Seen this?

Jeremy Paxman has criticised the BBC for being ‘biased and politically correct’ and called for the licence fee to be abolished because ‘if Amazon and Netflix can do it, so can they.’ The former BBC man and Newsnight presenter, 67, also criticised the public service broadcaster for focusing stories on ‘the disabled refugee from Syria’ rather than examining how managing a disabled refugee’s needs might affect British taxpayers.


The BBC’s post-election post-truth truth



Before the election the BBC was always quietly pushing the Remain agenda to subvert Brexit, to either thwart it completely or to reduce its impact so that it essentially meant we continued as were are.  Post the election and all pretence of balance and impartiality have gone out of the window and the BBC openly plugs ‘Remain’…apparently the election result was a vote against May and Brexit….thus we must have a ‘change of direction’.

The video above of Maitlis interviewing Andrea Leadsom pretty much showcases the open BBC opposition to Brexit with Maitlis, not asking, but stating that….

‘You are a minority government but you’re reading of the public mood is to push on with the same plans for Brexit that you always had…you know that the whole direction of Brexit is now up in the air…you know that!…you didn’t get the Brexit vote you wanted and you didn’t get a huge majority…this was a sign from the country that they were questioning it [your plans for Brexit].’

That’s complete nonsense and a reading of the situation that is pure fantasy favourable to the Remain camp.  The whole direction of Brexit, that is leaving the single market and the customs union and controlling immigration, is not up for change due to the election.  Why?  Well firstly the BBC itself told us that the election was not about Brexit as much as May wanted it to be…it was about the economy, the NHS, care services and of course terrorism and paying for the police…Brexit figured very small in the calculations of voters….about 14% small.

And what of the result itself?  Was it a damning indictment of May?  Well she lost her majority and Labour won some more seats….so the bare facts might suggest that she had a disaster…a disaster that the BBC claims is a result of voters flooding away from May’s Tories.  How true is that?  It’s a complete lie.

In 2015 the Tories got 11.3 million votes, 36.9% of a 66.1% turnout.  In 2017 they got 13.7 million votes, 42.4% of a 68.7% turnout.

Don’t know if the BBC employs Abbott maths to work things out but I’d say May had a successful election by the number of votes…she didn’t lose votes she gained them BBC!…it’s just that Labour mobilised more of their voters to get out and vote and so pinched some seats.

So May didn’t so much lose as Labour gained more than she did..and yet they still lost.  Jeremy is not PM.

And on Brexit Labour support leaving the single market and the customs union….as Leadsom said 85% of voters voted for parties that want to leave the EU…how does that equate to creating a ‘new direction’ on Brexit?  It doesn’t.

The Remain camp like to say May has no mandate and that no one voted to come out of the single market and the BBC never contradicts them…but of course that narrative is baloney.  The referendum vote was a straight choice…leave or stay in the EU…and people voted knowing the consequences having been told enough times of the supposed disasters that would befall them if they voted to leave…and yet they voted that way…knowing it meant leaving the single market.  They made that choice and took the gamble…they would rather have the future where they take control whilst taking some possible risks to do so than to stay in the EU strait-jacket that they predict is heading for eventual breakdown politically, socially and economically not to mention the almost certain imposition of an undemocratic EU superstate upon them and the deliberate destruction of the nation states of Europe along with their unique cultures and values.

May has a mandate for a ‘hard Brexit’ with the understanding that she will negotiate the best trade deal possible…and if the EU will not cooperate then ‘goodbye’ as Norman Tebbit says.

‘Co-operation’…a fine concept…one the EU doesn’t seem to understand as it negotiates Brexit….it doesn’t look to be trying to do a deal that will benefit both sides but does seem , despite claims to the opposite, to be trying to punish Britain.  Which brings us to Leadsom’s comment that the Broadcasters should be more patriotic.  Mailtis immediately took offence and yet wasn’t Leadsom right?  The BBC approach is to present anything the EU and its unelected grandees say as groundtruth…you can see it in this video as Maitlis quotes Tusk and the EU commission president saying ‘Isn’t it funny they say they do not have any idea what Britain wants…doesn’t that worry you?’

Everything the EU comes up with is reported with reverence and the government is made to defend itself against whatever has been said…the BBC’s position is by default that the EU is right and the government wrong.

Not only that but the BBC has been telling porkies all along…before the election they told us that the EU was quite unconcerned with the result of the election, now the BBC tells us it means May has no strength to back her negotiations and that…

‘The EU is laughing at us and saying they can walk all over us.’

With a little help from a ‘quisling BBC’ I suppose as it peddles the EU’s narrative and fails to present the true picture of events never mind a positively ‘patritotic’ one.

