I see the BBC is out to punish those who post views it does not like.

The BBC is threatening to report users to their bosses if they leave ‘offensive’ comments on one of the corporation’s websites, it has been revealed. Its privacy policy has sparked a furious backlash online with the broadcaster branded ‘Orwellian’ and accused of ‘blackmail’.

The draconian document warns that if the corporation deems a comment to be ‘offensive, inappropriate or objectionable’ then a user could have their ‘personal information’ used against them. The policy – which a spokesman said is ‘standard’ – also applies to those who ‘engage in any disruptive behaviour on any BBC service’ – although the definition of what constitutes such a sanction is not clearly defined. It further states that a ‘defamatory’ post could result in a user’s ’employer, school email/internet provider or law enforcement agency’ being informed directly.

What business is it of the BBC’s as to what is “offensive”? I consider the BBC offensive but I don’t seek to bully those who work for it with threats of legal action or reports to the Police. Thoughts?


I was interested to see the BBC afford Brendan Cox, the husband of murdered Labour MP Jo Cox, the media time to push his “time for remembrance” agenda yesterday on the Marr programme and then throughout the day. Marr expressed his best wishes to the campaign being pushed by Cox.  Today marks the anniversary of the savage murder of Lee Rigby. The BBC makes no mention of it and no time is provided by the BBC for anyone seeking to mark that murder. It is almost as if the BBC feels whilst all murders are equal, some are more virtuous than others. Surely not?

Rolling Stones Over and Finding…Nothing?


The BBC told us that Trump dodged the bullet after having criticised Obama for doing the same and avoided linking Islam and terrorism in the same sentence in his speech in Saudi Arabia….

He did not include the controversial phrase “radical Islamic terrorism”. In the past, he has criticised his predecessor, Barack Obama, and others for not employing these terms, considered offensive by many Muslims.

Clearly they weren’t listening to the speech as they’ve had to update their report trying to wriggle out of their mistake and then parse his words so that somehow it’s all a big cock-up by Trump…

His highly anticipated address did not include the phrase “radical Islamic terrorism”, which he had used before and is considered offensive by many Muslims. A transcript of the text published on his Facebook page included a mention of “Islamist extremism” and “Islamist terror groups”.

But in his speech Mr Trump said: “That means honestly confronting the crisis of Islamic extremism and the Islamists and Islamic terror of all kinds.” It was not immediately clear if he stumbled over the word or decided to change the script.

Then again the BBC isn’t too bothered with the truth where Trump is concerned, they will report any old rumour or gossip as sensationalist fact no matter what the source.  Paxman was right…the BBC no longer does investigative journalism, it merely cuts and pastes news releases and news reports from other news providers such as the New York Times and the Washington Post.  This could be a mistake…as both are ardently anti-trump and themselves have few scruples when it comes to the truth.

We’ll look at the media response in more detail but first a look at some points of interest.

The BBC et al claim the Russians were trying to influence the US election in order to get Trump into Office…and yet they also tell us that the infamous dodgy dossier, cobbled together by an ex-MI6 agent who doesn’t like Trump, was the result of information gleaned from…er..Russian agents….from the BBC’s Paul Woods in the Spectator not on the BBC…

Claims about a Russian blackmail tape were made in one of a series of reports written by a former British intelligence agent. As a member of MI6, he had been posted to the UK’s embassy in Moscow and now runs a consultancy giving advice on doing business in Russia. He spoke to a number of his old contacts in the FSB, the successor to the KGB, paying some of them for information.

So the Russians were both trying to get Trump elected and em, not elected.

The BBC originally used the phrase ‘shared classified information with the Russians’…now it uses ‘leaked’…both assertions, however phrased, are suspect….first no proof it happened, the Russians deny it as do US Officials present at the meeting, second the President can release whatever he likes legally…and it certainly wouldn’t be described as a ‘leak’…a very loaded term from the BBC….and as for ‘classified’…that can mean anything from merely ‘restricted’ [which can be applied to just about any government publication…such as Army basic training manuals] to the very highest security classification…so what classification was the information BBC?

The BBC peddled the Washington Post story about that ‘sharing’ of information as fact and as a sensational security breach when we know that the Washington Post itself had published detailed accounts of why security measures were being upgraded, listing the threat and technical details that would give away the source of the information just as they claimed Trump had done.

We also know that Russian officials apparently celebrated Trump’s election.  How do we know that?, because US intelligence released details of that…which gave away the fact that they were intercepting certain communications….but apparently that wasn’t a problem for the left-wing media as long as it took down Trump.

