisation of Europe or the US and may well consider that the fight against Fascism has a long way to go.

Trump has now specifically mentioned the KKK and Neo-Nazis,…guessing that won’t be enough for the Left…shame he didn’t mention BLM or the NOI and all those other Black separatist groups out there spreading hate and violence across America…..guessing the BBC won’t be condemning him for that though….



Hitchen Post

David Cameron tells Russian hosts: KGB tried to recruit me but I failed the test

On a visit to Moscow, he joked that he apparently failed to pass the “interview” during the bizarre incident on a gap-year trip to the Black Sea coast in 1985.

When told of the incident, President Dmitry Medvedev said that Mr Cameron would have made a “very good KGB agent”.

“David would have been a very good KGB agent, but in this case he would never have become a Prime Minister of the UK,” the Russian President said at a press conference in the Kremlin.


Peter Hitchens seems to have the same opinion of Tony Blair that I do…that he was not at all centrist or taking the Labour Party to the Right…he was in fact a hard core left winger who did incredible damage to the democratic infrastructure of this country…Cameron said he was approached by the Soviets at university but he snubbed them, Blair?  Not so sure.  He was on the same march as his other fellow travellers to take over the institutions…so many of them still in the BBC…..

Corbyn or Blair? Guess which one’s the real Marxist menace

Now, years after it is too late to help us, we learn that Anthony Blair was a student Marxist, an admirer of the bloodthirsty advocate of Red Terror, Leon Trotsky. When did he stop thinking this? We don’t really know.

But isn’t it interesting that all those who faint like shocked maiden ladies at the bearded Leftism of Jeremy Corbyn still fawn over the supposed ‘moderation’ of Blair? 

Yet Blair was the man who smiled sweetly as he tried to abolish sterling, surrendered to the IRA, wrecked our economy, our constitution, our civil service, our defences and much of our education system, and wounded the monarchy, too.

The disclosure reminded me of the recent unwise boast by Blair’s one-time close aide, Peter Hyman, who blurted out that the New Labour ‘project’ was ‘infinitely more revolutionary than anything proposed by Jeremy Corbyn’. The plan, Hyman disclosed, was to lock out the Tories to ensure that ‘the 21st Century was a Labour century’. Not very democratic.

One day, and I hope it is soon, people will grasp that Mr Blair was not the pseudo-Tory ‘moderate’ we were sold (and some of you bought) in 1997. He was the most radical political leader this country has had since Oliver Cromwell.

Mr Blair was the figurehead of all the many thousands of Sixties and Seventies campus revolutionaries who, by 1997, had quietly clawed their way into positions of influence in politics, the Civil Service, the law, the BBC and schools. And he did his damage all the more effectively because neither his enemies nor his supporters ever fully understood what he was and still, in a way, is – a smiling menace.


‘Trump’s Shock Troops’

“Elijah Muhammad,” Muhammed Ali told the TV viewers of 1970s Middle England, “Is the one who preached that the white man of America, number one, is the Devil!”

The whites of America, said Ali, had “lynched us, raped us, castrated us, tarred and feathered us … Elijah Muhammad has been preaching that the white man of America – God taught him – is the blue-eyed, blond-headed Devil! No good in him, no justice, he’s gonna be destroyed!

“The white man is the Devil. We do believe that. We know it!”


Whilst the BBC wouldn’t dream of making any association of black supremacist groups with Obama they have no problem at all in making a positive association of Trump to white supremacists…here actually stating that they are his ‘shock troops’…

Trump’s shock troops: Who are the ‘alt-right’?

A disparate group of provocateurs is challenging conservative orthodoxy from the right. They hate political correctness and love Donald Trump – but their critics say they’re nothing but bigoted white nationalists.

We see this again as the BBC condemns Trump for not singling out white supremacists alone for criticism after violence in Charlottesville whilst not condemning the left’s violence….

President Donald Trump condemned “in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides”.

“The hate and the division must stop right now,” he told reporters, speaking in New Jersey, where he is on a working holiday. “We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation.”

Democrats and Republicans alike took issue with his choice of words, noting that he failed to refer to the central role of white nationalists.