Then we have the BBC’s attitude to the ‘state of the nation’..Maitlis again…

‘You’ve got a negotiating position that’s completely unclear [really? Says who?…oh the EU!  LOL], a political system that is unstable [erm….any different to 2010 and coalition?], many believe our economy is unfair [ah…pushing Labour propaganda…let’s forget the huge tax cuts for the low paid and the very low interest rates], living standards are falling [really?  Not judged by 6 months ago…they are fairly standard over the decades]..what can you point to now that is going well?’

Pretty typical of the BBC’s very negative narrative about the economy and politics…and yet it is quite false…business confidence is still high, employment is at record levels and inflation is only just above what was for years the ‘norm’…and it was predicted to rise this year anyway and to fall again next year…so the BBC is making something that was expected into a disaster despite knowing that it will sort itself out in the coming months.

The BBC is now blatantly anti-Brexit and is pushing the EU’s own propaganda.  No doubt Maitlis’ sick looking countenance is a result of an inner conflict between journalistic integrity and professionalism and selling out your country to a foreign power by spreading lies and ‘enemy’propaganda.




Choose your news


Lord Hall Hall objected strongly to any suggestion that the BBC use a subscription fee method to generate its income saying such a system would be far too complicated and costly to implement.  Curious then that the BBC has now been able to make iPlayer unavailable unless you register and have a licence…how difficult would that be to extend to an on demand payment system?  Not very, after all large numbrs of other media outlets already do that…including Youtube.

I am guessing the BBC doesn’t want to do that because it would then be at the mercy of the paying customer who, if they didn’t like what was on offer, wouldn’t have to pay for it…such as blatanlty left-wing misinformation being pumped out as ‘news’.

Over the air digital tv could also be by subscription, not as if this is new and untried territory…SKY.  Some Freeview channels are also by subscription…so obviously quite simple to operate such a scheme….if  you want to.  The BBC just doesn’t want to and obviously doesn’t have faith in its own product and with good reason.



Project Fear continues courtesy of the BBC



So who is James Chapman?  You have to ask because the BBC doesn’t tell us in its bulletins as it turns his anti-May, anti-Brexit spin into ‘news’.  All day we have been informed of his opinion that May’s ‘redline’ on the ECJ is untenable and making David Davis’ job impossible…..

Theresa May has ‘hamstrung’ David Davis in Brexit talks

Theresa May has made David Davis’s job more difficult by setting “red lines” for him in Brexit talks, his ex-chief of staff has told the BBC.

James Chapman said the Brexit secretary had been “hamstrung” by the prime minister’s stance on the European Court of Justice (ECJ), among other things.

He said Mrs May would not get a Brexit deal through Parliament unless she showed more “flexibility”.

BBC news didn’t think it necessary to inform us of his provenance but the web article slips in a brief mention of his past life…

A former Daily Mail journalist, Mr Chapman was George Osborne’s director of communications before becoming Mr Davis’s chief of staff at the new department for exiting the EU.

James Chapman was Osborne’s PR spinner and what the BBC fails to mention, the ‘man who ran Project Fear’ for Remain…

From the Independent:

The man who helped run Project Fear is now a key figure in Brexit negotiations

Exclusive: Bizarre twist sees former Osborne aide take top job with Brexit Secretary David Davis

A bizarre twist indeed….which is probably why he has been booted out of the job now….and why we get this Remain operation to further undermine Brexit.


Let’s think….what is going on?  ‘Explosive stuff from James Chappers’!!!!???  Why would the BBC be peddling that ‘explosive stuff’ all day as headline news?   The BBC organised the pro-Remain Times to interview a very pro-Remain Chapman who is feeding the Media Remain misinformation, the BBC blasts his views out on the news as if it is gospel and we have him on The Week In Westminster   on the same day.  Chapman has all the usual suspects cheerleading him on Twitter….he does his own cheerleading for Remoaner Tories to be in cabinet…

This is quite obviously an orchestrated attack on Brexit and May in an attempt to pressure her to change course on Brexit and essentially stay in the EU.

It is all pure opinion from Chapman, Remoaner opinion at that….the ECJ is ony a problem for those who want the ECJ to still have oversight over UK affairs…ie Remoaners.  Not as if the EU doesn’t have its own redlines….not least its absolutist redline of freedom of movement…indeed all the four conditions it imposes imperially upon those who want to trade with it inside the Single Market.  Freedom of movement is a political and ideological policy that is intended to break the nation states and undermine national loyalties…it is ‘ethnic cleansing’ of a kind…it is completely unnecessary economically….and it is the biggest single factor that sets a large portion of the people of Europe against the EU.

The BBC has joined forces with the Remain camp in a glaringly obvious piece of news manipulation in an effort to change government policy and pressurise politicians.  The BBC once again seriously interfering in the democratic process and acting in a highly politicised manner.

Perhaps May should replace the leadership of the BBC with an independent commission until it gets its ship in order….clearly unfit for purpose right now.

