

You can see LibDem leader Farron getting a roasting from Andrew Neil in the video above over his lies about the Brexit referendum which he claims does not give a mandate to leave the Single Market…despite it being absolutely clear, and made so by politicans on both sides of the referendum again and again, that to vote to leave the EU was a vote to leave the Single Market.

If Andrew Neil can do it why cannot so many other BBC presenters?  How many times have I heard Farron get away with murder as he spins his lies about respecting the result of the referendum and it being essential that the British Public have the last say when it is also absolutely clear he means none of it?

Mishal Husain on the BBC’s flagship political programme [07:09] that should, you’d think, be up to the job of quizzing Farron rigorously and forensically examining his statements for post-truth statements. Not so.  Her main concern was one of semantics, whether or not it was the correct description of the vote Farron wants to call it a ‘second referendum’.  Farron was otherwise allowed to escape scrutiny on what is the central question to this attack on Brexit by him….whether there is a mandate for leaving the Single Market….clearly there is but Husain was not interested in the slightest in challenging his highly misleading narrative.

Farron told us that the vote would not be a second referendum but would be about the terms of the deal, the referendum was about a departure he says, not a destination….hmmm…pretty sure most voters had an idea of what they wanted and weren’t voting simply to leave the EU as an end in itself…they had reasons for doing so and a ‘destination’ in mind…again not challenged by Husain.

Farron said the British people should have the final say…hmmm…they have just had that…the government advice on the referendum was that it was the final and binding vote…the result would be respected by government and carried out by them…shame the Supreme Court judges don’t seem to have read that as they have decided that the referendum was not binding but merely advice. [Note 3 of the 8 judges backed the government…so an issue of law or of opinion?  Opinion.  Thus subject to personal views.  And note one judge said the courts should not have been involved...so Daily Mail was right…BBC shows no interest in this judge’s words oddly enough]

Farron said that if the second referendum rejected the deal on Brexit that would be final and we would stay in the EU.  He was challenged here……on the description of the vote.

Curiously Farron says he accepts that the government has a mandate to negotiate but not for what he likes to call a Hard Brexit….in other words a Brexit as voted for in the referendum…you know…the one which did give the government a mandate to leave the Single Market….again no challenge from Husain.

He suggests that if the democratic will of the people is not fulfilled then there will be dissent on the streets and it will lead to a failure of trust in the political system.   LOL.  Farron is at the heart of the elite’s project to snub the people and damn democracy….Brexit was essentially all about a failure of trust in politicians..and every word that comes out of Farron’s mouth proves why they were right to reject him and his collaborators.  He goes on…neither judges, MPs or Lords should have the final say…except they will of course, under Farron’s plan, as they will shape Brexit to their liking, ie no Brexit, and if the people reject that deal then we stay in the EU he says.

So to be clear…Farron wants all those Remain MPs who have the whip hand majority to decide what Brexit should look like, and when they have engineered it so that essentially it is a deal that means we stay in the EU the people will get a vote and as the majority want to leave the EU they will reject such a deal…which means under Farron’s plan we stay in the EU….genius.  Heads Farron wins, tails Farron wins.

Again no challenge.

He then finishes on a douzey…considering his, er, respect for the referendum and democracy…..because, he tells us, the margin was so narrow it would be anti-democratic to carry out what the result of the referendum would entail…therefore we must do what the 48% want and not the 52%…that’s the democratic way, that’s what will unite the country, according to Farron.  I might suggest you will have a civil war and not a united country.  But again no challenge to his delusions and lies.

Remarkable journalism from Husain.

If you want confirmation of Farron’s ability to delude himself and lie through his teeth just watch the video above when he is talking about the Richmond by-election.  He tells us that the by-election was about whatever the electorate wanted it to be about, and it was about Brexit…they don’t want to leave the Single Market or the Custom’s Union.  Hmmm…surely they should wait until they have heard the decisive and democratic decision of Parliament before deciding themselves.  How can they possibly make up their own minds without the help of Farron and his pals?  It seems that when the vote is apparently against Brexit in a by-election [in a hard-core Remain voting constituency] then Farron is willing to accept their verdict without a Parliamentary debate and yet he thinks the actual referendum on this very specific subject is invalid and needs Parliamentary scrutiny and approval.