Why should Trump denounce only the Far Right extremists when it was in fact the Far Left groups that attacked the rally?  The violence, as with so many EDL rallies attacked by the ‘peaceful’ UAF, was started by the Left.  The BBC and anti-Trump US politicians conveniently ignore that left wing violence…and the BBC quotes Republican critics without telling us they are long time critics of Trump…such as Cory Gardner.

From Breitbart:

President Donald Trump reacted to Saturday’s violence in Charlottesville by condemning violence “on many sides.” His critics pounced, saying that he should have specifically condemned violence by white supremacists, and that by not doing so, he in fact condoned such violence.

The critics are guilty of a double standard, and of exploiting the violence for political gain, widening America’s divisions at a time when national unity is the only proper course.

Condemning one side alone would essentially have given the other side a pass for its tactics — and a political victory that neither deserved.

The purpose of the lie is to connect Trump to white supremacists by implying that he has something to disavow. Many of Trump’s critics compounded that lie Saturday by recycling false claims about members of his staff.

Trump’s critics are guilty of something worse than hypocrisy. They are trying to divide the country when the right thing to do is to stress common bonds, as Republicans did in June, though they were the targets.

Trump’s critics tried the same tactics in 2016, and all they achieved was more hatred. It is well past time for the slander to stop.


We had a look at The Tyranny of the Left a little while ago as freedom of speech is rapidly being closed down in order to try and shut out right wing voices in the US and today in the Telegraph Daniel Hannan notes in relation to Venezuela…

We all hate fascism, so why does the extreme Left always get a free pass?

Socialism always begins with the same trajectory.  It begins with slogans about The People; it ends with the knock in the night.

This equally applies in the so-called liberal West as we see the UKIP leadership candidate, Anne Marie Waters, demonised on the Today programme by John Humphrys who could hardly disguise the disdain and contempt for her…her crime?  She thinks Islam is ‘evil’.  Well evil is a strong word…but possibly appropriate in relation to an ideology that calls itself a religion.  The likes of Humphrys have no problem calling fascism evil nor the people who practice it…or indeed those who don’t practice it but hold views, such as on immigration, that the Humphrys of this world want to censor and so label anyone who holds them as facists, nazis and racists.  And of course the infamous Google show trial and sacking of a man who said something that is pretty well the standard view…that women are better at communicating and have more emotional intelligence…this you can hear spouted many, many times on the BBC itself…the BBC that promotes the vision of more women in Parliament and in business because they bring a different outlook on the world and we will have a friendlier and more polite Parliament with less testosterone floating about.  Apparently such views get you sacked at Google and the BBC doesn’t say a word to condemn Google.

Image result for goolag

Google that tells us diversity and inclusion are at the heart of its operation…and then sacks a man who dares to have an opinion that doesn’t match the one that Goolge has decided everybody must adhere to.  I note that when the BBC first reported his words they concentrated merely on his comments about why fewer women achieve great success in tech companies failing to mention that the whole document was in fact about Google’s left wing attitude and its censorship of debate….vindicated as we now see in a pyrrhic victory as a man with ‘right wing’ views is sacked.

From Breitbart:

Over the weekend, Google was rocked by the publication of an internal manifesto that alleged wide-ranging political bias within the company. In exclusive interviews with Breitbart News, more Google employees are now speaking out.

The 10-page manifesto, which was met by an immediate backlash, described a climate of fear at the company, in which employees who challenged prevailing leftist narratives on diversity were faced with immediate threats to their career.


Niall Ferguson is right, the real tyranny that we should fear is that of the Left…unfortunately the left have a monoploy of the media, academia, social action groups, social media and in politics as even right wing polticians dare not voice their true opinions…just look at the Tory Party now.

Still, there’s always the impartial and non-partisan BBC to hold such people to account and to ensure that there is a balance of views and ideas being aired in public.  LOL.



BBC’s ‘open borders’ to blame for human trafficking


The Times reports that…

EU blamed for rise in trafficking and slaves

The National Crime Agency (NCA) has blamed freedom of movement in the EU for a rise in human trafficking and modern slavery in Britain.

Will Kerr, an NCA director, said the ability of EU citizens to move freely around the continent was ‘definitely a factor’ in the number of slavery gangs operating in every large town and city.

He said “Where you can move more freely…there will be gangs who will look to get involved in that process.”


Oddly the BBC forgets to mention any reference to freedom of movement and open borders, those things it has so assiduously promoted for so many years,  in this ‘indepth’ report on slavery and trafficking….