Lord Hall, photographed in his office at Broadcasting House, London, June 2017

Cherchez la femme


Snow – “Yo man, I caught your set at Glasto, epic brother, stone cold, I dig your act dude, the way you stuck it to those Tory squares was rad.”

Corbyn – “Respect Jon, respect, the way you don’t stand for no Tory jive is badass cuz.”

Woman – “You’re 69 and you’re 68, you’re both privileged, you work for a state owned broadcaster and you’ve been an MP since 1983, you’ve not antiestablishment, you are establishment, grow the fuck up.”


Looking at the irreverent and highly amusing comments about Jon Snow on Guido and I saw this….



The BBC usually tries to hide such facts and always manages to find a ‘refugee’ woman and a child to photograph instead, except not always…….sometimes ‘all men’ must be highlighted and condemned not hidden……especially when JK Rowling speaks out…’s very bad…bigly..

A group of men standing around a desk: it is not the typical image that goes viral online.

The photograph in question was taken on US President Donald Trump’s first day in the Oval Office on Monday, when he signed a ban on federal money going to international groups that perform or provide information on abortions.

“Men making decisions about women’s bodies” was a much-repeated phrase on Twitter, as it was shared hundreds of thousands of times, including by author JK Rowling.

US President Donald Trump signing executive orders in the Oval Office


Macro Macron story



May’s refusal to join the TV circus debate with the various other party leaders was the BBC’s top story for, well, forever just about.  It was big news.

Contrast the story that the BBC’s latest hero, Macron, has refused to do a Q&A because his thought processes are too complex…

“complex thought process lends itself badly to the game of question-and-answer with journalists”

Frontpage news on the BBC?…or not…how about ‘world news’….emm….nope….Europe?….aah yes……a small story tucked away on that page…. can you spot it…the fact that Junckers doesn’t own a mobile phone is bigger news….


What does hit the BBC frontpage?  The apparently favourable reaction to Macron’s official portrait…’s a ‘must see’….

The BBC gives it a favourable press…compare that with how it reported Trump and Melania’s portraits….sneering and carping nonsense…

For Prof Nicole Dahmen from the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication, “Melania Trump’s first official portrait embodies the excessive wealth and reality star celebrity of the Trump White House”.

She believes this photograph moves the administration “even further from the truth and substance of middle America”.

Many people have discussed the kinds of digital manipulation the image may have undergone.

“The obvious airbrushing in the photo can also be seen as a parallel to the Trump administration’s use of lies and ‘alternative facts’,” says Prof Dahmen.

“The portrait is a construction of reality – not actual reality.”


Iron clad news


So the BBC says it has discovered documents that show Grenfell Tower’s proposed cladding was changed from Zinc to aluminium…the BBC are sensationalising this and hyping the suggestion that this caused the fire disaster at the tower because the aluminium cladding was less fire retardant than the zinc…or was it?

The BBC have given us three different versions of just how fire retardant the two claddings were…one is that the zinc cladding was more fire retardant…two, that they were in fact the same…and three no comment other than to say zinc was replaced by aluminium.

Documents show the zinc cladding originally proposed was replaced with an aluminium type, which was less fire resistant, saving nearly £300,000.

The cladding is thought to have contributed to the spread of the fire that killed at least 80 people.

Oh but hang on…..

Despite their differences, both types of cladding have the same official fire rating.

How can one be less fire resistant and yet have the same fire rating?  Anyone  who was going to use the panels would go by the fire rating….so they would judge there was no extra fire risk changing to aluminium…so there’s in fact no story here of ‘guilt’.

The zinc panels, if they come from the same people who make the aluminium panels, apparently ‘Reynobond’, would have a fire resistant core…

ZCM Only Available with FR Core The melting point for the titanium zinc alloy used in ZCM is 418 C (784 F). Therefore, ACM [sic…ZCM?] is only available with our “FR” fire-resistant core. This is necessary in order to pass ASTM E84 Steiner Tunnel Tests for flame spread and smoke generated. With the extra security of the FR Core, ZCM passes most common building code requirements.

What the BBC are insinuating is that the change was a piece of reckless money saving that was implemented regardless of risk…and yet that is pure supposition as they do not know the decision process nor how those who made the decision understood the fire standards….as the BBC admits the two panels have the same fire rating….how would someone making that decision know any different?

The BBC tells us, as it has for days, that the cladding has failed the recent government tests…

Police investigating the disaster have said the tower’s cladding has subsequently failed safety tests.

….but doesn’t tell us that the tests are more stringent than the ones that were necessary to pass building regulations…..which presumably the cladding did originally pass.