But then again the left-wing media has a long and dubious record of reporting fake news and indeed of revealing top secret information that puts the nation at risk, national security at risk, lives at risk, such as Snowden and Bradley Manning.

The Guardian is guilty of faking news to attack Trump via Assange [Justin Webb also attacked Assange on Saturday…so the attacks continue]…Glenn Greenwald tells all…

The Guardian recklessly attributed to Assange comments that he did not make. This article is about how those false claims — fabrications, really — were spread all over the internet by journalists, causing hundreds of thousands of people (if not millions) to consume false news.

The purpose of this article is to underscore, yet again, that those who most flamboyantly denounce Fake News, and want Facebook and other tech giants to suppress content in the name of combating it, are often the most aggressive and self-serving perpetrators of it.

Note well that last paragraph….hits the nail right on the head…the BBC and the Left want to stamp down on the internet and right-wing publications so that they can control the news, what people see and hear and thus what they understand of the world and how they then expect politicians to react…one way of doing this is to invent the crisis of ‘fake news’and target the Right as the main perpetrators of this crime….giving politicians the excuse to bring in controls.  Of course that will backfire on the Left as they too will become victims of the same draconian laws.

The Washington Post is just as guilty of peddling lies if it has an agenda it wants to push…

‘Fake News’ And How The Washington Post Rewrote Its Story On Russian Hacking Of The Power Grid

On Friday the Washington Post sparked a wave of fear when it ran the breathless headline “Russian hackers penetrated U.S. electricity grid through a utility in Vermont, U.S. officials say.”

Yet, it turns out this narrative was false and as the chronology below will show, illustrates how effectively false and misleading news can ricochet through the global news echo chamber through the pages of top tier newspapers that fail to properly verify their facts.

From Russian hackers burrowed deep within the US electrical grid, ready to plunge the nation into darkness at the flip of a switch, an hour and a half later the story suddenly became that a single non-grid laptop had a piece of malware on it and that the laptop was not connected to the utility grid in any way…..the Post finally updated its article, changing the headline to the more muted “Russian operation hacked a Vermont utility, showing risk to U.S. electrical grid security, officials say”

The following morning, nearly 11 hours after changing the headline and rewriting the article to indicate that the grid itself was never breached and the “hack” was only an isolated laptop with malware, the Post still had not appended any kind of editorial note to indicate that it had significantly changed the focus of the article.

This is significant, as one driving force of fake news is that as much of 60% of the links shared on social media are shared based on the title alone, with the sharer not actually reading the article itself. Thus, the title assigned to an article becomes the story itself and the Post’s incorrect title meant that the story that spread virally through the national echo chamber was that the Russians had hacked into the US power grid.

This might be relevant for the BBC to consider as it rushes to publish the latest from the WP and NYT without doing the footwork to check the information..

“breaking news” is a tremendous problem for mainstream outlets in which they frequently end up propagating “fake news” in their rush to be the first to break a story. In a world beset by false and misleading news, do top tier news outlets have a professional responsibility to step back from breaking stories and only report on them after all details are known and they have had an opportunity to speak with all parties involved and understand more definitively what has happened?

And the Washington Post yet again spinning lies about its favourite conspiracy theory of Reds under the beds….

Then there was the episode in which the Washington Post ran that breathless story, Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts sayabout Russians aiding the spread of “fake news.” That irresponsible story turned out to have been largely based on one highly dubious source called “PropOrNot” that identified 200 different American alternative media organizations as “useful idiots” of the Russian state.

The Post eventually distanced itself from the story, saying it “does not itself vouch for the validity of PropOrNot’s findings.” This was a very strange thing to say in a statement that isn’t an outright retraction. The idea that it’s OK to publish an allegation when you yourself are not confident in what your source is saying is a major departure from what was previously thought to be the norm in a paper like the Post.


The BBC seems to not want to bother with the details, the facts or anything resembling actual journalism, happy it seems to just cut and paste anti-Trump material from the WP and NYT verbatim leaving it for others to do the troublesome work of actually asking a few questions and raising a few doubts about the massive attacks on Trump….

Why the Russia Story Is a Minefield for Democrats and the Media

Russia scandals have bloodied the Trump administration. But it carries dangers for those reporting it

There are big dangers for the press. If we engage in Times-style gilding of every lily the leakers throw our way, and in doing so build up a fever of expectations for a bombshell reveal, but there turns out to be no conspiracy – Trump will be pre-inoculated against all criticism for the foreseeable future.

The press has to cover this subject. But it can’t do it with glibness and excitement, laughing along to SNL routines, before it knows for sure what it’s dealing with. Reporters should be scared to their marrow by this story. This is a high-wire act and it is a very long way down. We might want to leave the jokes and the nicknames be, until we get to the other side – wherever that is.  


