Lazy, Partisan ‘Journalism’


The BBC reports…

US housing boss Ben Carson calls US slaves ‘immigrants’

7 March 2017 Last updated at 03:13 GMT

Ben Carson, the secretary of housing and urban development, has compared slaves to immigrants, on his first day in his new job.

In a 40-minute speech to staff, he praised immigrants who worked long hours to build a better future for their children.

“That’s what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity,” he told staff. “There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they, too, had a dream.”

After criticism that he was being insensitive, Mr Carson later tweeted: “You can be an involuntary immigrant.”

Clearly designed to show us how stupid and insensitive Carson is…no doubt we’re supposed to think ‘How typical of a Trump man’.  The BBC even has time to bring us an update about Carson’s tweet.  What they can’t be bothered to report is that the blessed Obama said the same thing…From know the news site that the BBC so disdains….because it brings us the truth…

Here is Obama in 2015:

Certainly, it wasn’t easy for those of African heritage who had not come here voluntarily and yet in their own way were immigrants themselves. There was discrimination and hardship and poverty. But, like you, they no doubt found inspiration in all those who had come before them. And they were able to muster faith that, here in America, they might build a better life and give their children something more.

Here is Carson:

That’s what America is about, a land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters, might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.


Cultural Jihad


Terrorism, violent extremism, is easily identified and labelled as a threat, or not.  The BBC, and indeed those in the Establishment, like to tell us there is a difference between Islam and Islamism, Islamism being mostly used to describe the violent extremists, not to be confused with ‘real’ Muslims, ‘Moderate’ Muslims…but of course the violence is just a tool, a tool that is used to further the aims of the Muslim supremacists, these are the same aims that many so-called ‘moderate’ Muslims also have but promote in non-violent ways using the media, the legal system and the infiltration of the Establishment and influential organisations in order to ‘normalise’ Islam, to draw the Establishment into accepting Islam, ensuring policies are always shaped to take into account Muslim demands and by utilising the Muslim ‘as victim’ card to blackmail those with the power to defer to Muslim wishes….always backed up by the threat that the Muslim community will be angered and radicalised if not appeased.

The Establishment is all too ready to accomodate the ‘Islamist’ charter as seen by how many radicals are actually employed by government and how organisations like the BBC employ people on the basis of their religion…no coincidence that the BBC has now had two heads of religious broadcasting who are Muslim.  How on earth did Warsi get to be Chair of the Tory Party and then head of the government’s own faith programme when she is quite clearly someone with fundamentalist views….the woman who wanted to disarm Israel and arm the terrorist group Hamas.

We know that the Muslim Brotherhood is a dangerous, Muslim supremacist organisation that seeks to Islamise the world and is in fact the group from which the MCB sprang as well as Hamas and Al Qaeda.  The group that intends to take over America.  The British government produced a study on the group but diluted it down and made little of it because the conclusions would have been too inconvenient and meant taking action that would be ‘Islamophobic’. The Swedish ‘MOD’ has produced its own report and the conclusions are nothing surprising…unless you  rely on the BBC for all your news and current affairs…

The Muslim Brotherhood is creating a ‘parallel social structure’ in Sweden with the help of ‘political elites’ who foster a culture of silence, a damning government report has found. 

The document claims that  the Brotherhood is building a ‘parallel society’ within the Scandinavian country, which can help the Islamist group to achieve its ends. 

The report, which was published on Friday, was commissioned by Sweden’s Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), which is part of the country’s Ministry of Defence.

The paper’s authors claim the Brotherhood is working to increase the number of practising Muslims in Sweden, which they say encourages tension with the secular society and puts community cohesion in jeopardy.

The authors also claim the organisation is targeting political parties, NGOs, academic institutions and other civil society organisations.

‘Islamists aim to build a parallel social structure competing with the rest of the Swedish society the values of its citizens. In this sense, MB’s activists pose a long-term challenge in terms of the country’s social cohesion’, the report says.

The BBC seeks to normalise Islam as it disproportionately fills its own ranks with Muslims, fills the airwaves with programmes portraying Islam as a moderate and peaceful religion and peddles a narrative that hides the truth about the consequences of Muslim activism and the realities of what Islam actually means, and actively works to encourage Muslim migration in its millions into Europe despite the very, very obvious conflicts of interest that arise.