The BBC are being extremely irresponsible in hyping and sensationalising this story in the way it does knowing full well that its nuances, such as the fire ratings, will pass most people by, certainly those with an axe to grind, and that in such an emotive and angry atmosphere this could lead to that anger being exploited by the various hard-left groups hijacking this issue working to start riots and disturbances.



Holier than thou

Pope Francis calls abortion ‘horrendous crime’ and ‘very grave sin’


The blessed Frau Merkel has voted against same-sex marriage….but the BBC does not think she is backward and unpleasant as they do the DUP…in fact they think that ‘she will go down in history as the Chancellor who made it possible’ [to have same sex marriage]…despite voting against it.  Gotta love the BBC.

Oh look…the DUP are against abortion, as are Sinn Fein and indeed most of Ireland…..and yet it is the DUP who get the abuse…today Emma Barnett wanted to know how a Tory could contemplate an alliance with such party as the  DUP which is clearly beyond the civilised pale...and yet…

A 2008 parliamentary move to extend the 1967 act to Northern Ireland was blocked by then-Leader of the Commons Harriet Harman. At the time the government said it feared the existing UK abortion laws could have been threatened in the House of Lords as a result had the vote passed. But there was speculation that the Labour government had struck a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party to leave the abortion laws intact in return for their support for its plans to detain terrorism suspects without charge for 42 days.

Oh look again!!!…

Pope Francis calls abortion ‘horrendous crime’ and ‘very grave sin’

Often faulted by critics as not being sufficiently clear when it comes to the Church’s negative judgment on abortion, Pope Francis on Sunday couldn’t have been more firm in calling it a “very grave sin” and a “horrendous crime.”

“I was thinking on the attitude of sending the kids back before they’re born, this horrendous crime, they send them back because it’s better like that, because it’s more comfortable, it’s a great responsibility- a very grave sin,” Francis said.

And what about same-sex marriage Popey old fellow?

Pope Francis offers hope to divorced Catholics, says no to gay marriage

Whhhaaaat?  The Pope is against gay marriage and abortion and craps in the woods….no utter condemnation, vilification and demonisation from the BBC?

Just what is it about the Loyalist DUP that the BBC hates so much?  Maybe if they killed as many innocent men, women and children like Sinn Fein’s brothers in arms, the IRA, did the BBC would celebrate the DUP as they do the IRA or indeed Muslim terrorists [no doubt also against gay marriage and abortion] whom the BBC declare will one day, in that rewritten BBC history where Merkel is a gay marriage heroine, are to be thought of in the same light as Churchill, Mandela and Ghandi with their revolutionary thinking and courageous and bold stand against an oppressive western liberal mentality that er…forces them to accept gay marriage and abortions!


What is the right punishment for blasphemy? Tweet with what you think using the hashtag


The BBC also targeted George Bush and Trump for their stance on abortion….kind of forming a pattern here…right-wing, conservative and you oppose abortion…evil, backward and unpleasant…..left-wing and oppose abortion?….you’re conflicted, you want to change but are trapped by custom, tradition and a system set against you…and whatever…you’re left-wing and we at the BBC will support you whatever.

The BBC loves this guy….despite his ‘social conservatism’……

‘I’d like to write a piece for the Mail making the left-wing case against abortion, or a piece on why marriage should be a Labour value, and not just a Conservative one. My own unabashed social conservatism on such issues derives from my Islamic faith.’

What a difference 3 years makes





That Big Shining Lie



Islamic terrorism, radicalisation, extremism?  Nothing to do with Islam.  All to do with Western foreign policy and domestic issues such as Islamophobia, discrimination, marginalisation, joblessness, alienation and disaffection within the Muslim community.

Newsnight should know better as it uses a Muslim journalist to tell us her thoughts on why people join ISIS.  Funnily enough she tells us it has nothing to do with her religion, it is all to do with Western foreign policy and our society’s failure to make Muslims feel welcome.

Newsnight does not ask what it is about Western society that Muslims find difficulty in coping with…but it clearly insinuated that it is our, the non-Muslims’, fault.  So why does ‘foreign policy’ so upset Muslims?….Newsnight doesn’t ask because to do so would show that this radicalisation is based upon Muslim ‘racism’ and supremacy…ie Western countries are non-Muslim therefore Islam and Muslims are under attack if those Western countries intervene in ‘Muslim’ countries….Muslims are obliged by their religion to defend Islam…thus they are doing their religious duty by joining ISIS….thus it has all to do with Religion and ‘racism’ of Muslims who identify first as Muslim and, maybe, only later as ‘British’.   Their loyalty is to Islam…no wonder Newsnight avoids the issue.

Once again the BBC blames the West for what is a ‘Muslim’ issue created by a religious ideology that, as Mohammed said, wants to see Islam reign supreme.  Politicians and Media need to start waking up to that fact and that there are people out there who fully intend for that to happen whether by force of arms or force of demographics.