Modern slavery and trafficking ‘in every UK town and city’

Lord Hall Hall’s latter day saints helping to traffic women and children into slavery.

Good on ’em.

And of course such open borders also permit guns, drugs, proceeds of crime and criminals themselves to move freely and rapidly around Europe….making crime easier and more lucrative.



Gung Ho Trumpo! Good Cop Bad Cop


The BBC is failing miserably to report with any insight or accuracy what is actually going on in the sparring between North Korea and the US….the BBC actually compared this to the Cuban Missile Crisis…except it is Trump who is the bad guy….er…isn’t it North Korea that is threatening the US with nuclear devastation?

Here is the BBC foolishness encapsulated in one paragraph…

President Trump celebrated action of a monetary kind when the UN agreed new sanctions against Pyongyang. But it was only days before he was boasting about America’s military might and warning of “fire and fury” if North Korea threatened the US.

The BBC reports that as if his threats of ‘fire and fury’ were not part of the strategy to get those sanctions…..clearly they were.  The BBC is a waste of space.

The BBC position is that Trump is recklessly out of control making dangerous, fiery, provocative speeches that will plunge the world into war against a hapless North Korea that merely wants to talk…its own threatening language merely a cry for attention.  The BBC presents those around Trump as the real government and the only voices to listen to.  When Trump first made his ‘fire and fury’ speech the BBC insisted that others in the administration were playing down his words and were saying it will never happen, they are seeking a diplomatic solution….the BBC studiously failed to report the strong words of General Mattis backing up Trump on this occasion…or that Trump is not actually looking to go to war…it is sabre rattling for effect….


Things move on and Trump smashes into the critics of his words by saying he was in fact not tough enough…the BBC continues to report that ‘others’ are apparently undermining him and seeking a different course….the BBC oddly now wants to report what Mattis says in more recent comments…though twisting his intent…

His latest post came hours after his Defence Secretary Jim Mattis attempted to cool tensions by emphasising a peaceful resolution to the crisis.

But wait…he also said he was ready for war however unwanted that was…

When asked about US military plans for a potential conflict, Mr Mattis said the country was ready, but he would not “tell the enemy in advance what I’m going to do”.

The BBC presents Mattis’ comments as if they mean he is not actually prepared to go to war and that the US diplomatic effort is actually separate from Trump and is continuing despite him…when the fact is that effort is enhanced, deliberately, by Trump’s words…and what did Mattis actually say?...

“Do I have military options? Of course I do,” Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters traveling with him to the West Coast yesterday. “And of course, there’s a military solution.” But Mattis said he wanted to be “loud and clear,” that for now, “we want to use diplomacy. That’s where we’ve been, that’s where we are right now, and that’s where we hope to remain.”  

Trump makes such strong threats in order to create a reaction and he has got it.  The BBC says it has no idea who the intended audience is for Trumps’ message but Fraser Nelson in the Telegraph is quite clear…the intended audience is mainly the Chinese not North Korea…Trump knows the only real solution is to ‘persuade’ the Chinese to put very real and effective pressure upon North Korea, which depends absolutely upon China for everything, to change its behaviour.  And lo and behold China agrees to impose serious sanctions upon North Korea.

Trump has had a success, the BBC just haven’t a clue…they just refuse to report seriously on anything Trump does preferring instead to malign or mock him and yet as far as I can see he’s doing pretty well so far around the world….certainly making more of an impact than Obama who everybody knew they could afford to ignore in reality.

The BBC always brings on commentators who are pathologically opposed to Trump [such as David Frum who seems to loathe Trump whom he declares is the ‘crisis’ and a threat to western democracy] and will say the most outrageous and stupid things about him and yet the BBC laps it up and regurgitates it as ‘news’.  The man who sent the Tweet above, ex BBC journo Mark Seddon, was on today…here’s some choice words from him about Trump…

Now is not the time for this extraordinary language [hmmm…yes it is], it is staggeringly dreadful, it must stop…North Korea is not a serious threat…it is purely Trump ratcheting things up…the response of the Trump adminsitration is pretty irresponsible’

The pompous and conceited Seddon has no idea and is just channelling his [and the BBC’s similar] contempt and hatred of Trump rather than sitting back and actually assessing what is really going on…shallow and sensationalist crap from him and the BBC…


Nothing has worked over decades with North Korea…..if it takes some hardline arm twisting so be it.