It is an irony that a BBC programme, Muslims Like Us, intended to work towards that normalisation of Islam by showing Muslims as ‘everyday’ people just like ‘us’, and commissioned by the BBC’s new head of religion, actually proved the opposite…how most Muslims gravitate towards defending Islam against the West even when they are supposedly moderate, loyalty is to ‘Islam First’, and how those openly professing and pushing the Islamist agenda in an aggressive manner dominate the conversation and the community as those who might oppose them give up and don’t want to be drawn into conflict…so the extremists win and the fundamentalist, strictly observant line on Islam is imposed.

That media goto, Tariq Ramadan, admitted that he expected Muslims not to adapt their religion but for Western societies to adapt to Islam all the while telling non-Muslims that Islam is reforming and we can expect a ‘European Islam’…but that’s a lie, an impossibility that relies on people’s ignorance, wilful or otherwise of Islam…Ramadan is of course a Muslim Brotherhood mouthpiece.

One day we may get the truth…but it will be too late…and there will be no one to save you when they come for you as you didn’t speak up to save the first victims.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left





Facts are sacred but thin on the ground

The BBC offers the most comprehensive guarantee. Politicians and lobbyists want to influence it more than any other news organisation because, despite occasional lapses, its reporters have earned the right to be believed.

The corporation should be becoming the most important news institution not merely in Britain but the world.

Nick Cohen likes the BBC, loves the EU…he thinks the BBC should be the goto source for reliable accurate news…but is it? The BBC has the same idea but its method of ensuring its dominance is not to improve its journalism and ethical standards but to close down and harry its commerical and political opponents including those it perceives as ‘right-wing’ bloggers on the internet.  In 2009 Cohen wrote…

In this time of upheaval, the BBC has a public duty to invest and broadcast the journalism that others cannot afford. It is failing spectacularly to live up to its responsibilities.

The BBC is so uninterested in content that it is sacking its content providers or journalists as we used to call them.

The paradox of the BBC’s strategy is that the more it spends on expanding into cyberspace the less it has to say.

In 2017 I’d say nothing has changed.

Back in 2006 Cohen was even more critical of the BBC...the BBC’s fact content, ironic considering how the BBC professes itself as the only trusted purveyor of facts today, being somewhat less than fully saturated….

The BBC – where facts are expensive and comment runs far too free

Although it is impossible to generalise about such a vast organisation, the bias charge has enough truth in it to stick. If you doubt me, research one opinion outside the liberal consensus.

You will then notice something disconcerting about most BBC presenters. Although they subject opponents of, say, abortion to rigorous cross-examination, their lust for ferocious questioning deserts them when supporters of abortion come on air. Far from being tested, they treat upholders of the liberal consensus as purveyors of an incontestable truth.

The way out for the BBC is not to swing to the right – it is not an advance to replace soft interviews for Menzies Campbell with soft interviews for John Reid – but make a tactical withdrawal from the opinion business.

Isn’t that what we have just commented on as the BBC shut down Jenni Murray’s personal views published outside the BBC, and impose its own ‘acceptable’ views on her to be broadcast as such on the BBC….but it is not the BBC’s job to pronounce on what is ‘acceptable’,  it is their job to report facts and events.

Cohen goes on…

Producers know that comment is free, but facts are expensive. As well as being cheap, fervent opinions can increase market share because their very vehemence can hold the attention of the channel-hopping audience for a few more minutes….reporting should be true.  If the BBC governors abandon that principle, they will end up with a corporation which isn’t so much left-wing or right-wing, but irrelevant.

Might have been written in 2006 but again still relevant today…unlike the BBC whose reporting is ever more comment and fact-free.



The Doormat and the Matador

As the sorry history of The London Bombers shows, they have left us a country that cannot tell its own stories; a land so debilitated by anxiety and stupefied by relativism that it dare not meet the eyes of the face that stares back at it from the mirror.

James Delingpole must be having a day off as he lets the BBC slip one past him like a Bullfighter distracting the bull with his red cape before plunging in the hidden sword.

The BBC has broadcast a programme about a convert to Islam who goes on to be a terrorist, The Attack: Terror In The UK, of which JD says…

How refreshing it is to find the BBC doing its job and giving us the unvarnished truth for a change instead of handwringing about the perils of Islamophobia. Simply, soberly, realistically, the drama-documentary charted the likely course of such an attack, from the radicalisation of one of the perpetrators in prison to the purchase of the guns to the moment in the mall just before that first sharp crack.

