Le Pen has lost and Macron is President, and the BBC is very happy….a pro-EU Hollande placeman has taken office…the BBC portrays him as centrist but he is leftist, and the BBC say he was an outsider…and yet he had been at the centre of Hollande’s government and had a war chest of over £80 million…not bad for an outsider….just where did that come from? He says he wants to reform the EU but his ‘reform’ is intended to strengthen the EU’s position and indeed make France more powerful within the organisation [no surprise he is being called the new Napoleon…you know, the guy who wanted to ‘unite’ Europe under a French flag]….the French you suspect will live to regret this choice far more than they would if they’d picked Le Pen. Five years till the next election…a long time as immigrants flood in to France and its politicians take no serious action to deal with an Islamist threat and fail to defend French culture and civilisation. It might make any civil war more likely and far more bloody and painful. Will there be a civil war in Europe? Almost a certainty….5 years, 10 years or 20 years down the line…but it’ll happen, many would suggest it is already ongoing….or a complete surrender and the end of Europe as we know it…..as Douglas Murray says….Europe signs its own death warrant.
Macron was asked if he had any off shore accounts, he denied this. Then we had a massive leak of documents, some of which were claimed to prove he had an off shore account…but the denials were furious…this was all a Russian plot, the documents were forgeries and this was a plot to undermine French democracy.
The BBC said it was not reporting on the leaked documents because of French election law but the BBC happily spent the weekend reporting Macron’s defence, which in fact was more an attack, and indeed part of his election strategy it would seem…so the BBC was in fact still playing a part in the election and its reporting was shaped to favour and support Macron as it continued to link Le Pen to Russia and claim these leaked documents were probably hacked by the Russians to undermine French democracy and to damage Macron…without saying just why they might damage Macron…just as they failed to examine what it was about the Clinton emails that could have damaged her election chances.
You have to ask just who in fact benefitted from the hacking…it was Macron not Le Pen. The documents were released at a very suspicious time…minutes before the shutdown of electioneering and media coverage….thus any reporting of the contents would be impossible legally and yet a whole operation was suddenly cranked into gear to pump out a message that Macron was the victim of Russian, and Le Pen, dirty tricks in order to ‘undermine French democracy’….this got massive coverage, including from the BBC whilst the actual supposed allegatons got zilch.
Just who hacked and released the emails? The Russians, French intelligence or Macron’s own team? Logic would suggest it was someone pro-Macron.
Might it have been the BBC’s Hugh Schofield who after the Le Pen/Macron debate raved about the ‘brilliant’ Macron and blamed Le Pen for dragging the debate down with her ranting, raucous, divisive lying, Le Pen at her worst he told us? Hmmm….except Macron had already made several lurid attacks on Le Pen before the debate and during it he continued to smear and malign her as a racist, an anti-Semite and a Nazi.
It seems to be love for Hugh as he gets excited about…
Emmanuel Macron’s irresistible charm
As someone said in a recent documentary on France’s new president: “The guy could seduce an office chair.”
Whatever they may think of his politics, the French have had the sense to elect as their leader one of the most brilliant figures of his generation. Charming, of course. But also super-smart, energetic, uncorrupt, creative, young, optimistic.
No bias there then….the sense to elect????