More Andrew Neil’s please…less useless doormats.

The BBC ‘fact-checking’ for false news?  My arse.




Alternate Facts

“The notion that religious belief is a minor factor in the rise of the Islamic State,” he observes, “is belied by a crushing weight of evidence that religion matters deeply to the vast majority of those who have travelled to fight.”

The BBC’s narrative about Islamic terrorism and its intentions [the terrorism has a purpose] is distorted by its own beliefs and political agenda…it is the standard bearer for the Left that wants to undermine the West and its economic, political and military near dominance, and it is also determined to rewrite the history that found the BBC guilty of lying about the Iraq Dossier.  To that end it always aims to put the blame for everything that happens in the world, in the Middle East in particular, on Western actions…even climate change of course.

Just as British political, economic and social failures are dated from 1979, ending in 1997 and then starting again in 2010 Islamic terrorism and radicalisation also has a curiously abrupt start…in 2003…let’s just ignore so much history….never mind Bin Laden declared war on the US in 1998 and then there was 9/11…in 2001.  Best just not mention that.

So we can’t rely on the BBC, the source of so many false facts, or alternate facts if you like.  Who can we rely upon?  How about a Muslim woman, a migrant from the Yemen living in Germany…she says that it, radicalisation, isn’t America’s fault…it is there all along..in the religion…you know…Islam…..



 “Ulema have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries.  Nothing is more sacred than belief except repulsing an enemy who is attacking religion and life.” On that basis, and in compliance with God’s order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims:

The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies — civilians and military — is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it…. We — with God’s help — call on every Muslim who believes in God and wishes to be rewarded to comply with God’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.   Al Qaeda

Then how about an expert on ISIS?  Could he tell  us if the religion of peace is the source of so much trouble?  You betcha…

Graeme Wood’s The Way of the Strangers: Encounters with the Islamic State reminds us of something that ought to be obvious: Islamic State is very Islamic.

Time present and time past are both perhaps present in time future. In Islamic State’s propaganda, they certainly are. Sayings attributed to Muhammad that foretold how the armies of Islam would defeat the armies of the Cross serve their ideologues as a hall of mirrors. What happened in the Crusades is happening now; and what happens now foreshadows what is to come.

How much does Islamic State actually believe this stuff? The assumption that it is a proxy for other concerns – born of US foreign policy, or social deprivation, or Islamophobia – comes naturally to commentators in the West. Partly this is because their instincts are often secular and liberal; partly it reflects a proper concern not to tar mainstream Islam with the brush of terrorism.

“The reality is,” Wood wrote, “that the Islamic State is Islamic. Very Islamic.” The strain of the religion that it was channelling derived “from coherent and even learned interpretations of Islam” and was fixated on two distinct moments of time: the age of Muhammad and the end of days long promised in Muslim apocalyptic writings. Members of Islamic State, citing the Quran and sayings attributed to the Prophet in their support, believe themselves charged by God with expediting the end of days. It is their mandate utterly to annihilate kufr: disbelief. The world must be washed in blood, so that the divine purpose may be fulfilled. The options for negotiating this around a table at Geneva are, to put it mildly, limited.

“The notion that religious belief is a minor factor in the rise of the Islamic State,” he observes, “is belied by a crushing weight of evidence that religion matters deeply to the vast majority of those who have travelled to fight.”

When Wood asks Hamza Yusuf, an eminent Berkeley Sufi, to demonstrate the group’s errors by relying only on the texts revealed to the Prophet, he struggles to do so: “Yusuf could not point to an instance where the Islamic State was flat-out, verifiably wrong.” This does not mean that it is right but it does suggest – despite what most Muslims desperately and understandably want to believe – that it is no less authentically Islamic than any other manifestation of Islam.