It was all chillingly plausible. The black inmate — Joseph, quickly redubbed Yusuf — being lured to Islam for the security, protection and consolation it offers in prison; his Yardie contacts outside being reluctant to sell guns to ‘Jihadi John nutters’ — ‘but if it’s a business ting, dats cool’; the helplessness of the overstretched security services, as they try to keep tabs on the hundreds of suspected terrorist plots being planned at any given time.

Converts certainly play a part in terrorism but it’s not converts leading ISIS, not converts who did 7/7, not converts who did 9/11, not converts who led Al Qaeda, not converts who led Al Nusra, not converts who lead the conservative MCB, not converts who lead CAIR, not converts who lead Hamas, not converts who lead Hezbollah, not converts who lead the Iranian Revolutionary Council, not converts who rule Saudi Arabia.  Not converts who put into action the Trojan Horse plot.

But the BBC has chosen a convert to show how ‘Muslims’ are radicalised…but many converts who turn to terror come out of prison?

Would it not have been more enlightening to show how a Muslim born into the ideology with all his family and friends and Muslim influences around him comes to be radicalised?  Using a convert, one in prison who joined Islam looking for ‘protection’ as part of a ‘gang’, is a deliberately designed narrative intended to separate the ideology itself from terrorism and violence, the convert drawn down a path by pressures and circumstances that had nothing to do with the actual ideology.

The BBC couldn’t do that if it was to use a proper Muslim…it would have to investigate how Islam influenced his world outlook, how its teachings guided his actions, how the discussions at home or with friends about Israel, America and the war in Iraq or Afghanistan fed his grievances about the West, how preachings in the local Mosque built his Muslim identity and separated him from the rest of British society, how other Islamic educational and propaganda groups fed these grievances, how the media such as the BBC also fed him the same narrative about Muslims being victims of the West and of an Islam under attack.

The BBC can’t and won’t do that because it still wants to promote the idea that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam nor the Muslim community whose ideas, beliefs and conspiracy theories are the swamp that the monsters come from.

Only yesterday the BBC were looking at a report into radicalisation and immediately the Muslim’s best friend, Phil Mackie, the one who denounced the Trojan Horse plot as a hoax, a result of racism, paranoia and Islamophobia, leapt in to say that it was rubbish, out of date and that the real threat was the Far Right.

The BBC also curiously cheered on a play yesterday about radicalisation that had been shelved due to criticism that it was Islamophobic and a publisher didn’t want to be the next ‘Charlie Hebdo’ but was now on course to get an airing.  This from the BBC that stopped a production of a programme about the radicalisation of the 7/7 bombers because it told the truth about the causes of that…such as outlined above….Muslims were doing their ‘Islamic duty’ in fighting Jihad….such truths are considered by the BBC to be Islamophobic…

Nick Cohen noted the whole sorry saga in 2008…

Self-Censorship And The BBC

It looked at those very same attitudes that silently endorsed extremism in our midst:

  • It makes no sense until you understand the moral contortions of the postmodern liberal establishment. In the past few years, the Foreign Office, the Home Office, the West Midlands Police, the liberal press, the Liberal Democrats, the Metropolitan Police, the Crown Prosecution Service, the Lord Chief Justice and the Archbishop of Canterbury have all either supported ultra-reactionary doctrines or made libellous accusations against the critics of radical Islam. All have sought to prove their liberal tolerance by supporting the most illiberal and intolerant wing of British Islam, and by blocking out the voices of its Muslim and non-Muslim critics as they do it.
  • As the sorry history of The London Bombers shows, they have left us a country that cannot tell its own stories; a land so debilitated by anxiety and stupefied by relativism that it dare not meet the eyes of the face that stares back at it from the mirror.

Cohen’s article was based upon a film the BBC commissioned but never made, one about ‘The London Bombers’ of 7/7…..not made because it was deemed ‘Islamophobic’.