Something About This Russia Story Stinks

Nearly a decade and a half after the Iraq-WMD faceplant, the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment

I have no problem believing that Vladimir Putin tried to influence the American election. He’s gangster-spook-scum of the lowest order and capable of anything. And Donald Trump, too, was swine enough during the campaign to publicly hope the Russians would disclose Hillary Clinton’s emails. So a lot of this is very believable.

But we’ve been burned before in stories like this, to disastrous effect. Which makes it surprising we’re not trying harder to avoid getting fooled again.


How Did Russiagate Start?

Amid the chaos of James Comey’s firing, new questions about the timeline of his fateful investigation.

Liberal thinkers have traditionally abhorred secret courts, secret surveillance and secret evidence, and in the past would have reflexively discouraged the news media from printing the unverified or unverifiable charges emanating from such secret sources. But because it’s Donald Trump, no one seems to care.

We should care. The uncertainty has led to widespread public terror, mass media hysteria and excess, and possibly even panic in the White House itself.

All of this is exacerbated by the constant stream of leaks and hints at mother lodes of evidence that are just around the corner. It’s quite literally driving the country crazy.

The public deserves to know what’s going on. It deserved to know before the election, it deserved to know before the inauguration, and it deserves to know now.



Reporter’s Report Card


Journalists apparently are enthusiastic, work hard if not smart, and are dogged to the point of stupidity….

Journalists drink too much, are bad at managing emotions, and operate at a lower level than average, according to a new study

Journalists’ brains show a lower-than-average level of executive functioning, according to a new study, which means they have a below-average ability to regulate their emotions, suppress biases, solve complex problems, switch between tasks, and show creative and flexible thinking.

The study, led by Tara Swart, a neuroscientist and leadership coach, analysed 40 journalists from newspapers, magazines, broadcast, and online platforms over seven months. The participants took part in tests related to their lifestyle, health, and behaviour.

It was launched in association with the London Press Club, and the objective was to determine how journalists can thrive under stress.

Got to say that is a pefect description of the Liberal journo…just look how their emotions rule and shape their reporting on everything from Trump to Brexit and Islam.  Can’t regulate emotions, can’t suppress bias, can’t solve complex problems, are inflexible and non-creative.  Yep, pretty much outlines the BBC approach….unwilling to contemplate any information that undermines their fixed ideas on any subject, unable to suppress that bias, and completely unable to control that emotion….Jon Sopel for instance…nears meltdown whenever having to speak about Trump….where is Spitting Image when you need it?

Just look at this complete tosh from the BBC….reporting or student level trash-talk about Trump?  It’s nothing more than a long patronising list of sneers and jokes at Trump’s expense…Trump’s just an illiterate, uneducated, vulgar Redneck…imagine…Ketchup!!!!

Steak and ketchup: Homebody Trump ventures abroad

Donald Trump sets foot on foreign soil on Saturday for the first time since he was elected, marking the start of a nine-day trip fraught with pitfalls for a president known to depend on home comforts.

Wary of spending as much as a night away from his own bed, Mr Trump has kept even domestic travel to a minimum….the evidence suggests the 45th president has always been a homebody. 

“Trump is a man who likes to be on the couch with a good cheeseburger,” Roger Stone, a long-time friend and former adviser, told Reuters during the campaign. “He likes being in his own bed, even if it means coming into (New York airports) Teterboro or LaGuardia after midnight.”

But it’s a long way from the Vatican to the White House. So, unable to bring Trump back to the US, the president’s staff has made plans to bring the US to Trump. In Saudi Arabia he will be served steak with tomato ketchup – his favourite meal.

“This is an enormously complex undertaking, there are so many things that will be challenging for Trump it’s headspinning,” said Daniel Benjamin, who travelled extensively on Air Force One as Bill Clinton’s foreign policy speechwriter….” it requires tremendous energy and focus – not his strong suit.”

The president’s team has reportedly attempted to build downtime into his schedule wherever possible, and instructed foreign delegations that he prefers short presentations with lots of visual aids.

His limited attention span is said to have already affected preparation for the trip. Aides threaded the president’s own name through the paragraphs of a two-page briefing memo in order to hold his interest, the New York Times reported on Friday.

Mr Trump’s team will be expected to respond from the road to breaking news and political developments at home and abroad, as well as shepherd the president around any potential own goals or gaffes in front of his hosts.

“At these summit meetings you might have 28 heads of state and government and they all want to say something, and the president has to sit and listen to all of them. That will tax any world leader, let alone one who finds it hard to sit still.”