The achievement of Wood’s gripping, sobering and revelatory book is to open our eyes to what the implications of that for all of us may be.

Trouble is that is the last thing the BBC wants to happen…to have your eyes open to what is the consequence of allowing the mass migration of millions of Muslims into Europe.



Ignorance is an excuse

We are warned today that over-cooked potatoes are dangerous to our health, however what they don’t warn us about are the threats posed to our democracy by the half-baked thoughts of half-witted BBC presenters.

Just heard Douglas Caerswell talking to Adrian Chiles suggesting that though we should respect this judgement it clearly indicates that if judges are to make such political decisions then perhaps they should be appointed in a way that ensures at the minimum they aren’t ideologically opposed to the government in office.

Chiles jumped in and told us he thought that was a very ‘Trumpian’ idea…’Trumpian’ being a bad thing of course.  Caerswell had to educate him on the American system where the Supreme Court and Federal judges are appointed by government…and have been for hundreds of years.  Then again perhaps it is very Trumpian where ideologically minded judges are not allowed to over-ride the will of the People.  Funny how the BBC would be horrifed if anyone used ‘gay’ to suggest anything was bad but have now adopted ‘Trump’ as a trigger word for signalling disapproval indicating that something is corrupt, immoral or evil.

Caerswell then radically suggested that perhaps the BBC might properly inform the public of what Brexit means and that it might present some positive news and views about Brexit.  Chiles dismissed it, as is the BBC’s wont, by saying Caerswell obviously hadn’t been listening to the BBC.  Well, we have and Caerswell is quite right.  There is no positive news coming out of the BBC about Brexit, it is all doom and gloom and economic armageddon….only this morning we had the Today show trying to paint a free trade deal with the US for agricultural products as a license to poison us with growth hormones and chlorine washed chickens…Mishal Husain somehow thinking washing a chicken in very diluted chlorine wash is worse than swimming in a chlorinated swimming pool and ingesting the water there as you inevitably do…seems she just had an agenda and was sticking to it whatever the evidence really was.

The sheer ignorance of Chiles and his blatant bias is always a joy to behold…he is completely unfit to run any debate on the big issues, perhaps he could get a job as a Supreme Court judge, he seems ideally suited.

It would be quite useful, and unusual, if the BBC were to challenge Gina Miller’s claim that this was all about process and democracy when she knows full well that Parliament is jam-packed with MP’s opposed to Brexit.  She knows they may well pay lip service to Brexit and vote to trigger Article 5o to give the appearance that they respect the will  of the people but that they will then demand a say in what Brexit looks like…as Ken Clarke alluded to this morning…the real opposition begins then as they seek to keep us in the Single Market and the Custom’s Union…which of course means we must keep freedom of movement..hence Brexit is finished and we remain in the EU.  Miller’s claim that this is about democracy is a lie.  Shame that the BBC, now apparently so intent on rooting out false news and lies, seems not so bothered about this whopper.





The Empire Strikes back

Aaahh…My job is done…we’re back in control with my hush-puppied foot firmly back on the pleb’s necks once again.


Brexit: Supreme Court says Parliament must give Article 50 go-ahead


I suppose it is some consolation that Scotland’s own wee Idi Amin gets no say in things.

The court also rejected arguments that the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Assembly and Northern Ireland Assembly should get to vote on Article 50 before it is triggered.

Lord Neuberger said: “Relations with the EU are a matter for the UK government.”

Image result for nicola sturgeon

Toady of Lord Hall

Image result for toad of toad hall   Image result for ken clarke cigar


Out of the way peasants….Ken Clarke’s coming through, riding roughshod over your hopes and dreams in his EU bandwagon fueled by the BBC’s hotair propaganda.  Move aside you plebs, you smelly, unwashed ignoramuses…your Emperor is here.