  • The reporters convinced the families of three of the four bombers to cooperate. By the end, they agreed that the BBC’s account of their sons and brothers’ lives and deaths was accurate. Cafolla submitted five versions of the script. He was working up to a final draft when the BBC abandoned the project.
  • The official reason is that the drama didn’t make the grade. The script is circulating in Samizdat form, which is how it reached Standpoint, and every writer and director who has read it disagrees. The journalists, however, say that BBC managers told them they were stopping because it was “Islamophobic”.

But there is one more important revelation that the BBC would not want to gain general acceptance…..that ‘radicalisation’ is not due to foreign policy as is so often claimed on the BBC, but is a result of other influences:

  • The London Bombers, one of the most thoroughly researched and politically important drama-documentaries commissioned by British television. A team of journalists, at least one of whom was a British Muslim, reported to Terry Cafolla, a fine writer who won many awards for his dramatisation of the religious hatred which engulfed the Holy Cross school in Belfast.
  • The reporters spent months in Beeston, the Leeds slum where three of the four 7/7 bombers – Sidique Khan, Hasib Hussein and Shehzad Tanweer – grew up. Unusually for journalists working within BBC groupthink, they didn’t find that the “root cause” of murderous rage was justifiable anger at the “humiliation” America, Israel, Britain and Denmark and her tactless cartoonists had inflicted on Muslims.
  • Instead, they inadvertently confirmed the ideas of Ernest Gellner, the late and unjustly neglected professor of anthropology at Cambridge. In Postmodernism, Reason and Religion (1992), Gellner asked why a puritanical version of Islam was in the ascendant when godlessness was flourishing everywhere else. His answer was that Wahhabism and its ever more zealous theocratic variants could appear as modern as secular humanism. They represented the pure religion of scholars and the city, which would free Muslims from their peasant parents’ embarrassingly superstitious faith. Accepting fanaticism was a mark of superiority: a visible sign of upward mobility from rural idiocy to urban sophistication.

Anti-Trump Trumpery


The BBC quickly adopts the narrative of anti-Trump Muslims…a narrative faked up by a non-Muslim white man…the girl does not wear a hijab in normal life and the BBC does not provide us with any of the counter voices that criticise the image and the use of the hijab…the BBC is clearly excited by the anti-Trump ‘resistance’….echoes of the 1930’s and the French ‘Resistance’ no doubt for the great and the good of the BBC…

Munira Ahmed: Life as the face of the Trump resistance

Munira Ahmed is the woman portrayed wearing a stars-and-stripes hijab in a famous Women’s March poster.

She tells the BBC what its like to have her image on posters around the world.


The BBC does not for instance report that the inconvenient narrative that the use of the photo in the protest is copying its use by Muslim Trump supporters…and was originally used after 9/11….


The BBC fails to report the criticism of the anti-Trump poster….

Non-Muslim women: in name of all that is good, stop wearing “solidarity hijab.”Find another way to support & leave hijab to us to argue over

Murray Minced….Hoist by her own Libtards



The BBC has thrown Jenni Murray to the dogs as it warns her that she must not speak out in her private capacity on ‘controversial’ subjects that she discusses on the BBC.

In their report on Murray’s allegedly ‘transmisogynistic’ [I try to learn a new word every day] comments about Transgender ‘women’ the BBC slips in a mischievous stab in the back…quoting Murray on Greer when Greer made similar ‘transmisogynistic’ comments…

In 2015, academic and writer Germaine Greer said that in her opinion, transgender women were “not women”.

Dame Jenni called her comments “unacceptably rude”.

I assume that Murray was then channelling the BBC orthodoxy about what was acceptable and what was not…and this is the BBC’s is not there to be judge and jury, laying down the law as to what is acceptable or not…it is there solely to report…anything else is bias…which is why this site exists and has so much material to fill its pages….more than it can cope with.

Possibly an irony that both Greer and Murray have reached that age when both men and women start to look the same.

Image result for germaine greer


Image result for st trinians head mistress

They don’t like it up ’em

The caller introduced himself as “Janne”, and asked her why a story about an attack on a security guard didn’t mention that a foreigner was allegedly behind the assault.

“The truth has to get out there,” the caller says, according to an extract of the conversation published on the newspaper website. “Janne” blames Moroccan street children for the attack, although police are certain it was a local gang of youths. As the caller continues to make his case, Burman gets frustrated until she eventually snaps: “That is called racism.”