Ah yes, a rather stupid, narcissistic, unsophisticated, simple President who doesn’t do detail, can’t focus for long and needs ‘visual aids’ to understand things…not to mention he likes ketchup….FFS!!!!  Savage heathen.



‘Noble’ Nobblers


I haven’t watched the BBC’s three part series on the events in Rochdale, I know what happened and why…and I know why the BBC has produced this programme as it comes so late to the party….Do we need pious, self-serving BBC shows to teach us anything?

The Authorities, and that includes the BBC, buried their heads in the sand for years as hundreds of white girls, maybe up to 2,000, were abused by mostly Pakistani men….the reason?  Maybe because first they just didn’t care about what they undoubtedly saw as ‘poor white trash’ and second they baulked at having to tackle something that had obvious undertones of race or religion….they would rather see these girls get raped and abused than have to ‘upset’ the Muslim community…this of course has resonance now in a parallel scenario as the BBC has a similar cultural cringe in regard to Muslim political violence and its connection to Islamic teaching.

Now the BBC has leapt nobly to the girls’ defence and has brought their plight to our attention…years too late.  What is the point of this programme now?  It is little more than some kind of perverse entertainment, a horror show exploiting the very real abuse and suffering those girls went through.  It is in reality a ‘political’ programme as the BBC presents itself as an exposer of abuse and Establishment indifference and cowardice, holding Power to account….neglecting to mention that the BBC was part of that itself.

The Sunday Times believes the BBC is ducking the issue of race and is indeed engaged in massaging the truth for the ‘good of the community’….it also doesn’t think the programme was particularly brilliant, ITV’s ‘Little Boy Blue’ being better….‘superior for having sharper pacing, more efficient use of characters and more obvious moral knots’.

As said not seen either of these but maybe you have…comment below.

The Times goes on…

‘As a document it was noble; as a drama, a little dull.   Three Girls left me morally uneasy…placing the story of the victims front and centre but the other key aspect of the case, the profile of the abusers, remained secondary.  Only at the end of the final episode did we see a somewhat stagy face-off between members of the local Pakistani community.   The reason this case was exceptional was because the culprits were exceptional too.  This was what made your eyes twitch, your mouth tighten, whenever you read about it, regardless of your political persuasion.  By sidelining the race issue the show also sidelined a whole community: the British Pakistanis, good and bad, remained peripheral yet agaiin.  I’m not sure this helps anyone in the long run.

This was very much Auntie placing a calming hand over proceedings.  She couldn’t stomach anything else, for now.’

Auntie always the same…Islam ‘The Religion of Peace’….ducking the issue….until it is forced upon you…and then what?  No good producing a programme showing how it all went wrong when the Extremists have won and now rule the roost.





Zilch from Zurcher


There’s no evidence, no source, no documents…just phone calls in the night to newspapers that hate Trump and yet the BBC reports…

Evidence mounts – Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter

Donald Trump called the ongoing Russia investigation a “witch hunt”, but reporters have just found a boiling cauldron and a closet full of broomsticks.

The key takeaway from these latest blockbuster stories – there have been so many this week it’s hard to keep count – is there’s now further evidence of Mr Trump’s intent to dismiss FBI Director James Comey because of his handling of the ongoing Russia investigation.

That this revelation came as a result of a meeting with Russian officials, one of whom is a key figure in the investigation, is just the icing on the cake.

What the BBC doesn’t report is that the Russians deny it all and say that the latest ‘sensational’ revelation is nonsense…

Comey’s dismissal not discussed at meeting with Trump – Lavrov

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has denied recent media claims that US President Donald Trump mentioned the dismissal of FBI head James Comey during their meeting in Washington DC.

“We did not touch upon this issue at all,” Lavrov said, speaking to journalists in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, on Saturday.

Lavrov already mentioned before that the issue of Comey’s dismissal was not discussed during the meeting with Trump.

“It is not our issue, it is his [Trump’s] prerogative,” he said during interview with Russian Channel One on May 14.

The Russian foreign minister met the US leader in the Oval Office on May 10. One day before the meeting, Trump fired James Comey.

The New York Times claimed on Friday that it obtained some quotations from the meeting provided by an unnamed official. According to them, Trump mentioned firing “crazy, a real nut job” Comey as he was speaking to the Russian officials.

Shortly after the Trump and Lavrov meeting, the Washington Post came up with a story claiming that Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials. Both the White House and the Kremlin refuted the report.

President Vladimir Putin described the US media claims as “political schizophrenia” and said that Russia could provide the transcript of the conversation.