Ken Stott thought that the BBC’s imposition of received pronunciation was the outward sign of an “English culture of a feeling of superiority and entitlement” and that “something we never really got out of is the Lord [John] Reith rubbish that there should be a standard English spoken and that the BBC should lead the way….Reith did more damage to our society than I think anyone gives him the credit for.”

Of course the BBC didn’t just impose received pronunciation but more ominously, it now rigorously imposes its received wisdom, an orthodoxy of thought, values and belief that does enormous damage to British society and interests.

The BBC thinks it very definitely should lead the way, defining what is right, good, proper and acceptable, anything outside its narrow definition is met with violent disapproval and an orchestrated crusade to silence the dissenters and if that fails, to discredit, delegitimise and smear opponents usually with the ever handy cry of ‘racist’.  Look how it treats Trump or Tommy Robinson and the EDL or classically its Stalinist attempt to erase from existence the heretical Quentin Letts’ programme on the Met Office….never mind anyone who talks about controlling immigration or of leaving the EU.

This morning we had another classic on the Today show…in this case instead of loading the argument they didn’t have an argument,  they just didn’t bother bringing on any dissenting voices at all as they discussed the upcoming judgement on Article 50.  We heard from Gina Miller as she was quoted telling us she was only interested in ensuring democracy was seen to be done, we heard from a ‘constitutional expert’ who told us the judges were just doing their job and then we had Mr Toad, or Ken Clarke as some might know him.  Louche, patrician, entitled, contemptuous and superior just about covers the hush-puppy clad EU lap dog.  Maybe I missed out condescending, smug, self-important, aristocratic and arrogant.  You just know he’d rather be making policy down his gentlemen’s club swigging brandy and puffing on his Cuban cigar as he settles in his leather chair with a few good chums.  So inconvenient this thing called democracy where instead of the Tyranny of the Self-selected Elite we get the Tyranny of the Majority, or mob rule as he characterises it, and we end up in a fool’s paradise such as Brexit.

No, the BBC didn’t bother with any dissenting voices, just ploughed on with the pro-EU gang giving no idea that Parliament had ceded sovereignty to ‘The People’ via the referendum and that referendum gave May the mandate to trigger Article 50…no permission from MPs is now needed, and certainly no permission from devolved governments…they seem to want to have two goes at stopping Brexit having both a vote in Parliament with their MPs there and then perhaps a right to block it in their own right….they hope.  But again no idea from the BBC that that would be an injustice.

The BBC seems to delight in giving the bloated aristocrat Clarke as much airtime as possible to disseminate his rankly odorous and offensive piffle as widely as possible with great glee knowing its highly objectionable, contemptuous arrogance really annnoys the Leave side….or any one who thinks democracy is a good idea.

Never mind alternative facts the BBC peddles an alternative reality that has little to do with the world most of us live in.



Tally Ho!



It seems that Muhammed wasn’t the Seal of the Prophets after all.  Another has come among us bringing the good news and leading us into the light…her name…Emily Maitlis…our blessed Saviour.  Maitlis is on a mission from God, part of the BBC priesthood she’s here to deliver us from Trump and Brexit, fighting alternative facts, fake news and outright lies.  Let’s hope the burning bush isn’t too uncomfortable and as for the tablets of stone….well I don’t think the tablets are working.

Maitlis has apparently compared Trump’s inauguration speech to something Hitler would have produced.  I’m unsure how she came to that conclusion as Trump’s speech seemed entirely innocuous if forthright and was full of multicultural hugs and loving the world sentiment…it’s just he wants America to come first…one would think this was hardly controversial stuff for an American President.  Maitlis obviously heard an entirely different speech….the one I heard you can see in the video above or read here in the Mail.

Maitlis’ attitude and mendacious conclusion is pretty standard for the BBC reaction as a whole….the BBC seems intent on doing all it can to undermine Trump and portray him in a bad light whatever he says and does.