Just as in Cologne where the BBC described and disguised migrant gropers who took citizenship as ‘Germans’ could it be that ‘local youths’ is also a euphemism…as the Mail might suggest…

The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.

Can we trust the BBC on matters of race, immigration and Islam?  No, not one little bit.

We know the BBC absolutely hates this site but it seems no one is safe from their ire as Swedes investigating their own journalists come under BBC attack…

The Swedish Trump fans who secretly record journalists

It’s a website that describes itself as a citizens’ initiative set up to ask the questions the mainstream media won’t. Its critics say it’s a “far-right trolling factory” whose sole purpose is to harass and intimidate.

“Granskning Sverige” translates as “Validating Sweden”. The site encourages volunteers to call journalists with a list of questions about their news coverage.

“I would say that the basic theme is xenophobic, they don’t like immigrants,” says Mathias Stahle, an investigative journalist for the Eskilstuna-Kuriren newspaper.

“They would like to read more positive things about Donald Trump, they would like to see positive stories about modern Russia and they want to have positive views of neo-Nazis.”

Unbeknownst to the journalists being called, the conversations are recorded, edited and posted online on the website as well as the YouTube page of Erik Johansson, the administrator of the website.

The BBC throws in every trigger word that it can muster to try and associate this group with Nazis and racism…the BBC insinuating that ‘editing’ of the conversations is somehow sinister…and yet of course the whole BBC story here  is edited and controlled…as pointed out, the BBC’s use of particular words and suggestive tone designed to create the idea that this group is in someway unethical, immoral and far-right…ironically all the whinges the BBC has could be equally thrown back at the BBC…just changing ‘right-wing’ to ‘left-wing’.  The BBC naturally thinks itself above such things…

Johansson – which is an alias – insisted that what he does is no different from the secret recording techniques used by traditional journalists when a direct approach for an interview has failed.

One obvious difference though is that traditional journalistic ethics – like those practised by the BBC – usually require that the person who’s been recorded is given a chance to reply before anything is published.

Lord McAlpine might think differently about the BBC giving him the right to reply.

And in a related story that the BBC always likes to contest…

Swedish police warn Stockholm’s main train station is now overrun by migrant teen gangs ‘stealing and groping girls’

Swedish police warns that Stockholm’s main train station has become unsafe after being ‘taken over’ by dozens of Moroccan street children. 

The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.

Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.

‘These guys are a huge problem for us. They steal stuff everywhere and assault security guards at the central station,’ one police officer told SVT.

‘They grope girls between their legs, and slap them in the face when they protest. All police officers are aware of this. 

‘I would never let my children go to the central station. No officer would.’ 

Something of the night about the BBC?


Marine Le Pen and the BBC….so similar in so many ways.  Le Pen’s National Front party is claimed to be anti-Semitic, an argument could be made that the BBC is similarly biased,  the NF cosies up to Muslims as does the BBC and both have a propensity for publishing photos they shouldn’t, or aren’t allowed to be published….Le Pen publishing photos of ISIS violence and the BBC transmitting sexualised images of children.

Facebook has been criticised for its handling of reports about sexualised images of children on its platform.

The BBC reported dozens of photos to Facebook, but more than 80% were not removed.

They included images from groups where users were discussing swapping what appeared to be child abuse material.

When provided with examples of the images, Facebook reported the BBC journalists involved to the police and cancelled plans for an interview.

It subsequently issued a statement: “It is against the law for anyone to distribute images of child exploitation.”

Both claim that they did so in pursuit of a higher purpose….and whilst I might sympathise with Le Pen as she comes under attack from a blatant, politically motivated attempt to stop her winning the election using a spurious legal trick I have to laugh at the BBC being reported by Facebook as the two media giants face off…the BBC constantly attacking Facebook for spreading ‘fake news’…but curiously always failing to mention in its reports that Facebook was caught red-handed promoting left-leaning news and blocking right-leaning news.  Just why does the BBC want you to believe Facebook won Trump the election with fake right-wing news when the real story is about its left-wing activities?

Facebook workers routinely suppressed news stories of interest to conservative readers from the social network’s influential “trending” news section, according to a former journalist who worked on the project. This individual says that workers prevented stories about the right-wing CPAC gathering, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, and other conservative topics from appearing in the highly-influential section, even though they were organically trending among the site’s users.