So far the BBC is reporting what amounts to highly biased nonsense as fact.  Quality journalism…obviously gone out of the window.  The ‘evidence mounts’?……So far the evidence amounts to no more than a hill o’beans and Zurcher’s reporting is all piss and wind.




The Past Truth Era


They say the past is another country, certainly the BBC’s rewrite of our past makes Britain unrecognisable to most people, but truth itself is pretty unrecognisable if left in the BBC’s care.  History is a Past Truth Era for the BBC, one to be altered at will to suit the present and to shape the future to their liking.

Consider the Obama loving Justin Webb.  The archetypal, stereotypical, dyed-in-the-wool BBC Stepford wife who is so on-message and soulless you could just replace him with an algorithm and not notice the difference.

Not his finest day today if you believe in free speech, investigative journalism and holding politicians to account..and not just the politicians you don’t like.

Discussing Julian Assange, Webb on the Today show (08:25), had quite a lot to say and it made interesting, if disturbing, listening because he confirmed for us the thinking that we all possibly believe informs the BBC’s approach to its journalism, what information to report, what tone to take and what line to take.

Assange published the Clinton and DNC emails that were either leaked or hacked because he believed they had information in them that was important and relevant to the election.  The BBC was never concerned with reporting the contents or investigating why they might be damaging to Clinton, instead they tried to cover up for her by concentrating on the source of the emails and attempting to spin the Democrat’s narrative that this was the Russians interfering in the American elections with Trump’s collusion, turning it from a story about Clinton into one about Trump, trying to delegitimise him and his campaign by claiming he was a Russian stooge.

Webb continues with this narrative disregarding the emails and their contents and instead tries to suggest the content is of no matter if the source is an ‘enemy’…

‘Well, on Wikileaks and what it has done, according to many Americans, particularly Democrats, is illegitimately assist in making sure Hillary Clinton wasn’t elected President’

The response from the guest was that Clinton was a terrible candidate and if Assange has important information about a major political figure that is true then he feels he should release it.

Webb went on…

‘Yes but does he not care about the provenance of that information and why it might be put into the public domain via him…in other words isn’t it a bit naive just to take him at face value and say OK he doesn’t support one candidate or the other but that actually the actions he took had the effect that he must have known they’d have?’

A fascinating insight into the mindset of a liberal journalist who will decide whether information should be reported based on, not the importance, relevance or truth of that information, but on its source….and of course the ‘target’….if you like the target ignore or discredit the bad news, if you don’t like the target ignore the source and hit the target for six.

You can see the reverse effect of that at work in how the BBC reports the wave of allegations about Trump published by anti-Trump newspapers in the US, the New York Times and the Washington Post, who are trying to force the US President from Office….unsurprisingly the pro-Clinton BBC does not see anything ‘illegitimate’ in this media coup d’etat.  Whilst the Wikileak emails could be seen and read the information that the NYT and WP release is without any backup…it’s all ‘an anonymous source says’ but no evidence…look at the latest about Trump…The NYT merely tells us that it is from “a document summarizing the meeting” that was “circulated” (it does not say by whom). The Times does not have the document. An “American official” simply “read quotations” to the Times.   It could have been anyone at the end of the line…maybe Clinton.

No proof, no documents, no evidence,  no witnesses willing to speak openly…and the only witnesses that do speak say these things never happened.  As Breitbart says…..

The common element in nearly all the major New York Times and Washington Post stories about President Donald Trump this week is that they are based on source documents the outlets cannot authenticate, do not possess, admit are partial, and refuse to share.

And as Breitbart asks…where is that evidence?  So far there is absolutely none…it is all rumour, gossip, wishful thinking and lies..

Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia

With headlines swirling and lawmakers meeting behind closed doors, it’s not difficult to conclude there is trouble in the Trump White House.

But a deeper dive reveals that lots of people who would not consider themselves Trump supporters admit there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Trump campaign regarding alleged collusion with Russians.

Many senior intelligence officials stated on the record that they’d seen no evidence so far of any collusion between the Russians and Trump’s campaign team.  However the likes of the BBC always put the sensationalist claims in the headlines and only later slip in a word of caution that there is absolutely no proof of any of this.  Here’s a perfect example from Reuters….

Reuters ran a story on Thursday with the headline “Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians sources”

But buried in the story is the real headline:

“In January, the Trump White House initially denied any contacts with Russian officials during the 2016 campaign. The White House and advisers to the campaign have since confirmed four meetings between Kislyak and Trump advisers during that time. The people who described the contacts to Reuters said they had seen no evidence of wrongdoing or collusion between the campaign and Russia in the communications reviewed so far.”