On Sunday Pienaar brought on Jenni Russell from the Times who told us that Trump, judging by his inauguration speech, was ‘literally mad’ and that he terrified her, it was she said a ‘terrifying, Orwellian situation’.

On Saturday it was a similar scenario with the BBC’s Today programme  bringing on as many people as it could to make derogatory comments about Trump and to claim his speech was divisive and full of hate.  Except of course it wasn’t, it was far from that….how many times did he say he wanted to unite America?  Hilariously we were told he was marginalising some, ie the elitist politicians and officials who hold the reins of power, and they are upset.  Yep, just like the very same people who are being marginalised by Brexit, they are the new forgotten voices, the insurgents now…yes, all those MPs, the power brokers stalking the corridors of power, the bankers, the Big Businessmen and the giants of the media world such as the BBC itself….think someone is channelling Farron and Clegg’s wildest fantasies.

We are informed by the BBC that Trump is isolationist, a nationalist who talks of jobs and power for the marginalised [the real marginalised] and is inexperienced at foreign policy and will leave Russia to do as it wants.  That his talk of ‘American carnage’ is overwrought nonsense…America is thriving.

Curious, Corbyn wants to emulate Trump and his success and yet Trump could be Corbyn.  Trump’s policies are left-wing policies….all those policies that the BBC would normally applaud and promote and yet the BBC is outraged that he uses the term ‘American carnage’ claiming it is over the top, and yet they themselves paint Britain as a failed state, with the NHS in permanent crisis, welfare in disarray, the prisons in meltdown, the economy always heading into recession, the schools in chaos and care in the community a disaster.  But the truth is America in many respects has suffered ‘carnage’…..paradoxically it is the Today presenter Justin Webb who admits the truth writing in the hated Mail of all places…

In an inauguration speech possibly unprecedented in its pugnacity, he began with infrastructure, and rightly so. Anyone who knows America knows that the richest, most powerful nation on Earth is also a complete mess.

He admits Trump speaks ‘American’, he says what the people think…

The Trump line about terror, which will have sounded so crass to so many people around the world, might have made a lot of sense in deepest West Virginia.

So, too, will the theme of American jobs for American workers that infused the whole speech. The issue here is not just jobs, it is the providing of jobs that pay well and let people live in dignity.

And then the biggest admission…Trump’s call to put America first is something even Obama would agree with…..

Of course a Democratic president could have said the same thing: America first and American jobs first.

Obama didn’t have any foreign policy experience…and he was pretty much a failure and an isolationist…and yet the BBC praise him uncritically.

.Webb is undermining the very narrative that he and his colleagues peddle on the Today programme…that Trump is some sort of fascist demagogue making outrageous and ridiculous statements when in fact he is talking the truth, a truth that even the Democrats would admit to.  Putting America first is not some fascist call to arms, it is not bringing Hitler to America as the BBC would have us believe…it’s just normal, sensible practice for any American President.

Just try telling Emily Maitlis that though.  She’s still raging at Trump as in this Evening Standard rant [H/T  Guest Who] Emily Maitlis: When #alternativefacts become like Orwell’s #doubleplusgood

It’s a pretty pretentious piece in which Maitlis appoints herself to role of the Guardian of Truth and Justice…

The real question now is how those of us listening to the lies respond…Our priority, uncomfortable as it sounds, is not one of balance but of fairness. We are not being fair to our readers or our viewers if we know something to be untrue and we simply fail to say it. 

It is unedifying to be in a position where the media is “fighting back” against the democratically elected leader, on his first day in office. But the alternative is worse: to become a voice cowed by a sense of neutrality or decency — into not doing its job. Words matter in a presidency.

The media is not ‘fighting back’…the media set out from the start to attack Trump and derail his election attempt, and the BBC, despite being British, was at the forefront of those attempts to vilify and malign Trump neglecting to analyse his policies which he outlined in sober interviews, preferring instead to sensationalise his every comment and to twist and exaggerate his words and meanings…such as on Mexican immigrants and Muslims.  Rather than examine the issues behind his words they prefer to resort to simply calling him racist and islamophobic and that’s about the sum total of their ‘analysis’ and comment on Trump.