Ofcom level fraud by BBC News

The BBC is censoring news that is highly inconvenient to its own pro-EU narrative…it is erasing from the record the fact that majority in Britain want Brexit to happen and that includes many Remain voters who think we should get on with it.  One of The most significant of issues of the present day, if not much much longer, and the BBC is redacting the truth, producing what is fake news, post-truth nonsense shaped to suit its own agenda as it hopes to sideswipe the democratic process and subvert the referendum vote.

This is the BBC taking part in the political process rather than merely reporting and informing on it.  The pro-EU Lord Hall Hall should be brought to book rather than allowed to continue to corrupt British politics in the way he is doing.

A major new study by the London School of Economics and Oxford University has confirmed previous studies that showed the highly significant outcome of a big majority in Britain supporting Brexit, and a Brexit that means Brexit not some half in half out pantomime that is in fact us still being in the EU….from the Telegraph…

Most Remain voters now back taking control of borders, leaving ECJ and paying no Brexit divorce bill

The majority of Remain voters now agree that Britain should take control of its borders after Brexit, end the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice and pay little or nothing to leave the EU.

A major survey of more than 20,000 people revealed that an overwhelming majority of voters now prefer a so-called “hard Brexit” to a soft one.

Almost 70 per cent of people said they preferred a deal with the European Union which ended membership of the single market, ongoing payments and continued freedom of movement.

A similar percentage of people said they would prefer “no deal” to a “soft Brexit”.

Professor Sara Hobolt of the LSE said:

“Overall… there is on aggregate higher levels of support for outcomes that resemble the ‘hard Brexit’ position put forward by the government. Remain voters are willing to acknowledge that there are key negotiation outcomes – e.g. limits to freedom of movement – that they may not like, but that these outcomes still respect the referendum vote and are therefore legitimate. In other words, Remain voters concede that the features that lead them to prefer a particular negotiation outcome do not, in fact, respect the referendum.”

This is utterly at odds with what the Remain camp want you to belief, it is completely and utterly at odds with what the BBC has been telling us for the last year or more…it is as Guido says, a body blow to their spin and rhetoric.

Just as the BBC didn’t report the last such survey it fails to mention this one…what does it make its headline news?

Former Tory aide renews call for anti-Brexit party

That headline alone is a huge lie, a massive attempt to fool the pubilc by misdirection…for the man is in fact none other than James Chapman, George Osborne’s sidekick, arch Remainer and in fact one of the architects of Remain’s ‘Project Fear’…you can’t get more ‘Remain’ than this fellow….and it’s not the first time the BBC has provided him with an unadulterated platform for his EU propaganda as we’ve noted before….Project Fear continues courtesy of the BBC…. and the BBC went on to use Chapman’s claims to spread further fear about the ECJ and nuclear material, not to mention Brexit causing cancer.

The BBC now reports…

The former chief of staff to Brexit Secretary David Davis has said leaving the EU will be a “calamity for our country”.

James Chapman claimed two cabinet ministers had expressed interest in a new centre party to oppose Brexit.

He also claimed that the Conservatives will struggle to win a majority again.

He has called for a new party – called the Democrats – to oppose Brexit. Speaking to the Today programme, he claimed that the “two main parties have been captured by their fringes”.

The BBC has been the Remain Campaign’s enthusiastic mouthpiece as it seeks to undermine and thwart Brexit, giving them priceless support and endless alarmist headlines that continues Poject Fear on a daily basis.  From the start, straight after the referendum, the BBC has tried to create the idea that Brexit voters now regret their decision and want to change their mind…they used the election of pro-EU LibDem Sarah Olney in Richmond as ‘proof’ that the tide had turned against Brexit…despite Richmond being a majority Remain seat anyway.  This was big news for the BBC….big news that suddenly vanished when Tory Zac Goldsmith won the seat back in 2017…thus pulling the rug from under the BBC’s narrative…so they just shut up and didn’t mention it anymore.

That narrative of regretful Brexit voters has been disproved again and again, made all the more significant because even Remain voters want to get on with Brexit, and yet each time the BBC has hidden the results of those surveys and not publicised them….despite them actually showing a polar opposite in public opinion to what the BBC claims.