And what of this claim by Maitlis?…’the alternative is worse: to become a voice cowed by a sense of neutrality or decency — into not doing its job.’

The BBC definitely does not do its job, it has long censored its news, omitting bits here, adding comment there, emphasising this, downplaying that, in order to shape a narrative that it believes is ‘good’, that works to further the BBC’s own world view.  We know it censors genuine news about immigrants and Muslims that would portray them in a negative light and would make people think both are not such a good thing…the BBC claims it doesn’t want to give the ‘Right’ ammunition to criticise immigration policy or Islam and thus, apparently, ‘enabling and giving licence to racism’,  Or perhaps just enabling fair and justified comment.  Around 1,400 white girls were raped and abused because of just that type of BBC policy of hiding the truth, and the face of European culture is being radically changed by the importation of millions of Muslims without any consent of the people of Europe…and the BBC again hides the truth about the consequences of that and actually works to facilitate the flow.  The BBC buries its head in the sand and refuses to acknowledge there is a war going on in Europe already, it’s a slow burn but can only intensify as more and more migrants flow into Europe providing an ever increasing pool of recruits and a power base to intimidate and blackmail politicians and those of the Establishment who can be made to favour them.

The BBC, far from being the beacon of truth, decency and neutrality that Maitlis claims, is dangerously interfering in the democratic politics of many nations and undermining the civil society, cohesion and stabilty of them.

The BBC is one of the biggest dangers to democracy and peace in the Western world today.  Putin must be laughing his socks off.  No need to hack any emails, just have the useful idiots with BBC passes do the work for him.


Validating our long-range nuclear ballistic missile capability to the world may sound morbid, as using that capability operationally would probably mean the apocalypse, but it is entirely necessary. These missiles stand as our deterrent against such a reality ever happening. Testing them occasionally provides validation for our own military and civilian infrastructure structure that supports them, as well as reminding our potential enemies that our capabilities are very real and very, very deadly


It’s not rocket science is it?  Trident…it’s a deterrent.  For deterrents to work they must be convincing.  That’s why the government publishes successful launches and didn’t publicise a failure.  Simple…you’d have thought.

Laura Kuenssberg thinks the government is making it up as they go along….

The government seems to have decided now to resort to that answer. Business Secretary Greg Clark has been using that “security” defence as a way of avoiding the issue.

But it’s tricky because the government does indeed talk about weapons testing, even sending out press releases, and publicly awarding trophies to military teams when the tests go well.

When, as it appears they don’t and the results are kept secret, the “security” excuse sounds less convincing.

I don’t think defence matters are Kuenssberg’s strong point having already been hauled over the coals for having misled the public over an answer given by Jeremy Corbyn.


I guess you can’t win…even a successful launch generates ‘the wildest theories’…

The country was awed last weekend when the Navy executed an unannounced launch of a Trident D5 ballistic missile off the California coast. For those that watch for such things, the incredible visual event was clearly a rocket launch, for others it was a canvas on which to paint their wildest theories.


The BBC is misleading us here as well…look at this…

Conservative MP Julian Lewis, chairman of the Commons Defence Committee, said Mrs May had been “handed a no-win situation” by her predecessor as Prime Minister, David Cameron, whose “spin doctors” had been responsible for a “cover-up”.

He told Today that the government usually released film footage of the “99%” of missile tests deemed a success and that ministers could not “have it both ways” by not announcing when this had not been the case.

Kate Hudson, general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, said: “There’s absolutely no doubt that this would have impacted on the debate in Parliament.”

Why does the BBC tell us that CND thinks this would have impacted on the Trident renewal vote, and relates in depth what Lewis said but doesn’t tell us that Lewis also said that the failed launch was totally irrelevant to the debate, emphasising that 99% of tests are successful?  In other words it would have had no relevance and no impact on the debate and vote.