These public opinions are important….they tell us that they want to get on with Brexit, a ‘hard Brexit’ in perjorative BBC terms, and the sooner the better.  The BBC on the other hand does all it can to spread confusion and uncertainty as it helps Remain with a daily dose of alarmist tales [only today it is recycling the pro-EU Times’ tale of people not being able to sue the government for breaking EU law…hmmm…if we’re out of the EU we’re not subject to EU law so I’d have thought that was a given and not a ‘risk’ of Brexit.].  The BBC and Remain are in fact doing enormous harm to the Brexit negotiations, and they’re doing it deliberately in the hope that the negotiations breakdown in a mire of complex issues that they will try to exploit by producing sensationalist headlines that suggest an issue is so controversial, and its resolution so negative for the UK, that MPs or cabinet members will rise up against it….and they will do this for every issue, bogging down negotiations until everyone is so exasperated that they throw in the towel…and go cap in hand back to the EU to beg forgiveness and to be let back into the club.

Under such circumstances the EU is encouraged not to cooperate in the negotiations, to not produce a deal that will benefit everyone as it is led to believe Britain will eventually turn its back on Brexit and change its mind…it is in the EU’s interest to beggar the UK if they think that to do so will bring us back into the fold….why do a good deal if that means Brexit becomes a success…..and an example to others who might want to leave.

The BBC’s other main approach has been to report anything the EU says as plain common sense and the only real and sensible way of looking at things….if the EU says Britain’s position is confused and unplanned [the BBC reported similar claims from Chapman of course] then the BBC accepts that and reports it as fact…never mind it is clearly outright propaganda from the EU.

Guido notes a different take on things…obviously not reported by the BBC…

The City’s envoy to the EU has slammed the “bewildering” approach of Brussels to Brexit negotiations. In a dossier of dispatches seen by City AM, former LibDem Home Office minister and City of London Corporation special representative Jeremy Browne wrote:

“The inability of Brussels to comprehend British politics, or read the British character at the most elementary level, is bewildering… [there is] a recognition of the scale of the City of London, and acknowledgment that inflicting excessive harm on London would have negative consequences for the EU27 as well as for Britain”.

Browne said that EU efforts to pick on the City were motivated by:

“[a] supervisory and quasi-nationalistic desire to prevent business continuing as usual in London post-Brexit… they are affronted by the idea of London remaining brazenly unaffected.”

That is of course entirely true…and true also of the BBC which either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care what the British people think and want.

The EU would be mad to try and ‘punish’ Britain in order to put the frighteners on other possible Leavers and yet we know it is ultimately a political project that its unelected leaders are totally committed to and are absolutely determined to carryout until they get full economic and political union and the end of nation states regardless of economic cost….something the BBC neglects to mention as it continues to scaremonger about the ‘cost of Brexit’.



Translating Philippe Hammonde’s Le Monde interview

Here is a guest post by Semper Fidem. WELL worth a read – it’s a comprehensive take down of the BBC bias….

  • The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Philip Hammond, gave an interview to Le Monde, France’s newspaper of record (the full version costs €2 to access).
  • The BBC reported this interview as signalling an abandon by Hammond of his “suggestion that the UK could slash taxes and regulation to undercut its EU rivals after Brexit” (Sarah Montague, introduction to the headlines of The Today Programme, 31 July 2017).
  • This is fake news from the BBC. Hammond’s recent remarks to Le Monde do not contradict the statements he made earlier this year on the UK’s approach to Brexit.
  • Although Hammond conducted the interview in English, the only record of what he actually said is Le Monde’s translation of his statements into French. To set the record straight, we need to translate his remarks back into English – as well as the BBC’s fake representation of them back into something closer to reality.

Continue reading

Follow the money


The BBC were chuntering on about the British company ‘Worldpay’ being sold to foreign investors and the loss of an important company as a ‘British asset’.

Funny how all those who talk this way are quite happy to see Britain, the whole country, sold out to the EU, our sovereignty gone and all control handed over to unelected Eurocrats who definitely do not have British interests at the forefront of their minds.

Naturally, despite the sale making over £9 billion [originally bought for a mere £2 billion], the BBC managed to blame Brexit for the sale…apparently the drop in the pound making our companies vulnerable to takeover ‘cheaply’.