Is the BBC just making trouble for May and trying to stir the pot?  Kuenssberg may have provided us with the answer to that…and it’s a ‘yes’….

The refusal now to answer questions over the mistake gives even more succour to the government’s opponents.

And the refusal to say “who knew” allows those suspicious of ministers’ motives to wonder what else we don’t know.


No Go Mo



You may have noticed recently that the BBC frequently refers to the Daily Mail apology to the Mahmood family for a Katie Hopkins’ article that suggested the reason they were prevented from travelling to the US was not an outrageous case of Islamophobia but perhaps there were sufficient grounds for doing so.  Not sure why the Mail surrendered so easily and not only apologised but coughed up a large amount of money as well….Hopkins was only reporting the facts as she understood them, if in a rather strident manner.  If she is wrong then so is CBS, LBC and of course the US Homeland Security…

One of the brothers was stopped from entering Israel and was detained for 8 days along with a group of other Muslim youths, and Homeland Security found that there was a Facebook page apparently originating from the Mahmood’s home address that linked to Islamist extremists.

Not proof of anything but enough to raise suspicions and all Hopkins was doing was countering the wave of media reporting that failed to report the whole truth…

My opponents can carry on with their lazy labels. Call me racist (Islam is not a race). Report me for my tweets. (You can’t prosecute the truth) and threaten my life. (Nothing new from the peace-loving liberal left.)

But it will not stop me from giving balance to the total mis-telling of a story about this lovely British family off to Disneyland to make dreams come true. 

Who was it though that stirred the pot and encouraged a claim against the Mail?  Our old friend from the Muslim Council of Britain [That extreme group] Miqdaad Versi whom the BBC is currently eulogising…

The man correcting stories about Muslims

Miqdaad Versi sits in front of a rather geeky-looking spreadsheet at the offices of the Muslim Council of Britain in east London.

He is the organisation’s assistant secretary general, but the task in front of him is a personal project.

The spreadsheet has on it every story published concerning Muslims and Islam that day in the British media – and he is going through them looking for inaccuracies.

Trouble is Versi has a rather narrow targeting range…seemingly consisting only of ‘right-wing’ media.

His complaints are trivial, mendacious and intended to silence the media if only by making their lives very difficult by forcing them into court whether they are right or wrong…such as in the Hopkins’ case where you might think the Mail had a good defence.

We’ve had a look at one of his previous efforts…and once again it seems that he is using Muslim lawfare to muzzle the Press with the BBC backing him all the way.




Rights Said Frederika




Ah the power of this blog…no sooner had I posted this last night…’Women march against Trump and the BBC looks on with tears in its eyes but this is the same BBC that deliberately hid what it knew was going on in Rochdale and Rotherham as 1,400 white girls were raped and abused by mostly Pakistani heritage men, the same BBC that told us that what happened in Cologne was a right-wing conspiracy, the same BBC that ignores what is happening across Europe which makes Norway the rape capital of Europe with Sweden not far behind.  Guess the BBC is only interested in women’s rights if they are black or vote Democrat.’….and this morning Nicky Campbell is talking about women’s rights….one of the guest speakers suggesting it is odd that we[not me] march against Trump when the real danger to women is happening on our own doorstep, specifically within certain communities.

One stand-out comment from Campbell made me laugh…he told us that his daughter loves a book by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, you know, the anti-Muslim extremism battler who was driven out of Europe by the liberal defenders of the indefensible which includes institutionally imposed misogyny.  [Hirsi Ali thinks Sharia law might be bad for women, gays, Jews, Christians etc etc].  Shame Campbell doesn’t follow in his daughter’s footsteps…he prefers to get his Islamic education from the likes of Mo Ansar….which explains an awful lot.

Odd that the BBC should downplay the role that the Koran plays in fostering hatred of women, its GCSE Bitesize site told us that Christianity didn’t much respect women but Islam did.  Islam we were told, believed men and women were equal but that they had different roles and this explains the different way women are treated in Islam…different but equally respected the BBC assured us.

The Bible gets a completely different treatment from the BBC’s Jo Fidgin….

‘The Bible teaches our children to hate women before they can think’

A few months ago, a friend told me that she’d been reading fairy tales to her two year old, and had been appalled to realise what messages they send. The girls in them are rewarded for being passive, long suffering and, most of all, for being beautiful. Her rather gorgeous daughter had started to fret that she didn’t have the requisite blue eyes and talked about wanting to scratch them out.

That conversation prompted the Misogyny Book Club, going out on Radio 4 this week. I started to wonder what other books that are widely read and loved say about women, and whether they may have helped make hatred or contempt of women part of our culture; part of ‘the air that we breathe’, as one contributor to the series puts it.

We started with the Bible, and the figure of Eve. Whether or not you believe she was the first woman, there’s no getting away from her. Her name has become shorthand for duplicitous, malleable, irresponsible Woman.

In Genesis, chapter 3, Eve is beguiled by the serpent into taking fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Many have said that Eve’s real sin was to be curious. Curious to know things she shouldn’t. Curious to experience good and evil. Curious about sex.

Can you ever imagine a time when the BBC would tell us that the Koran teaches Muslim men to hate women?  The same BBC that actively sought to supppress the truth about Muslim demographics in Europe but was keen to tell us that Christians were using the womb ‘as a weapon’.

Jo Fidgin of course the seeker of truth and facts who listed all the faults of the Leave campaign, denounced Trump, blamed the Iraq War and climate change ‘denial’ on fake news  but neglected somehow to do the same for the Remain one or left wing causes.

This series by Fidgin, The Misogyny Bookclub, shines an educational light upon BBC’s world view, its commissioning process and editorial standards.

Here’s a women, Fidgin, who suddenly had an idea, that books are teaching men to hate women, and she trots along to the BBC and instantly gets the green light.  So one person with her own prejudices and a singular idea is given a platform to hawk those prejudices worldwide on the BBC as ‘fact’….and they are presented as ‘fact’  This from a woman who is so interested in true truths and true facts, apparently.

What Fidgin fails to understand or admit is that the Bible is an ancient text written to take account of the political and social conditions of the time and which today, the average person, the Establishment, and even the Church, do not take literally.  They may take it seriously as a symbolic representation of values [like Royalty] but the values have changed and the ‘bad’ values have been quietly and gradually forgotten and put aside, Hellfire and Brimstone replaced with tea and scones with the vicar.  This is not the case with Islam and the Koran which is still taken as the literal word of God and its every utterance taken as the true path to be followed to the letter.

Does anyone today come away from reading the Bible with the thought that they must hate women?



Start the Week Open Thread

Black is the new Black.

Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize because he was black, he has since dropped somewhere near 30,000 bombs from drones in the last year alone, killing countless civilians along the way. Trump was given the bum’s rush for speaking inconvenient truths.

We were told Trump ‘attacked civil rights icon’ John Lewis, black, when the reality is Trump was responding to Lewis’ attack on him.  Lewis is applauded and feted, Trump maligned and slandered.

Women march against Trump and the BBC looks on with tears in its eyes but this is the same BBC that deliberately hid what it knew was going on in Rochdale and Rotherham as 1,400 white girls were raped and abused by mostly Pakistani heritage men, the same BBC that told us that what happened in Cologne was a right-wing conspiracy, the same BBC that ignores what is happening across Europe which makes Norway the rape capital of Europe with Sweden not far behind.  Guess the BBC is only interested in women’s rights if they are black or vote Democrat.

And of course if you have a brown skin or a ‘non-white’ religion you have a licence to bomb and shoot white people and the BBC will find excuses for you and make sure people ‘understand’ the grievances that drove you to this violence….you are a victim twice over.

Another open thread for a new week and a new dawn….